Why do we need a decentralized online casino? (Part 2)

3 min readOct 13, 2021


* If you have not read the previous article, please have a look at the following:

Casino Made for Everyone Involved

A typical Casino is run by a central management that usually makes decisions so that only a few people will reap the benefits. What if everyone can own a piece of a casino that is run without any central management while also being transparent? This is exactly what Sunrise Gaming is all about. Sunrise Gaming will reveal 100% (*1) of the revenue generated is to the public, and will have designed the system to distribute all the revenue to everyone involved in the SUNRISE GAMING eco system.

All the users who hold SUNC tokens will have the right to benefit from and vote on DAO and on DeFi for important decisions, that will all be operated on the SUNRISE GAMING platform. The platform will have proof of beneficiary and voting rights while cooperating in a fully independent and transparent manner.

Voting Rights (decentralized decision-making by voting)

All the decisions for any major operation are decided by those who have voting rights. The more tokens a user holds, the more influence one will have. The results for every voting decision will be transparent and fair.

Beneficiary Right (Profit sharing through NFTs)

SUNRISE GAMING distributes the owner’s rights for each table of each game as an “NFT(Non-Fungible Token)”(*2). This allows you to own safe and transparent rights.

By owning these rights, you will be able to safely earn the revenue generated by the game tables you own. Table ownership using the aforementioned “NFT” technology will be sold and purchased in the NFT market. This table ownership regarded as an NFT entitles the owners to 30% of the revenue generated from each game table.

We are convinced that this project will be a game changer in the online casino industry and create a new page of casino history. Hopefully we can all strive and work together to create a new dawn of online casino games. Will you be able to see the “sunrise” or drown in the dark abyss of the old system?

*1–20% will be returned to users as a DAO Fund and 20% as a jackpot.

*2 — a digital data with proof of ownership that cannot be forged or altered

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to reach out to us with questions, we are always happy to hear from you. Our community managers are there for you on Telegram.


Please click on this page to check our information.

Official website https://sunrisegaming-dao.com/

White Paper https://docs.sunrisegaming-dao.com/

Twitter https://twitter.com/SunriseGaming_d

Telegram Announcements https://t.me/sunrisecasinobydao

Telegram Chat https://t.me/engchatsuneisegamingbydao

medium https://medium.com/@Sunrise_Gaming_by_DAO

CoinGecko https://www.coingecko.com/coins/sunrise

“Our token, SUNC”

SUNC Contract Address: 0x692accdd8b86692427e0aa4752ae917df01cc56f

xSUNC Contract Address: 0xbf4d18ae16f2deeb1e24a3c85b5f9dcc41d4a09e

SUNC/ETH LP Address: 0x692accdd8b86692427e0aa4752ae917df01cc56f




Sunrise Gaming is dedicated to make casino games decentralized as well as make all the games trackable on its native blockchain.