Become an Oblate: Sioux Falls Chapter
Ten men and women belong to the Sioux Falls Oblate Chapter of Sacred Heart Monastery.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday evening of each month during the school year from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Meeting place is the social room at 6315 S Connie Ave, Sioux Falls.
The Ceremonies of Enrollment and Final Oblations when Oblates make promises to live according to the Rule insofar as their status in life permits, take place in March or at another convenient date.
Expectations include private or communal (when possible) prayer daily as time permits of the Liturgy of the Hours (Morning and Evening Praise), Lectio (reading and reflecting on Scripture, a commentary or the Rule of St. Benedict) and meeting together whenever possible.
S. Barbara McTague, OSB
6201 S Connie Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Phone: (605) 332–6205