How Not to Learn Software Development

Salaah Amin
6 min readJun 27, 2022
A woman is frustrated looking at her laptop.

Learning to become a software developer can be a rewarding journey yielding a high salary and a fruitful career. When you embark on your journey, you may however find yourself falling prey to certain habits and techniques. The problem with these particular habits and techniques is that on the face of it, they seem like really productive and good ideas. However, you may find later on that your progress is slower than you had hoped for and ultimately lose motivation.

So let’s save a couple of hours and your motivation from being wasted by spending a couple of minutes learning about some of these pitfalls! In this article, we will explore some common pitfalls and why you should avoid them. Let’s get started!

Don’t focus on memorising syntax

An elephant

Growing up, we do a huge portion of our learning at schools. In schools (at least in the United Kingdom), growing up it felt like the aim of the game was to memorise. Memorising makes you pass exams. And passing exams equals career success.

It can be easy to get into software development, only to adopt the same learning technique you may have picked up at school — memorise. Although…



Salaah Amin

I’m a Software Developer at Sky and I am the co-founder of Follow me for articles on software development.