Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Gratitude As Guardian of Mind

How to be unbreakable even at the worst situation/condition

Sahaja Arjuna
5 min readNov 4, 2023


The Problem

I was saddened when i heard the news about 2 suicide case in my city about 3 weeks ago. They both are young and beautiful college students. I keep wondering why and how this suicide thinking could cross their mind in the first place. And sadly, actually doing it??? I decide to write and share my way to deal this kind of frustation and problem.

After searching some data from social media, friends, and news, one of the victims are depressed mainly due to her finance. The other, exhausted with her college life. And the combination of other problems such as: romantical relationship, family, etc.

Well, those are my problem too! But why i don’t think about suicide as the way out even slightly?

Everyone’s conditions are different! You can’t generalize all people! And maybe, their problems were bigger than yours” You argue.

Yes, i agree that everyone’s condition are different, and their problems may bigger, but it doesn’t justify the suicide decision toward theirselves !! Let me tell you my way to face the frustation rather than suicide! You have to try these principles that have been implemented already on my life currently!

Quick Solution

If you think you need to jump off from building right now, wait a minute, read this out before you did something that i wouldn’t understand, and i hate to see some blood in the street so, here are the quick solution:

  • Take a deep breath (it will give your logical mind a time to do the work!)
  • Grateful

Long-term Solution

If you have already passed the crazy moment, i sincerely congratulate you! Next, here are the long-term solution (my way) so you will not think suicide as the way out at all!:

  • Growth Mindset (linked with hope & opportunity)
  • Hope & Opportunity
  • Grateful (again!)

Let’s break it down! (if you may)

Solving this suicide thinking!

Grateful. A simple word that (i think) could solve 50% of all the problem in the world :) God gives us countless reason why we need to being grateful. If you can inhale and exhale the oxygen from the air comfortably, let me say this: You should be grateful right now.

Yes, while you read this. Do it now! In fact, Do it everytime!

There are people who just only to breathing (as you do it now), they need to pay for it. Even if you are in that position where you need to pay everytime you are breathing, you can still grateful. What for? Many things!

You have family that take care of you, you can still moving around your body, etc. Even if you’re in the worst position, where you can’t even breath properly without medical stuff, doesn’t have family/friends, can’t moving your body, all bad things happened to you (which i think is kind of impossible because God is full of mercy), but guess what!

You Can Still Being Happy!

The life that you have right now only, has already be the most valuable thing in the world. Imagine if you don’t exist! You can’t even feel, love, understand, thinking, imagining, grateful and praying, which is the things that you can still do even at the worst scenario that i mentioned before.

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ. — Ar Rahmaan — The Beneficent

(maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan/Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that you deny?)

The person who is in Charge of your Life

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yeah i agree with Emerson that you decide your own destiny (not death), which also decide your happiness. Not the circumtances that comes to you that control your happiness. The control of your mind is You only! Don’t believe me?

Now, look arround you. Look at what is your current condition. Yeah, you may have many paperwork, annoying family, thin wallet, your desire achievement but you haven’t got them.

But, look at the other side bro/sis..!

Hope & Opportunity

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light — Aristotle

The opportunity of achieving new knowledge, opportunity to love your family, opportunity to get rich, and an opportunity to achieve your goal.

Which side do you want to look at? The first one or the second? It is same reality but completely different way of thinking!

Well, the person who take responsibility of this important decision is …. guess who (again)!

Yes, you damn right! it is You and Yourself! Lastly, let me tell you this:

You are worth to live! Even with all the problems on your shoulder, you are worth to live. Life is so wonderful if you can just aware of it. God gives you this extraordinary wonderful chance called life, that way more worthy than its problems follow behind. So, let’s enjoy this life fully! and if you may, make this world better with your presence!


If you need anything from me, just reach me on Instagram below and talk to me. I will help as best as i could. If you need a professional help, well, i don’t have preference on this topic but i do have a sister who took psychology major and I think i will hand you to her :)

Thank you, remember! being grateful=happy, and you’re good to go…

Da Capo!

Photo by Gian Reichmuth on Unsplash


Why i write this? Mainly for people who lost hopes, and i want to help them by encourage them to live fully. Suicide is too harmful for the person who decide to do it, his/her family, society, and even the world. By reminding them the concept of grateful, i hope the willingness to live and hope will eventually come up somewhere on their mind (Fact: There is always hope in the world).

And for myself, i want to remind myself that life is so wonderful and exciting, where we still have a chance and strength to see, feel, think, love, imagine, pray, and being grateful even at the worst situation/phase. And actually, i also want to improve my english skills :)

Da Capo again!

written by: satya.a.w


And actually many more…

