Tried-and-tested ways to build a stellar sales team

3 min readJan 10, 2017


Salezshark Sales Crm

A sales team acts as a strong pillar and backbone of a growing business. As a sole responsibility, it entirely comes down to sales and marketing professionals who tap different opportunities to make way for new businesses and clientele to come on-board, leading to organisational growth and expansion.

The success incurred by the efforts and skills of sales professionals is largely accountable for churning the wheels of an organisation towards a successful and bright future. Hence, it is important to align a proficient team with the required skill set that makes it difficult for the potential clients to say NO. Below mentioned pointers talk about the important ways by which a killer and scalable sales team can be successfully formulated:

1. Hiring the right sales people consistently

Hiring brilliant people for your sales team sends out a ripple effect, contributing towards an organisation’s growth and reputation as a whole. A powerful sales force not only drives company’s sales but also acts as a fuel in business development.

How to achieve it?

Investing time and strategizing on recruitment process and defining a particular set of required skills can be the first step to filter out most suitable candidates. It is highly recommendable to analyse a candidate’s prior experience, knowledge and expertise. This delivers a clear idea of the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, enabling the recruiter to understand the candidate well. Today, hiring process can be incredibly time-consuming, but if it is what is required to build the right team, it will always be worth it.

2. Providing training and support

Every organisation comes with its own set of requirements. Therefore, newly appointed employees should be well-trained to get along, excel, and contribute towards company’s growth.

How to achieve it?

Let’s consider that the person you hired has an impressive career graph already in terms of sales. However, he/she might still need training's time and again to regularly hone skills that would help them to strive against all odds. Organizing extensive training sessions for their personal and professional growth envisioned with the organisation’s goal is a necessary step to prepare them to successfully face future events and queries.

3. Ensuring CRM is a part of growth process

CRM softwares are the new buzzword for organisations. Such sophisticated softwares are increasingly being deployed by businesses of all shapes and sizes, across sectors. In other words, today CRM and sales software has become the need of the hour.

How to achieve it?

Training a sales team to optimally use CRM software and relative tools can constructively help them in understanding customer’s buying patterns and drawing valuable insights regarding the same. Use of such intelligent lead management software will not only improve customer service but would also help in devising new approach to sell products/services, conforming to respective prospect’s behavior.




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