Git&Git hub Part 1.1

Feb 7, 2023


Hey Guys! Today We are going to study about Branch&Merge in Git.

That mean you can duplicate the original file and work there, that’s called “branches” in git and after final you can add that to main file that’s called “merge”.

so we’ll see how to do that,

=>git branch- list your all branches

=>git branch [branch-name]- To create a branch on particular name

=>git checkout branch name- to switch to another branch or main

=>git merge branch name- To merge branch with stable version

=>git log- Now you can show the versions and branches

All we studied changes are only happen in the local but if we want to change or update in git hub you want to use this command

=> git push

you can also take file from git hub by using this command

=>git pull

that’s all from today guys

