Spirit Warrior Mobile Game — New Reward System

4 min readSep 18, 2019


We want to Democratize the blockchain and to achieve this goal we have decided to improve the reward system for our Spirit Warrior mobile game.

Next we will describe the new reward system.


SpiritWarrior mobile game will have 5 dynamic pools for each difficulty level. The top 50 will be awarded.

What is a Dynamic Pool?

A dynamic Pool has a base reward and the amount of the pool increases as users play to participate in it.

Why does each level have 5 pools?

The Spirit Warrior mobile game accepts 5 payment methods (TRX, TSY, SWG, BTT and TWX), for each payment method a rewards pool is generated.

How do I get the right to 5 Pools?

The player must rank in the top 50 of the level, and must unlock each Pool.

How do I unlock the 5 pools?

To unlock the 5 pools of a level, the user must play with the token corresponding to the pool he wishes to unlock. Example, if I want to unlock the TRX Pool I will have to play at least once using TRX as a Payment method.

How will the classification work in the game?

Users are classified by level according to the number of coins collected.

Should I make a great score per pool?

No, it will be enough to make a great score in any of the 5 pools, but to access the 5 pools you must play at least 1 time in each of them.

Which are the amounts to pay per token and per level?

The image shows the amounts to be paid per token and per level. From left to right, EASY, MEDIUM and HARD

Can I earn tokens immediately?

YES, you can collect diamonds which will allow you to earn TWX and BTT tokens. The collected coins will allow you to classify in the pool. The previous rewards system will no longer be valid. The table shows the number of tokens per diamond collected per level.

For example, the player collected 5 diamonds in level Hard, the game will pay 5 x 15 = 75 BTT and 75 TWX

Where can I see the Pools and the amounts I can earn?

In the initial screen you will have a cup in which the Ranking and the pool by level are observed.

The image shows an example of the amounts to be paid per token and per level for a player who activates the 5 pools in the 5 levels. From left to right, EASY, MEDIUM and HARD. The first column shows the token symbol and the number of tokens in the pool, the second column shows the tokens that will be received at the end of the pool if the position is maintained, column 3 shows the amount that would receive the Played Top 1. Remember that the pool is dynamic, the more players play with the tokens the greater the reward will be for the top 50. In the example the player activates all the pools, if the pool of a token is inactive and you are part from the top 50, you will display the zero value.

At what time does the daily pool close?

The Pool closes 20:30 pm UTC-5 and the score restarts

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SWGamers is a token that can be used as a payment method to play all of the games developed by the SpiritWarrior team.