Contacts directly from Google Form

Sameer Tuteja
4 min readJul 19, 2020


An easy way to create contacts from a Google Form.

This can be either for an event, new registration / admission, team creation, and all sorts of digital contact lists.

Its as simple as scanning a QR code.

Just fill the form and get the contact directly in your phone

Lets begin,

Start by creating a new form. Here I am using from a template.

Add the required fields. Please note it requires the following fields as mandatory though you fill them or not depends on you. These are First Name, Last Name and Email Address.

When done, click on Responses tab and click on Create Spreadsheet.

Set a name for your spreadsheet or can continue with the default name.

The sheet get prepared and appears like this with your custom fields too.

From the top bar, Go to Tools -> Script editor

The script editor opens like the one in the image above.

You need to just copy and paste the code available here,

Here you can have some edits as per requirements. Can find details about them here,

Once pasted, save this by going to File -> Save. Can also use CTRL + S or Command + S. A pop-up will appear wherein you would enter a name for this script and then hit OK.

This step sets the trigger for this script. Go to Edit -> Current project’s trigger. A new window will appear.

In this window, Click on Add Trigger available at bottom left corner.

Now you need to set the following parameters from drop-down in this pop-up. Once done hit Save.

There might be an Alert stating that this app / script isn’t verified but you know you are the creator of this script and so can continue by clicking Advanced.

After clicking Advanced, you will see another confirmation message and continue that too by clicking Go to Script.

Here comes the permission sets required for this. Since we know we are using spreadsheet and contacts so can verify the same in this pop-up. Once you have checked the permissions, can click on Allow.

Once all set, you will see a new row in your Trigger’s page. This is the one you just created.


We are Good to Go!

Here’s a demo.

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Do share is 😉



Sameer Tuteja

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