Flutter will die, sooner than you think. My explanations ⬇️

Christopher Saez 📱
5 min readApr 16, 2024

[Edit April 30th 2024]: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/latest-google-layoffs-hit-the-flutter-and-python-groups/. It confirms the Point 1.

Stop using Flutter; it will die sooner than you think. If you’re working with Flutter, you should consider halting its usage in your projects. Please present this article to your CTOs, CEOs or whoever is relevant, but you need to anticipate the future for yourself and your tech team.

What are the hints that Flutter will die ?

Google layed off many developers on Fuchsia in 2023

📉 Google could abandonning it

Google could abandoning Flutter because its priority changed. Like the Apple with AppleCar, Google is capable to stop investing bilions of dollars and you should keep in mind that stoping a bilion dollar project is like for a small company stoping a 100k$ project, nothing so to say. To understant why Google is abandonning it, we must understand why they created it. Flutter was supposed to be like a flagship of Fuchsia an open source operating system where Flutter would be the default language of programming. But why Google wanted to invest in a new OS ? I don’t have the answer and you have please write in comments 🙌. We can suppose that it a…



Christopher Saez 📱

Lead mobile engineer on both #iOS and #Android @Shopmium 🚀