Why today’s youth is isolated| here are some reasons

Sameer Fareed
3 min readOct 10, 2021

Despite an increasing number of social media networks, more youngsters are becoming the victim of isolation. The reason behind the isolation of youth is not much clear but we have found some reasons. Broadly speaking, researchers have said that “the reason behind youth’s isolation is abstract’ because in this complex society many factors influence. So making any single reason as prominent is inevitable. Let’s have a look at some reasons which I have found through my research

Generation Gap:

A young person’s perception of the world is different as compared to a mature person. In this fast revolutionary world, life has been changed day by day so experience might be different for every single person. Therefore, we feel hesitant to share our feelings with others. The world is becoming trendy so being unique or having unique ideas may become a reason for amusement for others. This gap between mind levels is one of the reasons why today’s youth is isolated.

Inevitable habits:

Mostly spending time alone is not a good thing, of course, we need some time alone to think about our future, work, studies and more but it does not mean we start spending most of our leisure time alone. This may completely cut off you from society, you may lose your friends or close relatives and you seem like a selfish person who always stays in himself. I call this type of people “A Box” which we can not open. To get rid of loneness a person should get rid of bad habits as some of them mentioned above.

Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self. May Sarton

Social Media:

Although it connects billions of users all around the world, it decreases face-to-face interaction between people. As we have seen, the public has thousands of friends online but does not have a single friend live with whom they can share their true feelings and emotions. So according to different surveys, more active social media users are more likely to be hit by isolation.

Nature of work:

The modern nature of work also pushes youngsters towards isolation. They spend many hours in their office cabin to perform their everyday task. Under the inspection of a boss, they work 9 to 5 as a machine. A well-defined term for this situation is Alienation. In this situation, a person is authorized by the high authority and he does action according to the order otherwise he will be given punishment or plenty. Our seniors demand full concentration of us to get more productive work even they do not care about our social life and mental health. Hence, the modern nature of work is one of the reasons behind youth’s isolation.

Mental health Issues:

A mentally unstable person is likely to be seen alone. Many mental disorders are behind the isolation of a person. Death of someone, breakup, loss of money, sometimes, cause stress or depression which move a person towards loneliness. Indeed, Mental health plays a crucial role in the behavior of an individual including unconscious thoughts as well according to Freud (psychologist) unconscious decides the behavior of an individual. Therefore, it supports the idea that the reason behind isolation is somehow abstract.

To summarize, I would say that isolation among youngsters is an increasingly growing problem, psychologists should pay attention to it because if it remains mysterious anymore, it would cause great trouble.



Sameer Fareed

Article Writer, Writer of Several short stories,freelancer. love to think and write!