Two sides of a coin…!

2 min readFeb 28, 2022


Two sides of a coin.. Heads or Tails? or can say Skills or Degree?

Skills vs Degree

In previous decades, a degree was considered a must if you wanted to get a high paying job. However, especially in the current time, things are constantly changing! Machines are taking over many jobs, and the jobs that are left require creativity and a bit more of a “human touch”. Without a doubt, skills are becoming more and more handy to have when applying for a job.

There is a huge unemployment and underemployed rate among graduates with degrees.

Major reason why it’s not worth it to study at even the best colleges is that many degrees don’t give you any practical experience. You’re being taught everything in theory, not in practice. Thus, you don’t acquire any vital skills which you need to have to get a job or to grow in life.

Elon Musk says that I Didn’t go to Harvard but the people working for me did.

Consider such successful people as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, David Geffen, Paul Allen or Dave Thomas. They amassed a fortune and yet, have no college degree. So, how come they managed to be so successful?

Well, the truth is that you don’t need a college degree if you have skills, ambition and a big plan.

Skills make the bridge between point A to B.

If you have the degree you will be “hired” in the morning and “fired” in evening.

That’s My opinion what is yours?

