How to be confident every day?

Sameer Fareed
3 min readOct 8, 2021


Confidence is something, we need every day in our life. We interact with different people in a day in either the domestic or work domain so our presence will be prominent if we talk or interact with them with confidence. Confidence is key to be successful in life. In this article, we will explore how to be confident every single day.

Improve your Posture:

Before speaking, your body language speaks a lot about you. You may have explored that some people look more confident than others, the reason behind that is they have proper body language. They keep their Shoulder high, stand straight and look into the eyes of the audience. These simple things make them unique and confident from the crowd.

Good posture and an attitude let you get away with anything. — Lorna Landvik

Neglect negative thoughts:

Psychology also plays a vital role in this regard. The human mind always thinks about something and with unnecessary thinking, we make things more complicated. Therefore negative thoughts start demotivating you. Then, you just lose your confidence and become a victim of depression so first of all, we need to stay away from the negative ideas and keep our minds cool. Indeed, Confidence leads to success

Remember your achievements:

Every person has achieved something in his life. You can motivate yourself by looking back into your past to see how many great things you have already done in your life and how wisely you have gone through all of the obstacles. This makes you feel better and more confident. You did great things in your past so why not now you can do it you have the guts to do things.

The Warrior remembers the past. — Paulo Coelho

Join good company:

Try to keep yourself in people who motivate you and push you towards your goal. Your peer group decides where you stand in terms of your interest and goals. Having productive friends is something about which we can feel that we are lucky. Thus search for a company of successful and courageous fellows that could be the source of your motivation.

Most people’s lives are a direct reflection of their peer groups. — Tony Robbins

You are Unique:

Comparing yourself with others push you towards an unconfident approach. People make the crazy comparison between things for instance they see celebrities on social media, obviously, they have high standards of life, huge houses, luxurious cars, personal swimming pools, and so on. After watching this we start comparing our life with them hence it becomes a reason of disliking about our life. I would say that you do not need to compare yourself with them because you may be a beginner or starter in any field and they have already struggled in their lives and now they are enjoying the luxurious life

Focus on your goals:

When you concentrate only on your goals and do not allow other things to disturb you and make your goals your priority then with time you become an expert in your field hence you become more confident. Confidence often comes with knowledge and experience so with more knowledge more confidence comes to you.

You can do everything

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” — George Lucas

I would highly recommend you to imply these key points in your life, you will see the difference in days. To summarize the article, I would say that firstly work on your posture, Secondly, increase your knowledge, Thirdly, Focus on your goals and do not compare yourself with anyone because you are a unique person.



Sameer Fareed

Article Writer, Writer of Several short stories,freelancer. love to think and write!