Punk Ninja Brief Q&A

1 min readNov 9, 2022


Why PunkNinja chooses to be a casual game platform?

Not everyone has time to play AAA games, casual games have more users, which is a good start for us. Web3 not only needs AAA-made MMORPGs, but also needs some games that you can play in your spare time, you can play at anytime,anywhere.

But that doesn’t mean SakuraVerse only makes casual games, some AAA games are on the way.

Rome was not built in a day, and there is no shortage of people who make AAA games in Web3. The current web3 games need a proven economic model that can operate for a long time. That’s what PunkNinja will do.

Will PunkNinja issue coins?

PunkNinja has not issued any tokens, for now.

When can I play your games?

Soon, I mean soon.

What is the relationship between punk ninja and Sakuraverse?

Punk Ninja is a sub-platform of Sakura, which is the first web3 all-category casual game platform.
The current development and operation of PunkNinja are fully supported by the Sakura Foundation.




A web3 game infrastructure that develops and incubates multi-category games, accelerating the world's transition to Metaverse.