Leveraging AI in Crafting Student Recommendations — Balancing Efficiency and Ethics

Samuel Mormando
5 min readSep 3, 2023

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education has opened up many opportunities for innovation and efficiency. One application that has recently sparked both enthusiasm and debate is the use of AI in writing student recommendations. While some educators and counselors see this as a groundbreaking way to streamline a time-consuming process, others question the ethics of using machine-generated content in such a personal and impactful document.

The Ethical Concerns

The primary ethical concern is the authenticity of the recommendation. Critics argue that a machine-generated letter lacks the personal touch and nuanced understanding that a human can provide. They worry that using AI to write recommendations could be perceived as disingenuous or even deceptive.

However, it’s crucial to note that AI is not operating in a vacuum. The counselors or teachers are the ones providing the data that the AI uses to generate the recommendation. In this sense, the AI serves as a sophisticated tool that assists in articulating thoughts more efficiently, rather than replacing the human element entirely.

The Case for AI

I believe there are four reasons all educators should consider using AI to support their work when it comes time for writing student recommendations:

  • Efficiency: Imagine you have to write 50 recommendation letters. Traditionally, this could take upwards of 50 hours, assuming you spend about an hour on each. With AI, you could generate drafts for all 50 in a fraction of the time. Writing a well-crafted recommendation letter is time-consuming and this task is often done outside of school hours. Using AI can significantly speed up the process and allow educators to focus on other aspects of their work or enjoy some time dedicated to something other than work.
  • Consistency: Let’s say you’re writing multiple recommendations in a single sitting. By the time you reach the last few, fatigue is going to set in, and this will certainly affect the quality and tone of your writing. AI can ensure that the first letter is as well-crafted and thoughtful as the last and ensure that all students receive a fair evaluation.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Advanced AI algorithms can analyze a wide range of data to provide insights that might not be immediately obvious and thereby enrich the recommendation. For example, suppose a student excels in both academics and athletics but has a particular passion for environmental science. Shout out to my friend Paul Kazanjian. An advanced AI system could analyze this data and suggest emphasizing the student’s leadership in a way that effectively threads the needle through all of his or her passions.
  • Personalization at Scale: One of the most compelling advantages of using AI is its ability to create highly personalized recommendations tailored to each school a student is applying to. Traditional methods make it nearly impossible to write five or more unique, detailed recommendations per student due to time constraints. AI can analyze the specific requirements and values of each institution, allowing for a customized letter that speaks directly to what each school is looking for in a candidate. This level of personalization can significantly boost the impact of the recommendation and make it a powerful tool in the student’s application process.

Tips and Strategies for Ethical Use

  • Transparency is Key: If you’re planning to use AI for writing recommendations, be transparent about it. Inform students and parents that AI will be used as a tool in crafting the recommendation, and assure them that the final document will be reviewed and approved by a human. So, before starting the recommendation process, send out a letter or email to students and parents explaining that you’ll be using AI as a tool to draft recommendations. Include a FAQ section that addresses common concerns and assures them that a human will review and approve the final document.
  • Customize the Output: AI-generated recommendations should serve as a draft that can be further customized. Take the time to add personal anecdotes or specific examples that you think would make the recommendation more compelling.
  • Quality Control: Always review the AI-generated content carefully. Ensure that it aligns with your understanding of the student’s abilities and achievements. This is your opportunity to make any necessary adjustments. For instance, if the AI suggests that a student excels in teamwork but you know they struggle in group settings, this is your chance to correct that information.
  • Data Integrity & Privacy: The quality of the AI’s output is only as good as the data fed into it. Make sure that the information you provide is accurate and comprehensive. This could include academic performance, extracurricular activities, and other relevant attributes. Above all, NEVER include sensitive or personally identifying information (PII) like full names in the AI system.

Two Strategies for Using AI Without Adding PII

  • Use a system of anonymized student profiles where each student is represented by a unique code rather than their name or other identifying information.
  • Instead of using PII, focus on attributes like academic performance, extracurricular activities, and character traits. These can be coded in a way that the AI can understand without compromising student privacy.

AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach various tasks in education, including writing student recommendations. However, like any tool, its effectiveness and ethicality depend on how it’s used. By being transparent, customizing the output, maintaining quality control, ensuring data integrity, and staying updated on best practices, we can leverage AI to enhance our efficiency without compromising on ethics.

Ready to Transform Your School’s Approach to Student Recommendations?

Let’s not kid ourselves, the future of education is here, and it’s powered by Artificial Intelligence. But leveraging this incredible technology in an ethical and effective manner requires strategic planning, professional expertise, and a deep commitment to student success. If you’re ready to take the next step in revolutionizing your school’s approach to student recommendations and other educational practices, let’s talk.

Our team at Edvative Learning bring years of experience in education and we’re passionate about helping schools harness the power of AI to improve educational outcomes. From initial consultations to comprehensive training programs for your teachers and counselors, we offer tailored solutions that meet your school’s unique needs.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be at the forefront of educational innovation. Contact us today to explore how we can work together to make your school a beacon of excellence in the age of AI.

Examples Prompts to Use

  • Provide a recommendation letter template that focuses on academic achievements, leadership qualities, and extracurricular involvement. Make sure to leave sections where I can input verified data points like GPA and specific awards.
  • Generate a draft recommendation letter for a student who excels in mathematics and has demonstrated leadership skills in group projects. Include placeholders for personal anecdotes
  • Generate a draft recommendation letter for a student, referred to as [Student Name], who has shown exceptional skills in both science and the arts. Include sections for academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and character traits, leaving placeholders where I can insert specific, verified data points.



Samuel Mormando

I empower school leaders, organizations, and classroom teachers to effectively design and deliver their instruction in today’s digital learning environments.