The Future is Unwritten

We Love To Be Real
4 min readFeb 2, 2017

As I lie here pondering about my life, I regret that double shot of espresso I so enjoyed late yesterday afternoon. It seems my stubborn self will never learn. Alas, it’s 3.42 am and instead of tossing and turning, I might as well write another entry. It has been awhile since my last post. Every time I sit down to write, something comes up. More like I lose myself in the social media world inundated with frightening political agenda’s, unacceptable tragedies and how-to be a better human being posts.

Four years ago, my house burned down to the ground. The reason I’m sharing this with you is because pegged on the wall in front of me is a quote I bought from an ETSY seller. The message is printed on a parchment-style paper, “The Future is Unwritten” by Joe Strummer of the Clash. These words were fuelled by the Punk Movement — a rebellion against the state with the belief that people could unify to create a more egalitarian state. Not so far fetched, now is it?

The fire started in the garage right below my office, at the time. The blaze shot through the floor and pretty much scorched my whole desk, files, computer, chair, the works. Yet this piece of delicate paper with the reminder that it’s up to us to make a change, remained on my desk still somewhat intact. Its edges are burned and the paper is darkened by the flames but the message is still legible.

If this paper can survive a sea of flames and a surge of pressurized water from a fire truck hose, then people I think we can all have faith in the human race. Maybe this quote survived to remind me that no matter the hardship before us, we can prevail. The revolution is now. It’s about time that we come together and act instead of being our complacent selves just tweeting or hating on social media.

I have to believe that there’s a greater force in play here — that Trump was elected to draw out the deep-rooted racism and ignorance within America. Maybe this is happening to the American people because it’s time to stop hiding behind their blind patriotism. This “land of the free” is being served with a rude awakening. And it’s up to the people to rise and make a real difference — one that cements an actual change in the system.

I feel for my friends who live in the U.S. — those who have fought for LGBT rights and women’s rights; those who have marched in the streets promoting peace and solidarity; those who are discriminated day after day because of the color of their skin or their religion. Because of this mysogynist, they need to take to the streets for fear of losing it all again. It’s preposterous that in 2017, we find ourselves in this struggle again.

I mean it’s only February and threats of sending US troops into Mexico and Iran have already been declared. Am I surprised? No. First and foremost, he is head of the Republican party and that has always been their M.O.: invade, sell weapons, pillage countries, rebuild, make lots of money, return as “heroes”.

This is a wake up call to America that yes, they need help from the outside. Justice is not being served within their borders. Their beloved constitution is being rejected by their very own president-elect. The “greatest” country in the world is regressing day by day and soon we will refer to it as the “wild, wild west” for real!

If my house can be reduced to ashes in an hour and be rebuilt in 3 months, we have hope that the daily protests and movements will actually bring change. We have hope that a wall will not be built. We have hope that the outright racist #MuslimBan will be lifted. We have hope that a civil war will not erupt. We have hope that the narcissist will not squander any progress laid out in the previous administration with LGBT rights, women’s rights and all human rights.

If we walk the talk (like my friend Rosella is doing — you go girl!) then just maybe there is hope. After all, “The Future is Unwritten.”



We Love To Be Real

Sabrina D. #NoFilter #MusicLover (IG/welove_tobereal) #JewelryBlog (IG/welove_bijoux) #ContentCreator (IG/welove_social) #TravelBlog (IG/welove_totravel) Peace!