Why Reporting Automation Is The Need For Your Business?

Sameena Farooq
4 min readSep 22, 2017


Spending hours in extracting data and making reports can be a tedious task. It engages a lot of your time as you might have to make reports time and again. When a sales employee goes out in the field for work, he is under pressure to perform a certain task in a day and send his report to the manager. If you are a manager who is under constant pressure to collect reports from sales employee and emphasize him to send an accurate report. Then, you should make sure that you receive the report automatically through reporting automation that is available in an employee tracking application.

Imagine yourself, how much better it would be if you collect the report automatically from sales employees. There are lots of reasons that realize you at some point in the time that why you need reporting automation for your business.

Before sharing the reasons and benefits of reporting automation, you must check yourself below what a company has to say after automating their reports:

  • Business is now more organized

A business runs only when the manager and employees have a good coordination. If they have a good coordination, the business will be more organized. All this can be achieved if you get the authentic report from your sales employee.

Your employee might often nudge with the reports they have to present to you and might often make several mistakes, which can be reduced to a great extent with reporting automation.

  • More reports are delivered in less time

Do you envy those people who complete their work and task in less than the given amount of time? Being a sales employee is not easy to take out time for you, especially when you have to make a report for the work done. An automated reporting is all that you need at this point in time. It makes easy for both an employee as well as a manager. They can easily prepare the report automatically without involving much time and the good part is that it doesn’t consume much of your time.

  • More sophisticated and accurate reports are prepared

Updating dashboards and maintaining reports may take a while in preparing reports. No matter how skilled you are and how much effort you put in preparing reports, the error can occur at any time leading to unauthentic report.

Avoidance of using any program or software to make reports will result in more effort and also no guarantee to the authenticity. But, when you are making reports for your business and want to gain benefit from it, in my advice you should not take the risk but prefer doing automated reporting for more accurate and sophisticated report.

  • Quality employee feedback

To succeed and improve employee’s performance, you need to track their performances that will result in employees better performance. If you will know his daily sales report, you can easily know and improve employee’s performance with the management tools.

If you are looking for improving the feedback of your sales employee and want to judge them based on just accurate data, then you should adopt this employee management solution.

  • Increases the frequency analysis

When an employee has to maintain a manual report and give it to the manager, he mostly tries to do it weekly or somewhere at the end of the month. But, a reporting automation lets the employee submit reports automatically to his manager without delay.

The employee sends automatically the most authentic report to his manager at every frequent hour. The manager receives the data without the doubt of the authenticity and thus increases the frequency analysis.

Thus, one should never underestimate the importance of reporting automation!

The data you collected, is it working for you? Well, there are chances that the data may be accurate or not based on the effort you put into collecting it. Inaccurate data can cause snowball effect i.e. if one data is off then the whole report can go wrong.

A reporting automation should never be underestimated but should be used and applied by every organization. It allows companies to run real-time reports that provide valuable insights and lead the business to success.

