DeFi Kingdoms at Avalanche Summit — Transcript

15 min readMar 23, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

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Transcript of Announcements made by DeFi Kingdoms at the Avalanche Summit on March 23, 2022.

Frisky Fox: So who are we? We are Kingdom Studios. We are the team creating this amazing project. I am Frisky Fox, the executive director and I am also the founder. I am also in charge of the building side of the project. We build all of the features and the fun stuff.

Dreamer — I am Dreamer. I am the president of Kingdom Studios. Up here we have an Org Chart of the build side and the growth side and all the many people that make up the team. We have over 50 people on the core team and many other contributors such as our over 35 moderators, that we call Knights.

Frisky Fox: It’s amazing how fast we’ve grown since about 7 months ago when we had only 8 members on our team. Our community is now 90k strong. Our moderators are amazing running around all day long trying to manage that.

What are we? We are a cross-chain game. From the very start we were created with a vision of taking these advanced concepts of LP and pools and staking and trying to make it easy to understand and for people to get into in a easy way. So many people would ask and say I don’t understand what you are talking about. We created this in a way to onboard and educate people in a very easy way. Cross chain has been a part of our vision from the very start. We started on Harmony and are now expanding onto Avalanche with our own chain.

Dreamer — In addition to making it easy we also want to make it fun. So I think many people here, when you are a kid and you play video games and have drops and they mean a lot to you but they wouldn’t mean anything to you in terms of monetary value. With Web 3 we can take NFT’s in a game and make them fun and beautiful but also gamefi them to have that same experience but also carry the value of the rarity and uniqueness.

Frisky Fox — One of the issues that we saw with other dexes is that they’d launch their utility token but there wasn’t anything you could do with it other than vote on the protocol. We wanted to make something where you could earn this utility token and do a lot more than just have a vote in the protocol but also spend it on in game transactions but also spend it on creating in game heroes, having them level up and quest. Speaking of these NFT heroes its also the main utility driver because its not just static art, you can use them, level them up and use them to augment your returns so it’s kind of a symbiotic circle.

We promised a lot of announcements and some alpha and new features.

We are adding leaderboards into our game. What is more fun than proving you are the best at something. We are super excited about this, this is the brain child of a few of us here, but especially Dreamer.

Dreamer — If you are in the game and you are fishing and you get four bloaters and you are like ok cool and nobody really sees that or cares. But with leaderboards we can now have competition with the base value we have now and the incremental value we will have later we’ll be able to have the highlights at seeing who is doing the best at XYZ. You could have a leaderboard for bald heroes and how many bloaters they catch that week and the best people that hit that top 10 could be eligible to win a Gen0 as an example. It will be a way to reward people and have glory in competition.

Frisky Fox— we are trying to allow new players to participate and earning rewards in the new things that we are putting out. Our expansion into CV will entail some new heroes. Instead of just selling these items we want to give our players the opportunity to earn them by playing the game, so we are excited to give back to our players. Part of that is also with Land. We launched land 1.5 months ago. It’s a very rare NFT. You can improve upon it in the future. You can enter into it and create buildings in the future. Instead of just selling those directly like most projects do, we created hero contests, which we will be launching soon where players can compete across specific stats so that they can earn the opportunity to become the significant beneficiaries of these land auctions. So that players can share in those rewards.

Dreamer — super exciting, with these hero contests, the winner of benefitting from the biggest chunk of whatever the auction grows to, is a way that you can have people come in and still bid and participate, but the people playing the game get the benefit from that sale as well.

Frisky Fox — so instead of grabbing all the rewards for ourselves we want to give back to the community and that’s the pattern we are going to follow with all of our expansions.

Pets! A lot of our lucky players have already found eggs when questing. I’ve only found one I’m ashamed to say. I’ve seen people with 6 or 7. Soon you’ll be able to hatch them. Pretty soon we are adding a new zone where you’ll be able to incubate your egg by bringing it there and then seeing them hatch into some rare things.

Dreamer — So hatching pets coming soon! But if you are a new project out there that has an NFT that is pet like (cough cough Crabada, cough cough Chicken game), reach out let’s see how we can help each other and have cross chain collaboration.

Frisky Fox — I would love to have a pet crab. That would be amazing. That’s part of what we are doing here where we are creating an entire metaverse where other projects that are like minded and interested in the future of the gaming space can work together to create cool content across our games where our heroes could have some cool quests in their game and assets in other games could be in our game as well.

Another new feature, Travel System. So we added all those awesome lands that are out there. Players will be able to begin to venture forth into these lands and bring their heroes starting with some easier zones and working their way into advanced zones as they level up to seek greater rewards and higher levels basically.

Our mechanics team is really hard at work on that, they’ve been working very hard at it. Part of what you can do when you are out there is you can do combat. This is very new. We are super stoked. I’m probably the most excited about this, because you can form teams of up to 3 heroes and have them go out and fight against enemy monsters in random encounters and earn experience and rewards and climb that ladder and try to make the best team.

Dreamer — This hints to it a little bit, but I’m really excited to see the sprite version of all of our heroes come to life in this 3v3 combat system. Having the team comp, seeing it unfold, and having that interact with traveling across the map is going to be very exciting.

Frisky Fox — Atlas Parker has been hard at work basically redoing all of our heroes in this new combat pose and they look amazing. I’m so excited for them to be released. We aren’t quite there yet, but soon.

Dreamer — For everyone here excited about Merch, we’ve been holding back a bit because in the gardens tomorrow is our main event — 11am to 5pm, come check us out. So stay tuned. People are so excited about our Merch so we will be opening a store. The store will have pre-planned collections, drops, and then a special Mythic section that has really high quality stuff.

So wallets that we’ve supported so far has been just Metamask. Now we are looking forward and thinking about what other wallets could support DFK. Looking at Coinbase Wallet which as a 12M userbase, Coinbase wallet seemed like a good opportunity to work with them. We’ve actually been in discussions with them and working on a partnership not only for the wallet but also to integrate and educate their 90M userbase into DeFi and NFTs. Excited about the education and onboarding and working with them going forward.

Frisky Fox — This is what it’s all about. Onboarding and educating people in the DeFi gaming space. There are 90M users over there that want to get into the crypto gaming space and we are poised to bring them in.

Dreamer — DeFi Kingdoms Blockchain. So when we were first talking about cross chain gaming and talking about which chains we should expand to we were shopping around. Luigi and team reached out and won our hearts over. We saw the light that is Avalanche. We saw the beauty and the community. Among that relationship that was being build was this concept of subnets. Mr. Faun here who is whistling at us, was very instrumental in setting up the DeFi Kingdoms Subnet launching on Avalanche.

Frisky Fox — I have to give a big shout out to Mr. Faun. He is the goat. He is going to be on a panel after this so stick around and listen to him. Also Ava labs has been amazing.

Dreamer — we will be the first to launch, I believe mainnet is live, but we will be launching Crystalvale on March 30. We are excited to announce Jewel will be used for Gas. 50% of Jewel used for Gas will be burned. 25% will go to validators, and 25% will go to a new Jewel-based floating quest fund that is separate from our Serendale Quest fund and separate from our upcoming CV quest fund that will be dedicated solely to the players where we will find a way to award players with a fourth of those gas fees.

Frisky Fox — It’s amazing. At the start I was talking about how we are adding utility to our core token and this is one way. This is a new way to add utility. It will be used for gas on our own chain. I can’t explain how excited that makes me.

Dreamer — DFK Chain made so much sense because our vision and our mindset has been to invite other games and other platforms/protocols to come and build on top DFK. What better way then to do it on our own chain. We have an invitation out to anyone out there who is maybe saying “well my protocol is really just DeFi, its not Gaming, but I’d love to gamify it” well hey come and check us out. Let’s Gamify it. Or maybe you have a game and you aren’t ready to launch a subnet yet and are wanting to integrate your assets into DFK. Come check us out. We’ve already gotten started.

We have a partnership with BENQI, where we will have lending directly in DeFi Kingdoms.

We have a partnership with DPX where we will be partnering to provide Jewel and Crystal based option vaults.

We are partnering with Synapse bridge so that its a gamified experience to come in and out of DFK chain where you don’t have to leave our website to go to Benqi, DPX, or the Synapse Bridge. This is just the beginning of what we can do as we expand the DFK metaverse.

Another one we are really excited about is Ramp. Ramp Fiat onramp we are now partnered with and going live to make it so much easier for all those not already active, not in just DFK but also Web3 in general, to make it easier to go from a credit card or a bank account to a crypto token of your choice to form as gas where they can even participate. Before this it took days or longer to set something up at a CEX and figure out bridging. Now with that to go from fiat to crypto we are excited for barriers to be lower and ultimately destroyed.

Frisky Fox — That’s very true, I can’t explain how excited I am about that and all of my friends who’ve asked how they can play this game and I have to explain okay so first create a CEX account, then KYC, then bridge. It’s a process. Now players can come to our site, click play, enter a card, acquire some Jewel and start playing in minutes rather than days.

Dreamer — Up here you have a beautiful scene of an outpost. So what is an outpost? Its a core to our strategy to expand to all other chains. We can’t make a CV on every chain in short order we have limited resources. But what we can do is make an outpost on all other chains and make it easier to get to DFK Chain. So on 3/29, a day before CV launches, the outpost will go live on Avalanche C Chain. It’s going to be integrated with Ramp for the fiat onramp so that anyone without AVAX will be able to get AVAX quickly. It will be integrated with Pangolin so that through the outpost without leaving our site, you can buy Jewel and have it ready to use as gas, and then it will be integrated with Synapse so that in one integrated experience you can get AVAX to buy Jewel, and bridge that Jewel to DFK Chain, change the chain ID, set up the RPC in a very seamless fashion. We are excited about the outpost, it not only looks beautiful but will make it so much easier to join. If you are on a chain where we don’t have an outpost reach out!

Many have asked, with the launch of CV, how do I earn $CRYSTAL? We have said you just need to hold $JEWEL, but we are going to make it more specific now. So on Day 1, 100% of all of the emissions are going to go to a Jewel to xJEWEL pair. After that we will slowly take that allocation of the Jewel-XJEWEL pair and send it to Crystal to Jewel and AVAX pairs, and then followed by Crystal to pairings with other blue chips and stable coins. So why xJewel? We launched on Harmony. On Harmony we had Serendale. A full beautiful game that is the initial core game. As we expand to CV we want to make sure we are looking out for all realms and all players together. So if you want Crystal you have to hold Jewel, but if you have to hold half of that pairing in xJewel what that means is that you need to stake on Serendale and you’ll earn rewards the entire time you are staking on Crystalvale. It’s meant to look out for the players and say if you want to earn Crystal, hold Jewel, and by the way half of that will be xJewel which will earn you rewards in Serendale at the same time.

Frisky Fox — It’s so amazing. I love the opportunity to earn twice on the same thing. It just really blows my mind.

Dreamer — Avalanche released the $15M of incentives. Let’s walk through how that will be allocated. Many of you already know about the Crystal that will be airdropped based on participation of players. In addition to that the Dex that we just talked about, the Crystal and Avax pools will have additional incentives provided and rewarded to those staking there, in the form of AVAX, so excited to add to that and juice the overall APR on that pool as well. Then the last piece is really focused on those not in DFK, to take a part of those incentives and maybe airdrop to those that are playing maybe Chicken Game or Crabada, or active users on Pangolin or Trader Joe, to give you an opportunity to come and check us out and see if you like us and want to participate going forward.

Frisky Fox — I’m really excited that because if you are an existing user of Avalanche you can earn an airdrop. You’ve already won. You can come check out our game and you’ll have a reward waiting for you. Expanding onto CV, that entails launching two new hero types. A Seer and a Berserker. This is brand new Alpha, we’ve never announced this before. The Seer and the Berserker are the two new hero classes on this expansion. They’ll function similarly to our existing heroes and can combine to form a new advanced hero. I’m super stoked about these. They are beautiful and I can’t wait to get my hands on them.

Dreamer — And just to emphasize, these are going to be integrated into the existing hero pool. They won’t operate independently or separately. We’ll be able to bridge our heroes back and forth between the two realms and summon them so that the Seer and the Berserker will be found in the full population of heroes.

Frisky Fox — I think we’ll sneak in one last thing right?

Dreamer — we have one more thing. It’s called DFK Duel. With our really impressive roadmap and a really impressive roadmap coming up. We saw an opportunity to fill int he gaps with mini features like leader boards and pets but also side games. Our first side game we are going to announce is called Hero Duels. You’ll be able to take your cards, queue up against another player and duel them in a simplified but very strategic way. We’ll have leaderboards associated with this as well. Not only to make it competitive and fun but also to juice up those rewards. So look out for Hero Duels.

Frisky Fox — So excited, you can win a Gen0 from something like this. We’ll close it up now.

Dreamer — In the last 7 months if you look at everything we’ve accomplished and the new features today and you think of DFK chain, Jewel for gas, new heroes and everything coming up with CV, our partnership to Benqi, DPX, Ramp and Synapse, we are really trying to impact the space in an innovating and meaningful way. I’ve said t before and will say it again. We aren’t here to take part, we are here to take over, so I’ll repeat the invitation to come and build with us, partner with us, collaborate with us and lets all build the kingdoms together. the future is incredibly bright.

Frisky Fox — One last thing we are so excited to be on this new ecosystem and the opportunity that it brings to bring our entire project to new heights as we partner with some of you guys. So as we said, reach out, we’re planning to be at the gardens tomorrow for a luncheon so everyone come say hi, we are friendly. I’m super stoked, It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come. Bullish!




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.