3 min readJul 12, 2022


At SUPERF3ST we’re laser focused on providing utility that’s tangible, valuable and meets the needs of our community. In line with that focus, we’ve introduced a fresh utility offering to the SUPERPASS minting on July 15th.

What is the Field Trip?

In a nutshell, the Field Trip is an experience stipend. It allows SUPERPASS holders to attend experiences for free in return for gathering useful insights and content that can benefit the project.

Here’s an overview of the mechanics -

  • SUPERPASS holders identify an experience that they want to attend.
  • During a seasonal submission window, holders will submit proposals outlining the experience(s) they want to attend and why.
  • The SUPERF3ST team will review each proposal and identify the best submissions to go on a Field Trip.
  • Trippers will be provided with tickets to the event (for free) and other seasonal perks.
  • Following the event, Trippers will share key insights and content gathered while on the ground.

The Goal of Field Trips

  1. Provide the SUPERF3ST community with utility that can be activated year round.
  2. Enable the SUPERF3ST community to engage with culture forward experiences regardless of geographical location.
  3. Scout, discover and mine insights that inspire new creative ideas for SUPERF3ST.
  4. Provide opportunities for IRL community gatherings beyond SUPERF3ST planned events.


  • What kind of experiences are eligible to participate? If the experience you’re seeking can translate to insights and inspiration that can aid the planning process of SUPERF3ST, it’s eligible. Your attendance must bring value back to the project in some capacity, but this can be done in a number of ways and should be a focal point in your proposal.
  • Can non-holders be part of the experience and receive free tickets? Free tickets will be reserved to support SUPERPASS holder access to the event only.
  • Can Field Trips be used to support community led meetups with other holders? Yes, and this is highly encouraged. Attending with other community members will undoubtedly spark some serious inspiration, while also strengthening community engagement.
  • Will SUPERF3ST be covering travel expenses? No. We’ll get you in the event, but you have to get there and plan your journey.
  • Are there any geographical limitations for which events can be accessed? No, this program is intended to be accessible across the globe.
  • What do you mean by “gather insights”? The goal is for you to experience something new and interesting that could provide value to the planning process of SUPERF3ST. If something stood out to you or an idea was sparked, write it down. Each Field Trip will be followed by some form of a share-out of information from those in attendance.
  • Am I being required to create a PowerPoint or something to share my notes? Not at all. A simple one pager with bullets will work fine, but if you decide to go above and beyond, it can only benefit you and the community. Remember, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out of SUPERF3ST.
  • What kind of content do I need to capture and why? Your smartphone should work fine but feel free to use more advanced equipment if you have access to it. We’d love to have your notes supported by some visuals and get some great shots of the SUPERFAM in the field to potentially share on social media.
  • What are the submission windows? Prior to each season of field trips, we’ll formally announce the submission window and all associated requirements as they may change slightly season to season. There will be four seasons (think annual quarters) and each submission window will launch at least 30 days prior.
  • Can I attend multiple events? Yes. However, we will be making an effort to share the love and ensure new submitters who haven’t attended a Field Trip yet are prioritized. That said, holders who establish a brand for over delivering on the value they bring back will certainly benefit from their efforts long term.
  • When will the first submission window launch? In the coming weeks following mint. We want to get in the field ASAP!

More updates to come as we approach the first submission window!




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