Sam Aiken
1 min readNov 30, 2017


I appreciate such a full explanation and it was interesting to read.

Sorry for not replying earlier as there were flash crashes on Bitfinex and that took all my time and health.

I think we all have a lot of work to do, so will try to be short.

I do respect Roget Ver for constantly promoting Bitcoin and for being involved in a few great projects like Free Ross Ulbricht, Free Society and taking down Great Firewall. However, I think that his methods of promoting BCH are too aggressive and lead to confrontations.

Since I’m against any violence, I can’t fully support him at what he does as a BCH leader. But that’s just my opinion and you are free to disagree. Hopefully later we will also see other projects coming real and may be work on one side as a united community.

Thanks for the discussion.

