My 10 Most Popular Stories, and Why You Should Follow Me

Here’s what to expect when you read my work. (Updated 2/28/22)

Samantha Blake
5 min readJan 28, 2021
Photo by Burst from Pexels

What gives me the right to write? Recently I read Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. There were numerous inspiring ideas in it, but one that stuck out to me was the idea of creative entitlement.

She says:

“Creative entitlement simply means believing that you are allowed to be here, and that — merely by being here — you are allowed to have a voice and a vision of your own.”

You have a voice, and stories to share. So do I. We have a right to share them if we wish — in whatever way we have the inspiration to do so.

In my case, I started writing stories and poetry when I was very young. Now, I write more about life. I’ve moved a lot, and worked in very different fields. I’ve had various relationships, and finally landed with the right person.

There have been many defining moments in my life that helped me go from a nervous girl to a confident woman. And I believe those moments can help other women find their own strength.



Samantha Blake

Writer & certified professional life coach for women. Making a change through words and the power of human connection. Work with me here: