Is Writing a Book on Your Bucket List?

How To Write Your Book and Be a Success

It’s that time of year when people make resolutions. 🚀Where they decide to make a life changing habit or check something off their bucket list.

Is writing a book on your bucket list? 📗

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

As a four time published author (book 5 on it’s way) and a writing coach, I have a few tips I like to share with other writers as well as with my clients. This first step of writing, is very important to your success as a writer no matter the genre of your book, short story, novella, memoir etc. And, it’s often overlooked.

Set up writing goals. Treat your writing like a business, not a hobby.

The goals are important as they give you landmarks to look forward to and to cheer about when you hit them. They’re not mean to be stressors. Without a plan or goals in sight you’re wandering around aimless.

Examples of some writing goals before you start:

  1. Create my framework (chapters/pillars)
  2. Gather my research material and have it ready for when I’m writing.
  3. Clear time on my calendar to write.

Once you start writing your goals can be:

  1. Write 2,000 words three days a…

