My Journal: Find a Home

Samantha Liddick
1 min readFeb 7, 2020



I hadn’t looking back. Adventures waiting for me. I left behind almost everything in my hometown and memories. A fresh start. Desire to fill my heart with a new memories. I know no anyone in the beautiful city next to the mountain and water. It is scared me but same time, it is thrilling. While on the road, I was wonder about everything I did and my memories left behind in East Coast. There are a lot of bad and good. I buried them as I started a new one. Felt like I left my old self there in my hometown with my mom. My mom pulled my old self with her as she won’t let me go. I feel empty with many spaces to fill in. It is terrific. I am looking forward to a new adventure that will change my life. I have a good feeling about it. I feel like I am walking on yellow brick road to home. Find a home…



Samantha Liddick

Deaf - PNW - She/They - Lab Partner at Starbucks - Creative Photographer - Artist - Own an amazing bearded dragon, Rey - Adventurer - Empathy - Funny - Quirky