Become an Oblate: Yankton Chapter
Over 400 men and women of many different Christian faiths are Oblates of Sacred Heart Monastery.
The Yankton Chapter meets every third Sunday of the month from September through May at 1:00 pm at Sacred Heart Monastery. The Director sends a newsletter every other month, except during the summer months. Those who cannot attend because of distance also are welcome and receive the Newsletter.
Ceremonies of enrollment as oblate novices and making final oblation of promises take place at the monastery in April annually or on other dates if Oblates have a conflict. Expectations include praying privately or with others as time and circumstances permit — the daily Liturgy of the Hours (Morning and Evening Praise) and Lectio (reading and reflecting on Scripture, a commentary, or the Rule of Benedict).
S. Patricia Heirigs, OSB
Sacred Heart Monastery
1005 West 8th Street
Yankton, SD 57078
605–668–6000 or 668–6017