Live Better On Saturn
3 min readJun 12, 2024
The Weldding Day
Illustration of caelus suits.
Illustration of Nicholas suits

Seperti harapan sang pujaan hati, disinilah Caelus sekarang berdiri di atas Altar bersama dengan tuxedo putih dan hitam yang membalut tubuh tegapnya. Perasaan gugup memenuhi ruang pikiran Caelus, apa yang akan dia lakukan saat Artha sudah berada dihadapannya nanti? Apa yang harus diucapkan? Pikirannya yang sedari tadi berkecamuk didalam otaknya seketika hilang saat melihat pujaan hatinya berjalan perlahan kearahnya menggunakan setelah yang sama, hanya saja Narthana menjadi lebih cantik dari biasanya dengan tuxedo putih membalut tubuhnya yang juga putih seperti susu itu.

"Can we start the wedding now Mr.Caelus?" Lontaran pernyataan yang membangunkan Caelus dari imajinasi yang diciptakan karena keindahan sosok dihadapannya sekarang.

"Ah yes you can start the wedding now" Sedikit gugup tapi itulah ending dari kalimat sebelum dia menjadi pasangan Narthana

"Friends, family, we gather together on this day, to celebrate the Union of carlos and tk in Marriage. They chose to make their Commitment not only two each other, but to the world. Tk carlos suround by sea of love, your family and your friends wish you a joy, may you laugh together often, make surprise each other daily, and the most important thing is always taking care of each other."

"Now you guys can tell us about your speech"

"Narthana Karunaksara
You're the dream I would not allow myself to have I have lived my life in, in so much fear.
Closed off.
Shut down in ways I didn't realize. You are the key that unlocked me. The fact that I'm standing here with you today, before God, my family, everyone is nothing short of a miracle.
You're my miracle, Narthana. My miracle. And the greatest adventure of my life.
And no matter where the journey takes us, I vow to be by your side. I vow to be the caretaker of your wild heart." - Caelus Pramudya

"Caelus Pramudya
When I first met you, you looked at me as if you knew something about me that I didn't know about myself. You saw me for the man I hadn't yet become. And you lit the path for me to get there.
I spent so long feeling like I didn't deserve happiness.
Or even a future. Like maybe I was too broken. But you changed that. And whenever I see you, I feel whole.
And I vow... Caelus Pramudya, to take care and nurture your heart for the rest of my life as if it was my very own." - Narthana Karunaksara

"Now i declare to the word, family, and friends that you guys are husband and husband, may you kiss your partner now"

Lantunan musik "Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling In Love" Memenuhi ruangan yang penuh dengan kebahagiaan saat pasangan Caelus-Narthana saling menyampaikan rasa bahagia mereka melalui ciuman, tak terlalu lama untuk ciuman dihari bahagia mereka saat ini, tapi cerita kebahagiaan akan selalu melingkupi mereka yang sedang mensyukuri setiap momen bersama.