Network Reference Model|OSI&TCP/IP

2 min readMar 10, 2023


geeks for geeks

there are two reference model such as OSI & TCP/IP

Basically if sender send data to receiver that will inject into network ,so if send a data ,to do this some hardware and software need to work together.

There are some layers in reference model, in each layer data will go as varies methods. also in each layer data get new names. in this section we will study about those kinds of things.

first of all OSI Model.. OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection which is conceptual model . there are 7 layers. every layers are shows how data transmits from sender to receiver. this is protocol independent standard.

07.Application Layer

06.Presentation Layer

05.Session Layer

04.Transport Layer

03.Network Layer

02.Data link Layer

01.Physical Layer

those 07, 06, 05 layers are called software Layers.

remaining 04, 03, 02, 01 layers are called hardware layers.

the names given for data in each section ,that is called PDU’s (Protocol Data Unit)


Transport layer:Packets

Network layer:Segments

Data link layer:Frames

Physical layer:Bit

each layer works their respective works

07.Application layer: Providing Interface to user

06.Presentation Layer:Responsible for defining a standard format for the data it deals with data presentation for example, encoding:decoding ,encryption:decryption, compression:Decompression

05.Session layer: it is responsible for establishing, maintaining and terminating the session

04.Transport layer:Responsible for end-to-end transportation of data between the application

03.Network layer:Its responsible for end-to-end transportation of data across multiple networks.

Logical addressing and path determination (routing) are described at this layer.

The protocols work at network layers are,Routed protocols and Routing Protocols.

02.Data link layer: it is responsible for end-to-end delivery of data between the devices on LAN network segment

01.Physical layer: it deals with the physical transmission of binary data on the given media(ex: copper, fiber, wireless)

Next TCP/IP .

TCP - Stands for Transmission Control Protocol

IP- Stands for Internet Protocol

in this scenario TCP/IP has 4 architectural layers

Protocol dependented standard


02.Transport layer

03.Network layer

04.Physical layer


