Taking care of your business — all the details you should take into consideration

Sam Hawkins
5 min readSep 27, 2018


Many people own businesses but a small part of them know how to properly handle one. Even though you might consider that being a business owner automatically means you know how to deal with each segment of organizing it, the truth is that numerous details might be left out of the big picture. The secret to a professional-looking business that takes everything seriously and treats each detail with plenty of attention is the time and effort the owner invests into it. Learning more about this topic and getting to know these small details better could help you reach that professionalism and quality that is so longed for in today’s society. Why is it better to treat everything so seriously? Well, most businesses are appreciated for the products and services they sell, but as for the customer experience or the way they treat clients, their reputation is lower.

The best combo is selling good products and services while offering your customers AND employees (a very important detail) the right kind of experience. Happy employees are the secret behind productivity boosts. A person who comes to work relaxed and pleased with the environment, who is given enough breaks to rest and enough resources to do his job properly will be more productive than a person that considers his job a stress factor that doesn’t offer enough resources to get all the tasks to an end in the right period of time. It is all a matter of how you treat your employees, how you make them feel and what resources you make them work with. Inevitably, when productivity is boosted, and employees do their best, customers will be happy too. A good customer experience is a key to loyal clients that always come back knowing that what you offer is qualitative. Employees and customers are not everything though. As a businessman, you should pay attention to each detail related to your business. Here are some examples:

Fructify the right kind of traits

As a boss, you should know that certain personality traits can make you suitable — or not — for this job position. When you feel like you should improve some of your traits or be more careful with the way you express your personality, you are making a huge step towards your business’ evolution. Start by assessing what your traits are and compare them with the following list:

· Are you a good listener?

Starting with a key attribute of those who own businesses, you should learn how to listen to people, no matter who they are. Both employees and customers surely have something to say about the way you handle your own company. Valuing their input is a paramount step in your journey. On one hand, their opinions might help you tremendously, considering that they could come up with ideas that can positively influence your business. On the other hand, making employees and customers feel head will improve your business reputation and your own reputation as a boss.

· Are you polite?

Secondly, you have to learn how to respect people around you. Being polite is the key to being perceived as a great boss. Greeting everyone, saying thank you whenever you have the chance, avoiding a bad behavior and accentuating good manners represent a must. Concentrate on making people around you feel respected from all points of view.

· Do you have enough knowledge in this field?

If you feel like you don’t know enough information about the industry of your company, start studying more. Showing people that you are well-prepared will give them the reassurance that you know what you are doing. Remember — knowledge is power in any situation. Stay abreast of the latest innovation in your domain.

· Are you a visionary?

A business will always need upgrades and improvements. If you are not a visionary, you won’t be able to tell what is better for your company in the future. Create a vision and transform it into reality with the help of both your employees and your customers.

Further details to consider

You are probably aware that owning a business means knowing when to take risks. Calculated risks are part of the job and learning how it feels like not to be afraid of these decisions can help you in the long run. The main significance of a good business organization refers to getting the right balance. Try to lead by example and let your employees know what your goals are. Always take an interest, delegate, motivate and praise people who work with you. Teaching new employees how things work and communicating with each person that comes to your path is a great way to self-improvement. Now for the financial part of the job, make wise investments into your business. Give employees the appropriate resources to do their job and offer customers quality products and services.

Keep everything clean and organized

As for the business environment itself, keeping everything clean and good-looking is required. Why? Because the way your business looks can say a lot about the services you offer to people. Hire janitorial services to take care of cleaning, invest in repairs when they are needed, change equipment when it is downgraded and so on. Don’t hold back when it comes to making the working environment pleasurable. Whatever idea you have to make both employees and customers feel more comfortable, implement them when you have the chance because, otherwise, you will spend money and other resources on things that do not actually matter. Such details make the difference between a professional business and one that is not respecting its employees and clients.

As for things to avoid, try not to create barriers between you and the people your work with. They can provide great ideas that could be beneficial for your business. Listen to their opinions and requirements and implement them as soon as you can. They will appreciate your efforts and stick with you when times get rougher. Also, avoid being too rigid. Keep yourself flexible and mindful, and the outcome will be nothing but perfect.

