How to find customer’s pain points and address them

3 min readOct 12, 2016


Relationship Cloud

Identifying and understanding customer’s pain points helps you to successfully sell. It is a sure- shot methodology that accelerates the entire sales process by pushing those customers ahead who get stuck in various stages of the pipeline.

Today, sales personals should progressively embrace this Business Intelligence Service in trade to be an author of their own success and happiness. In case, you are not aware of how to determine customer’s pain points, mentioned below are a few tactics which will not only help you to identify but also to address the pain points.

Recognise the positive and negatives of your product

It is always wise to learn positives and negatives of your product, in-advance. This practice apprises you on the features in your product or service that can bother a customer. In other words, this can help you to determine customer’s pain points. Once you are able to do such thorough check internally, you will be able to modify or alter the products and services exactly accordingly to the customer’s choice and requirement, minimising their pain points.

Know the customer

The best strategy to understand your customer is to examine their traits, likes and dislikes through innovative, technological tools such as Sales CRM, Marketing Automation CRM and more. These tools assists you to get more close to the customer. Also, by checking their historic buying records/ trends, you get a clear picture of their pain points. So, once you have such profound knowledge, you are more capable to address their problem areas, effortlessly.

Step into their shoes

Assume yourself as a customer to understand the hurdles and pain points in their journey. Step into their shoes, it will indicate you on what works best for them and what turns out to be a pain. Accordingly, you should address their concerns through display of empathy and sympathy. This skill not only rapidly elevates business success, harnessing the power of more and more customers in trade but also positions you well ahead in the race to success. So, ensure that you integrate this skill in your business approach.

Do a market research

A deep market research is another creative technique that can aid you to identify customer’s pain points. You can take help from tools such as CRM Software for Sales & Marketing and more to learn past and present trends in the market. This aids you to understand key ingredients that stands in favour of the customer and others that turns out to be a pain point. So today, while you study your product and the customer, it is equally necessary to examine the market too.

Analyse Customer budget

Many customers have budgeted money therefore, anything that is beyond their budget or is not up to their expectation can pose as a prominent pain point. To eliminate a scenario like this, ensure that your product or service should efficiently fall in their budget. Moreover, you should address such concerns by giving them value for money along with extra- ordinary customer service that makes their journey smooth.


Identifying pain points of the customer is no rocket science. One only needs the Best CRM Software in India and an innovative mind. Once you have such a combo, not just identifying but addressing customer’s pain points also becomes a lot easier.




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