Small Actions for a Big Change

2 min readApr 23, 2014

In the famous photo Pale Blue Dot, the Earth appears a pixel within a sunbeam. The one realization that will dawn upon anyone is that the Earth is incredibly small in the true vastness of space. Small, yet, incredibly significant.

It is our only home. And we’re destroying it. Our natural environment has changed drastically over the past 100 years. Landscapes have been altered dramatically, natural sources have been polluted and depleted and entire species have disappeared.
The need of the hour (of every minute), is to take positive action towards restoring balance to the environment; to the Earth. We all are responsible and we all need to contribute. The good part is that we all can contribute.
Every action and contribution counts.
We know that our actions will not cause an overnight revolution. We also know that a positive action will be met with heavy negative counteraction. The underlying gist is that we must continue to strive towards a better Earth; a better home.

Small actions do not show fruition immediately. They do so over time. We need to educate, practice and impart how small actions can make our environment better. In this case the more the merrier is actually needed.

You may be one who refuses plastics, bicycles more often, recycles, switches off when not needed, uses a compost bin etc. There are myriad ways to make positive, small contributions towards a better environment.

And just like the Earth in the Pale Blue Dot, even the small can be incredibly significant.




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