Meet Sister Louise Marie Goettertz

Sacred Heart Monastery
2 min readSep 17, 2021


I was born a country girl in the farming community near Turkey Ridge , S.D., a place too small for a post office, so our address was Freeman, S.D.

Our Faith was very important in our family. Going to Sunday Mass somehow drew me in and seemed to be “so special” even at a young age. I wanted to go to Mass. Without being able to explain it somehow I sensed the presence of God.

I attended a one room school for my elementary grades, but high school was the real gift. My parents sacrificed much so that all three of us girls came to Mount Marty High School.

The Sisters, who were most of the teachers then, were attractive to me. I observed them closely and found myself admiring several of them. I can still see in my mind’s eye some of them hurrying off to prayer around five pm.

At Mount Marty, we had Mass every day, and I was there. It was an even greater thrill when on some special occasions we students would join the Sisters at their Mass! I found myself wanting to be like them. To be the goodness I saw in them.

I’ve always loved to be out in nature and most days as a child would go out by myself just to be out in the peace and quiet sounds of nature to watch the breeze wave the grain, or listen to the rustle of the corn leaves. One day somewhere between my Sophomore and Junior high school years I heard a new sound out in the nature I so loved. It was the soft and peaceful call of God, “Go to the Convent”. Since I was the only person out in the pasture, I knew who was speaking in my heart.

Now, God had my attention. Soon I was talking with one of my High School teachers, Sr. Ann, and eventually, much later she asked if I wished to visit with Mother Jerome. I did and soon had my papers to enter.

The Benedictine Sisters influenced my decision not by any gimmicks or strategies other than their prayerfulness, goodness and happiness. I am glad that I am now one of them.



Sacred Heart Monastery

We are Benedictine women of Yankton, SD, sharing our gift of seeking God through prayer, work, study and community life.