I have 200 Saved Drafts That I will Use For My June Writing Posts

These drafts are quickly building up!

Safiyyah Shakir
2 min readJun 8, 2024
Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash

There are almost 200 posts in my saved drafts. For the month of June, I will strictly be using these drafts for my posts. I will be sorting them to see what can be used, what can be deleted, or what can stay for a later time. If there is something that I specifically need that is not in the drafts, then I will create a new post.

A lot of the posts are from my past attempts at losing weight. Since they contain a lot of the same thoughts and mechanisms that I am using now, I am going to change them. Instead, these posts will be enhanced for what’s going on now in my life.

With that being said, I am serious about starting the 75 soft challenge. Working on my bad habits and changing my life around is high priority this year; especially this summer. So let’s get started on preparing properly. Here is a list of things we will and won’t be doing for the next 75 days.

  1. Once I get started, DO NOT STOP!!!!!
  2. Don’t look at the scale for the next 75 days. This is not a weight loss challenge so I need to learn to not focus on my weight too much.
  4. Keep every promise I make and be open and honest.
  5. Keep to myself for these 75 days.

Let’s do this! 75 days of gaining the discipline skill here I come!

