The Evolution of Plaster of Paris in India: Exploring the First Branded Plaster of Paris

Sakarni India
4 min readSep 4, 2023


Plaster of Paris, a versatile material widely used in construction, art, and medicine, has a long history in India. While its origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations, it wasn’t until recent centuries that we witnessed the emergence of branded Plaster of Paris products in the country. In this article, we delve into the fascinating journey of this versatile material, with a focus on the first branded Plaster of Paris in India. Join us as we explore its historical significance, evolution, and the impact it has had on various industries.

The Origins of Plaster of Paris in India

Plaster of Paris, often referred to as POP, has been utilized for centuries in India. Its name is derived from the discovery of large gypsum deposits in Montmartre, Paris, in the 17th century, which led to the development of the material as we know it today. However, the use of gypsum-based plasters in India can be traced back to ancient times, primarily in the construction of temples, palaces.

Despite its early use, Plaster of Paris remained a relatively unbranded and locally produced material in India for many years. It wasn’t until the advent of the modern industrial era that the production and marketing of branded Plaster of Paris gained traction.

The Emergence of Branded Plaster of Paris

The turning point in the history of Plaster of Paris in India came during the colonial era when the British introduced modern manufacturing techniques. This period saw the establishment of the first factories dedicated to producing Plaster of Paris on a larger scale. These factories focused on improving the quality and consistency of the material, making it more accessible and reliable for various applications.

One of the pioneers in the production of branded Plaster of Paris in India was the British-owned Plaster of Paris Company. This company played a crucial role in popularizing the use of Plaster of Paris in the country, particularly in the construction industry. The company’s products quickly gained a reputation for their superior quality, setting the stage for the development of a thriving market for branded Plaster of Paris.

The Impact on Construction and Architecture

The availability of high-quality, branded Plaster of Paris had a profound impact on the construction and architecture industries in India. Architects and builders could now rely on a consistent and durable material for a wide range of applications, from creating intricate decorative elements to reinforcing structural components.

One of the key advantages of using Plaster of Paris in construction was its versatility. It could be molded into various shapes and designs, allowing architects to push the boundaries of creativity. As a result, we saw the emergence of stunning architectural marvels adorned with intricate plasterwork, which became emblematic of the colonial and post-colonial eras in India.

The artistic and aesthetic potential of Plaster of Paris was fully harnessed during this period. Elaborate decorative ceilings, ornate cornices, and intricate friezes became common features in grand buildings and palaces. The material allowed artisans to express their creativity, leading to a renaissance in Indian architectural design.

The Role of Branded Plaster of Paris in Art and Sculpture

Aside from its significance in construction, branded Plaster of Paris also made a significant impact on the world of art and sculpture in India. The consistency and quality of the material provided artists with a reliable medium for their creative endeavors.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a surge in the production of statues, sculptures, and figurines made from Plaster of Paris. These sculptures adorned homes, gardens, and public spaces, adding a touch of artistry to everyday life. Artists and sculptors experimented with various techniques, producing lifelike and intricate pieces that captured the imagination of the Indian populace.

The Transition to Modern Industry

The mid-20th century marked a transition in the Plaster of Paris industry in India. With the nation gaining independence in 1947, there was a renewed focus on self-reliance and industrialization. This shift led to the development of domestic manufacturing capabilities for Plaster of Paris, reducing the country’s reliance on imported products.

Indian entrepreneurs recognized the potential of the Plaster of Paris market, and numerous factories sprang up across the nation. These factories aimed to meet the growing demand for plaster products in construction, art, and healthcare. While the British-owned Plaster of Paris Company had paved the way for the industry, it was now time for Indian companies to shine.

The First Branded Plaster of Paris in India

The evolution of Plaster of Paris in India culminated in the emergence of the first branded Plaster of Paris produced by Indian companies. These indigenous brands played a pivotal role in shaping the industry’s future. As a result, the term “first branded Plaster of Paris in India” has historical significance.

The introduction of Indian-branded Plaster of Paris represented a significant milestone in the nation’s industrial journey. These products were not only of high quality but also catered to the specific needs and preferences of the Indian market. Local companies began to establish their own identities and build trust among consumers.


The history of Plaster of Paris in India is a tale of transformation and progress. From its ancient use in architecture and art to the emergence of branded products during the colonial era, Plaster of Paris has left an indelible mark on the nation’s cultural and industrial landscape. The first branded Plaster of Paris in India played a vital role in elevating the material’s status and making it an integral part of construction, art, and sculpture.

Today, Plaster of Paris remains an essential component in various industries, and the legacy of its evolution continues to shape India’s architectural and artistic endeavors. As we look back on this journey, it becomes evident that the first branded Plaster of Paris in India was not just a product; it was a symbol of progress, creativity, and the spirit of innovation that has defined the nation’s history.



Sakarni India

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