Sam Davis
3 min readJun 4, 2016


Okay… a few issues with this “article”

  1. Bernie Sanders is not a sexist. Stop saying it. It makes you look pathetic and desperate. (I am a Gen X female so please spare me the debunked “Bernie Bros” rhetoric.
  2. “He lived comfortably off the good graces of the taxpayers” — WHAT? He was paid for doing his job, just like I imagine you are. You wouldn’t say that you live comfortably off the “good graces” of your employer would you? No, you would say you get paid for the work you do, right?
  3. Is there a “vast right-wing conspiracy” or does everyone in DC love Hillary so much that they can’t wait to work with her? It can’t be both.
  4. Hillary Clinton proposed universal healthcare when she was FLOTUS but it was an embarrassing FAILURE.
  5. “She was and is a doer” — What HAS SHE DONE? Voted “yes” on the Iraq war? Set up her own private email server and put National Security at risk? Sold weapons to oppressive governments with deplorable human rights records? Voted for the Patriot Act? None of these decisions make me swoon at the thought of her becoming the first female president, like, at all.
  6. What, exactly, did she accomplish in her 2 terms as a senator? I keep asking Clinton supporters this question and not one has answered it.
  7. “Clinton never engaged in such sloppy, cruel, abusive and destructive ‘anything to win’ tactics” — are you high? The racist 3 AM ad, circulating a picture of Obama in “muslim” garb, invoking the assassination of Bobby Kennedy in response to people asking her to drop out of the race…seriously?
  8. “She avoided branding Sanders with insidious words meant to injure” ummm….WTF? Here’s one: “Bernie Sanders prioritized gun manufacturers’ rights over the parents of the children at Sandy Hook” (Hillary Clinton tweet/video, 4/6/16). I guess she forgot to mention how many guns/chemical weapons she sold to oppressive governments (Saudi Arabia, etc.) I guarantee women and children were killed/maimed with some of those weapons. Please quote ONE personal attack that Bernie Sanders has used against Hillary. JUST ONE.
  9. The Clinton campaign was taken aback by Bernie Sanders’ “artful smear”? If she can’t handle her opponent pointing out policy and decision making differences between them… that’s just sad. How will she handle Trump or foreign dictators?
  10. The email investigation is NOT FAKE. She has admitted that she did it. She’s just been lying for at least a year by saying that she was allowed to do it. The recent OIG report contradicts EVERYTHING she has been saying about it. Maybe you enjoy being lied to? Maybe you’re okay with your candidate jeopardizing National Security by having a SECRET email server in her home and instructing her aides to remove classified markings in order to send a CLASSIFIED document “unsecure”? I hope you don’t have any loved ones in the military or the intelligence community. She put them at risk. I’m not okay with that.

The only person responsible for how badly she’s doing is Hillary Clinton. Highest unfavorable ratings for a democratic candidate in MODERN HISTORY. Record low numbers on honesty and trustworthiness. FFS, she’s LOSING to Satan!

You go ahead and bury your head in the sand. As for me, I did my research. #NeverHillary #NeverTrump #BernieOrBust

