Fighting Corona Virus the Epiphany Way

Samar Hasan
5 min readApr 9, 2020


Learning, knowledge sharing & staying strong…together


I have been meaning to share my thoughts for many days, but was unable to till now. Often in the time of crisis, I don’t like to share my innermost feelings until I have had time to process them and till I have managed to transform challenges into opportunities. Also, as a community builder, it is important for me to remain strong and positive and offer comfort and support to the various communities that I am a part of.

While we are trying to stay optimistic, it has been heart breaking to watch people suffer, all across the globe. It has been an extremely difficult time for all of us to watch other fellow human beings die due to a virus that we cannot control. We knew that the pandemic would hit us in Pakistan, yet when it did, we were still shocked and unprepared. Though we were hit late, the death toll has been rising steadily, and as I pen this piece, the number of reported cases stands at 4,414.

In this time of uncertainty, insecurity and abnormality, we have all been wondering how best to respond to this crisis. Many of us have come together to raise funds for daily wagers and other marginalized communities. Others have started offering online learning sessions, while many others have announced calls for ideas to counter this pandemic. For us at Epiphany, this has been the time to grieve, to reflect and to give back to the communities we serve — startups, small businesses, microenterprises and our very own #littleepiphanies.

You can book your Office Hours with Epiphany at

Office Hours

It gives me great pleasure to announce that we made our coveted Office Hours live for everyone as of March 27, 2020. So far, we have run two sessions and spoken to over 10 startups about their challenges regarding entrepreneurship and COVID-19 both. Startups, big and small; businesses of all shapes and sizes; enterprises from all over the world, welcome! You can book your slots online from 2.30 to 6.30 pm PST with the Epiphany team, our mentors and advisors.

Especially if you are trying to transform yourselves digitally, please do seek our advice and support. Through our partners and friends, we are now offering digitalization support, digital marketing, ecommerce management, website development and all things digital at subsidized rates to help you maneuver this new world and emerge stronger than ever before. You can send us your requirements at

Join us every Wednesday from 7.30 to 8.00 pm PST

Ask Me Anything

We also started our Ask Me Anything series from Wednesday, April 8, 2020 featuring a one-on-one Q&A session with an expert from our community. Feel free to join us on any Wednesday evening from 7.30 to 8.00 pm PST.

If you would like to participate as a guest, please email us at

Epiphany Talks

Also, our Epiphany Talks series is starting from April 13, 2020 which will feature one or multiple guests, fireside chats, panel discussions and more to respond to the learning needs of our community. This series will also feature experts from industries that are most affected by the current crisis, and the ones that are expected to boom in a digital world.

For our first session, we will be joined by Mr. Niran Rehman for a conversation on “Pakistan’s Economy in the Current and Post COVID-19 World”. Join us at

Join us live on Facebook at

Executive Baithak

Executive Baithak is a knowledge-sharing community of like-minded individuals to build a collaborative ecosystem. It aims to foster a community of progressive professionals & striving youth while nurturing a culture of tolerance & meaningful dialogue.

Our first virtual Executive Baithak is happening on April 18, 2020 from 3.00 to 4.45 PM on “Developing a Strong Organizational Culture, Especially in Times of Crisis”. You can sign up for this here.

Sign up for the April Baithak

Virtual Catch Up

Besides this, we also hosted a virtual meet up with our #littleepiphanies with one of favorite international mentors, Giovanna Melfi, to find out how everyone was doing, discuss strategies to counter COVID-19 and boost motivation. It was also a great opportunity for us to see everyone’s beautiful faces:)

The Silver Lining

For us at Epiphany, the silver lining has been the enormous amount of learning possibilities that are available to us now. Not to forget, because of this shift towards digital meet ups, everyone can join in from all over the world! We are looking forward to hosting a mix of fantastic local and international speakers and audiences as well.

So, stay home, stay safe, stay strong and of course, stay online :)



Samar Hasan

Social entrepreneur, Co-Founder Epiphany, Champion of women empowerment, Higher Ed specialist, Passionate about financial inclusion