DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Game MechanicsTeam) — June 13, 2022

26 min readJun 14, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries (mostly a transcript tbh). You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of the Game Mechanics team. AMA’s have different teams present to address different topics. Join the discord to follow future responses to questions they couldn’t address on the call! Go to the questions-bus-contacts-suggestions channel in the DeFi Kingdoms Discord server to submit questions!

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here.

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Team Members Present:

Team Updates and Opening Statements

Bolon — Everybody and welcome to our mechanics AMA. It’s right at two o’clock Eastern. We’re going to give everybody a couple minutes so that we can make sure people have a chance to hop in before we get started and then we’ll get going.

And we can go ahead and get things started. Two couple notes to start with, so we aren’t really going to do like a normal kind of state of the project at the beginning of the AMA because we’re going to have an entire AMA about that in four hours. So make sure that you tune back in and four hours to join us for that one.

Both this one and that one will be recorded, it’ll probably be tomorrow before either of them are available on the recording. Also Samich is not going to be able to make it, so he’s going to use the recording to do his write up. So the write up will also be a little bit delayed, just so that everybody is aware, don’t worry.

I have already chastised Samich for not having his right up, done, in advance. Aside from that, I wanted to note, both, Hubert and myself are traveling. So, we are stopped safely to do this. However, please forgive any kind of connection or sound quality issues as we don’t have our normal setups, but other than that, we’re going to get going with our mechanics AMA.

I see some people already have their hands up, which is perfect. If you have any questions for them mechanics team. Raise your hand, if your question gets answered, please lower your hand. Let’s try to keep it on topic for mechanics questions, particularly for anything to do with state of the project. That’s going to be later today. And we don’t have the right crew up here on stage for those questions right now, anyway.

With that, all three folks up here have been up here before, so I think everybody knows who they are, but just in case they don’t, we have Hubert, who is our game, mechanics director, and then we have non-linear penguin and Hapabelle which are his mechanics team. So these are folks that are very smart and figure out some balancing for pretty much all of our features. So now with that, I was going to turn over to I believe Hubert. You’re the one that was going to take pets for us.

Pets Update:

Hubert — Yep. Okay. Can you guys hear me? Awesome. Hey guys, happy to be here. Let’s see, first off, sorry Samich that you were, you were chastised by Bolon. I still love you though. And then, let’s see, I guess, yeah, just a quick update on where we’re at with things. So we’ve we finalized all the bonuses that are coming for the profession bonuses with the blue and green eggs. Right now we’re in the process of just getting that all integrated into the system in the smart contracts. We are pretty ambitious with those bonuses and it does kind of, because of that and because of the variety that we added, we have to kind of look at all these different points in the contracts, where we have to add in a method of like, adding in that pet bonus and, and accounting for it. So there’s a lot of work there on the smart contract side that in the process of getting done.

Duels Update:

Hubert — And then also, I mean we have the duels coming up pretty soon. Just a quick mention about that. We have taken some feedback from players from what people said when we did just an introduction of where the system was at. I think some of this may have been mentioned but just to mention it again: whether you win or lose, you’ll still get at least some raffle tickets as well as created a gold pot that collects all the gold that the losing side pays in and then anyone that uses their tickets for the gold pot will get a portion of that at the end of the time frame for that.

So there’s always at least a guaranteed reward option available besides raffles but we also did kind of at least finalize for the raffles a system for that. I think it’s finalized. We’ve got it very close. I think Fox is in the process of just finishing it up right now. What I know, may be slightly different from what he implements so I don’t want to say anything out of turn, but I will mention though, that whatever form we get those raffles out in right now, we’re gonna be constantly monitoring it and seeing where we can adjust to make it more appropriate or if the rewards are too few, whatever we need to do.

We’ll be adjusting that over time. So but I pretty good about it and I looking forward to see that come out and see you guys start doing. So, it’s all I got awesome.

Bolon — I am excited to start losing some duels because as I freely admitted many times before, I’m really bad about leveling my heroes.

So we wanted to do a couple of other quick updates. They kind of correlate to some questions that we’ve seen. Anyway so non-linear. Let’s go to you next.

Non-Linear Update on Leaderboards

Nonlinear — All right, guessing everyone can hear me because my things turning green. But yeah. Hi, everyone. Happy to be here as well.

I wanted to give a little update on some leaderboards. I noticed there was a question about them earlier in chat specifically regarding the hero level leaderboards where we’re tracking essentially how a particular hero does. People have noticed that you can essentially get your hero on the leaderboard transfer ownership, and then get that same hero on the leaderboard again, under a new owner. In order to kind of address that sort of reward scheme or shift it up a little bit, so we’re not seeing the same hero multiple times. You’re heroes progress is actually going to be transferred along with the hero if they are transferred over the course of a leaderboard. So if your hero is in first place and you transfer that hero, whoever you transfer it, to once, you know, they participate in stuff, they’re actually going to be the ones that receive their award. So be careful about transferring your heroes. If you want them to participate in the whole unlike the leaderboard for a given period because once you transfer them and if you can’t get them back then the progress of that particular hero will go with it.

That’s not also going to transfer the progress of a hero if like we’re looking at the wallet level leaderboards, for those we are actually just tracking the progress of your wallet itself. So there’s kind of separate issues but I did want to make that delineation, so that makes sense. But yeah, hopefully that addresses that question.

Bolon — one thing just to add to that is that has not been implemented yet. Our API guys are working on that right now. So we’ll put it out there and make an announcement once it’s done. Just so everybody is aware once it goes live, but it is being actively worked on right now.

Hapabell Update on Perilous Journey Special Quests

Hapabelle — Thank you. No worries and so next is helpful. Hello, everyone Can you hear me? Please say yes, beautiful. Okay so I was going to answer. One of the AMA questions about the parish journey, special quest because those are a bit far out and we have a few other things that are higher priority.

But hopefully, we can at least get that added to the road maps, too and that’ll alleviate some concerns.

Bolon — It definitely is still happening. Obviously, we’re yeah, a lot of priorities right now. So awesome.

Responses to Pre-submitted Questions

Bolon — One thing that was mentioned in the AMA questions channel that I kind of wanted to follow up on slash get one of you to follow up on. Is a why the item bridge is important for crystal vale questing?

Hubert — Yeah, I think I can try to answer that. As far as it being important for questing, you know, it’s, we want to have a feature parity with CV and Serendale and it’s true that you could, we could set it up the quest so that before the bridges ready, you’d be able to start collecting resources over there. But, you know, having this kind of system where, you know, we don’t want to be just artificially high prices over in CV just because tokens are new over there. Even though they also are over in Serendale, like runes and whatnot are over on the other side too. So just to prevent any sort of weird artificial price differences because of because of no bridge being available, we’d like to get all implemented at the same time and we are working towards that the item bridge. It just has been taking a bit longer our. Our bridge partners have gotten a bit busier with other things going on and what not. So, it does take a little bit longer, but it is something we’re actively working on getting that all completely implemented.

Bolon — Will there be limitations on what pets can attach to what? Heroes. For example, a pet with a mythic bonus, level can only attach to a hero of level 10 plus or anything along those lines or can any pet attached to any hero?

Hubert — Right now, we’re not planning on any limitations like that, it’s, it’s simply going to be a matter of does the hero already have a pet equipped? If so then you can’t equip another pet, but otherwise. Yeah, you could equip any pet to any hero without any other major restrictions.

Bolon awesome, have one more pet related question, and it comes from Nous and I’m going to just read it the way he wrote it because I’m hoping that you’ll understand it better than myself. I know pets will roll each of their bonuses, but the information on whether they can be improved beyond that has been inconsistent. An important part of assets in DFK is the ability to improve them, as with heroes, because that provides a level premium and thus a reason to buy and start questing now. So will pets have something analogous to stats or profession score, independent of their bonuses?

Hubert — Yeah, good question. So, right now, with the bonuses, the way they’re set up is that they do not improve. So they’ll be whatever they are when you get them. We treated pets more like a piece of equipment rather than, you know, something like a hero in terms of its functionality. But we have also been considering other things we can do with pets. Such as, you know, we did kind of build it with a lot of open endedness in mind. So if we wanted to give them stats and make them something that can be used for various mini games or other functionality in the future, that is something we can do and something we’ve discussed. For example, like being able to use pets for duels right now with the way they’re set up. It’s a little bit of a you know what, what bonus can we provide kind of thing? And so we have talked about, okay, well we could potentially add some additional things to pets for that, but at this point, I don’t have anything specific to announce just to just to say, you know, we designed it to be open ended and to allow us to grow the utility of pets over time should we find good places to do.

Bolon — Thank you much. All right, well and less than you all have anything. You want to add real quick? We can go ahead and start on some live questions.

Sounds good to me. All right, as always, I’m going to invite a couple people up, please great. Until we are ready for your question, just so we can keep them things moving. And with that, Mettez.

AMA Live Questions

(Mettez) Hey guys, glad to be here. I’ll keep the more let’s say difficult questions for the AMA later tonight but I did have a question that maybe has a bit too much alpha trying to it or maybe not depends on whether you’re willing to answer it or not, but it relates to my surprise of the rather simple gamified elements of the DFK duels. And I’m not critiquing the fact that it’s on chain, because I think the technology behind it is incredible, as well that you have a an awesome, like engine now that you get used for other mini games. I like that fact as well. But I was sort of surprised at the fact that the game find element only uses like a randomized fire lower system, instead of, for example, a very basic, of course, like idle auto combat system. So I was just wondering in general as, when you’ve designed these incredibly complex, leveling with completely different classes and genes and everything tied to those in design these heroes did you have a fully functional game mechanic already done or already in mind and, or didn’t you at that point? And is Duels just that the first iteration of what you look for PVP to be and do you still need to develop what the entire system of PVP will look like in the future? Maybe a bit of a complex question, but I’m really curious to hear about your progress on the actual gameplay for heroes.

Hubert — I think I’ll try to answer that. Thanks for the question. That is. Yeah. So I guess, first off with, with duels, you know, the intent with that was to provide a more interactive experience for players and more things for you to do. And also kind of answer the question of how are we going to create a system that can plug in with, like third party like community content as well? So, with the Duel system, and the raffle tickets that we’re doing, we’ve set it up, so that others in the community could build their own mini games that are able to generate raffle tickets as well using that same the same kind of system. So this this is really just meant to be a means for those more simple or just like mini games to be added into the game.

It’s not combat. It wasn’t ever meant to show what we intended to be combat. I know there’s been some confusion about that and yeah, let me just make it very clear that was never the intention was for this to be like a precursor to what our combat system is. As far as like developmental conference this one we do have a working prototype of it right now but there’s still quite a bit of balancing to do and also you know finalizing as far as like skill progression and all sorts of different things and play testing. There’s still quite a bit left on that side so I don’t want to say too much out of turn but you know I guess the general intent though with combat is that each class is going to have its own set of skills, that players are going to need to allocate their skill points into those skills in whichever way they think is best to be able to create a team of heroes that are capable of other heroes or in PvP or the eventual PvE elements, the monsters and whatnot in the future. So , yeah, that’s kind of where we’re at. I mean, we do have a prototype right now that that does work. But, you know, we’re still quite a lot of balancing to do and quite a lot of work left on that. So yeah, we are still intending for that.

Mettez — Yeah. I definitely love the fact that you’ve built this game engine to allow for more mini games. I think that’s by far the best aspect for jewels and the fact that, as you said, there’s something to do with heroes and you can be raffle tickets. I really love that system. And I’m also glad that if clarified again, that this has again nothing to do with combat. Just knowing the talent that you guys have I was just a bit surprised about the complexity. Maybe just one small follow up question if that something you can discuss when you are eventually because I suspect this is still as you said need a lot of balancing and development but when you are coming closer to launching PVP and PVE the way that you’re designing it in the background. Will you aim to release the full system at once or will you? Let’s say release beta systems or combat lite versions based on your current game engine based on Duels. Do you have an idea of how you will approach it. Let’s see.

Hubert — Based on duels? Do you mean like making it related to Duels? I just make sure I understood your question.

Mettez — So for example, suppose you’re coming to a point internally where you think that the combat system is balanced and it’s coming closer to release right? You have a system you feel comfortable releasing to the public. Will you keep on developing that system until it’s completely finished and release it all at once? Or would you consider? For example, releasing smaller aspects of it in like a mini game format? Like the DFK Duels would be so that you have an earlier PVP lite for example?

Hubert — okay. Yeah, I understand the question. I think the way that we the way we’ve always kind of done things is, you know, we we see what the the minimum viable product is, the MVP and what we can get into a working state. So I think in in terms of just with combat like getting the whole combat system and the whole progression system up to like from levels one through 100 and then releasing it, that would be you know doing a bit of a disservice to the community. We’re likely going to always need to be balancing things and iterating on it as we go. So, yeah, I think we, we could do something where there would be like... Well, let’s see, as far as like, mini games I, I see us doing something where we use, for example, the matchmaking system or an iteration of the matchmaking system that Duels has to allow us to do, more of like, PVP, type of, like ranking system. But we also will do things like have tournaments and I could see us use it for other types of mini games as well in the future. I wouldn’t say that that’s something that we’re like currently planning on or have anything on the roadmap for, but, the more we add as far as features go, that the easier it is for us to branch out and utilize those features and different ways. So yeah, I think that I’m going to take that as a suggestion more than me saying, yes, we’re going to do that, but I do think it’s a good idea if it makes sense at the time, when we’re ready awesome.

Mettez — One necessarily is suggestion. Just me being curious. So, for the last time, a hundred percent clear. So everyone hears it as well. Duels was never meant to be anything similar to PVP. It’s really a mini game and you guys are still working hard on combat in the background, trying to optimize it for when it’s finally released, right?

Hubert — That’s right. That’s correct, awesome.

Mettez — Great looking forward to probably hearing you guys later tonight. Guys.

(Sentius) I have a simple clarifying question. Take this with a grain of salt because I don’t remember specifically if this was from an interview. But I I want to say it was from an interview with Hubert done a long time ago but there was talk about how to level up your profession skill and how if you did it, let’s say you send one hero out, on their own quest, versus sending six out, you have a better chance of getting a profession, skill up from the one hero than the six. Am I misunderstanding? What I had read? Or is there any truth to that?

Hubert — So that yeah. That’s not correct. I think there was a there was something about that though that maybe is what you’re referring to. Like, the skill-ups that you get, they aren’t applied to your results at that time, for that quest. So there was some that had pointed out, like, if they did one attempt at a time, they’d be able like, if they get a skill up on the first attempt and it takes them to the next level. Then they be able to take advantage of that skill up for the remaining attempts. In general, I think, especially when you get to kind of closer to where it really starts to drop off. I think, you know, you could do that. It’s more transactions. But I don’t think in general, it’s going to be that huge of an impact to do one attempt at a time. But yeah. I know there’s nothing in the code that that looks at how many heroes are there and reduces your chances of getting skills on that.

(Sentius) okay, so there, so there is no benefit to questing a single hero at a time versus a group of heroes at a time.

Hubert — that’s correct. Yeah, I mean at this and I also I’ll just mention a couple things. Here’s a little bit alpha. So yeah, right now with that least the profession quests, you know they’re the complete time does increase. More than just what it would be for a single attempt if you do add more heroes. That’s not the case with the training quest. That’s just 20 seconds per attempt, and just kind of adds on for each hero and each attempt each year was doing and we’re going to be changing the profession quest to match that scheme. So it’ll be you’ll it’ll be less impactful or less of a downside to you know questing with more heroes doing professions quest and that that should come along with the release of the level 10 profession quest. So that’s a little bit of a new alpha drop for you.

(Coolio) Alright, can you guys hear me? Hey, we can Excellent. Awesome. Hey guys. Very simple, quick question. First of all came out and it was really cool, A lot of the artwork, you know, awesome experience from a UI perspective but when it comes to mechanics it’s kind of the same thing as Crystalvale, I know you guys kind of addressed the items in the bridging but have do guys have any updates or any alpha concerning like the serpent’s cradle or any unique mechanics when it comes to Crystalvale?

Hubert — Let’s see. So I mean the surface cradle and that that all kind of comes down to like the lore and story quest that were planning on implementing that that does take a little bit of time to get out. I mean, where we’re prioritizing pets and the level 10 professions right now but that is something that’s on the road map. As far as like something, that would be unique to Crystalvale versus Serendale. Let’s see. We do have hmmm.. I can’t announce much right now. I don’t really have much that I can announce is gonna make it too different, but as we are able to progress, you know, we do want to have it. So there will be resources that you can only get in like specific regions and, you know, Crystalville being a whole different location. We do want to have it so you know, for the crafting system and equipment in the future, we can have stuff that would be unique that you can only get there that would incentivize people to be gathering in different locations and and doing quests and different locations. The doors always open for us to have more content, like if you want to do this type of quest, it’s only gonna be here.

(Thanpolas) Hey, so the foraging confusing quest have the attempts on every attempt is five stamina. Not we have heroes with this point, 30 stamina and the maximum attempts are still five. So is that on purpose or?

Hubert — For the professions quest. I thought we had made it so it could go above five, but I’m not positive because I don’t have a hero that I have tested that with and I thought we’d done that. I thought we had implemented that and now I might be mistaken but we can double check and look. For training quests, there was a reason why we were limiting it to five and we did actually limit that to five. That hasn’t been implemented yet as far as the reason. But we did have some leaderboard really related reasons for doing that. But yeah, for the professions quest though. There shouldn’t be a restriction. I think with you, if you did it with a like a smart contract call, I don’t believe it would prevent you from being able to do six. But the front end might not be updated to let you do six and we can, you know, I can double check on that and see if that’s something we can fix.

(J. Crypto) everyone just first one want to say that I appreciate your teams hard work on the project. I know these times are difficult, especially in crypto, so I do appreciate all the hard work and you guys conviction. So my question focuses on the economics of gameplay and to what extent have those details been worked out are settled upon. For example, for PVP or PVE will players have to spend Jewel in order to participate what are players competing for? are they competing for jewel against each other?Rare items purely bragging rights and you know that sort of thing? In PvE are they just by they going out on quests trying to earn Jewel? Trying to earn gold? rare items? Can I team up with a bunch of my friends, go on a raid? Raid another guild’s land and take the jewel from them? So I’m just wondering apart from the actual specific mechanics of it. What about the economic side of gameplay? And to what extent have those details been worked out.

Hubert — Let’s see, I’m probably not gonna be able to answer with too many details because that’s we’re still in the process of working, everything out. But I will say kind of the general thing at least for PVE is, you know, we want there to be kind of a gameplay loop where, you know, you’re gonna need to get resources in order to get good equipment. And for crafting, you’re going to need to go and, and get a combination of resources that you get from profession quests as well as from fighting specific enemies. And getting lucky enough to get the resources you need. And then in the process of fighting is, well, the intent is that you’ll need to use potions that we’re going to have combat happen, kind of in a, in a system of waves, where, it would be very difficult depending on your setup, I mean it might work out easier than with some setups and others but that you would need to use potions from time to time. So there would be some need be consuming the resources that you’ve been producing from your professions quests and having that a cycle of resources, where, you get all this stuff from professions you utilize to make potions use the potions to get the resources you need for equipment and then, you use all those to make equipment and get better.

But then, yeah, we do want to have some quests that are going to be quite challenging to do, but our higher reward. As far as like PVP goes. That one is one. I don’t think I can really say too much. I think we still have some more details to hammer out on that. But and I think with tournaments and whatnot, jewel being a prize is very likely and yeah, trying to think of there’s more to say there. Yeah, I think that’s all. I can really announce at the moment. I apologize for not having more info. Just we’re still in the process of deciding a lot of those things.

And, and at the moment, you know, we’re mostly focused on just getting the system designed. And so a lot of our thought and resources are being just focused on that rather than the reward system that’s going To be attached to PVP.

(Coolio) What about multiplayer is there a plans for, you know, several players to be able to team up together in PvP and also maybe do co-op quests and PVE?

Hubert — Yes, we have been talking about that. Sorry. Yeah, you did ask that before and I kind of forgot. Yeah, we have discussed that. As far as being able to do like PvP with, with friends and like, cooperating, that is something we we have discussed. I don’t think I have anything to announce at this point, but we do want to make sure that we’re including kind of a multiplayer aspect to this. Not having everyone just kind of being on their own all the time. So that’s something we have in on we keep in mind and we’ve actually kind of had some discussions about that very recently, so nothing to announce at the moment. But yeah, I guess just so you’re aware that is something we we’re aware of and thinking about, I think that’s the best I can tell you right now, hopefully that’s good enough.

(Malience) So I guess one of my major concerns is as far as we go into the baiting testing of PVP and how things skill points will work, is will our skill points be interchangeable? Like if we have bugs or nerfs to certain things to fix broken parts or are we going to have those be changeable or are they going to be set in stone?

Hubert — Basically is this Diablo 2 versus Diablo 3 question? Yeah, so, you know I think it’s going to be closer to Diablo 3 if we’re talking, if we’re using those two as an examples where you will be able to change things around, but there will likely be some sort of cost associated with that. But yeah. I don’t think we’re going to make it so it’s a permanent choice because you know that is a very important point, you know, that there will likely be balancing that occurs and you know, some strategies that that may be OP because of some balance issue and when we get to the point of fixing that balance suddenly, everyone that’s made those choices would be in a bad state if we didn’t give them a chance to reorganize their skills. So, yeah, I say yes it’s going to be possible but they’re likely will be some sort of cost, okay?

(Malience) I know that PvP is one of the hardest things, for teams that you consistently to keep balanced full-time. So like eventually somebody will find something that’s broken and that just brings life. The terms of what do we do to fix it? And if we can actually change those and give people the chance to change those talents, that kind of fixes that issue quite a bit.

Hubert — Right, yeah. Like I said I think we will allow it. As far as like it if there’s a cost what would that be? And, you know, maybe if it’s something where we have to balance it so much that like, everyone’s going to be changing, we might do something to, like, reduce the cost or eliminate the cost, but yeah, it all kind of depends on once we get there. But I will say, yes, I think we are going to make sure that people will be able to change their skills.

(High on bikes) This is my first question. So just curious if there’s any plans for multiqueueing gardening or implementing a functionality similar to locked jewel mining or any other quality of life improvements for gardening.

Hubert —With the gardening the thing we’re working on is I getting as a few different things that are quality of life improvements. I will say, we’re not planning on gardening, having a similar system to mining and how you can have up to six miners, where it would depend on how much liquidity you have. With gardening, there’s it’s a little bit more challenging to have kind of these restrictive limits that we put on on mining. Just because any person can have any amount of liquidity that they put in and for us to kind of set arbitrary limits, it really makes it a little bit challenging. So the idea that we have instead is just to you know make the whole gardening process simpler by having multi-quest submission system. So rather than have to do one garden at a time, you’d be able to select each gardener that want to put in each place or in each garden. And then in one transaction, have them all, be submitted and queued all at once. Also, we do have a future stamina. It was a thing that we initially hadn’t thought we’d be able to do, but we have worked out a way to do that, and it actually already works right now with mining at just, the UI doesn’t show it, but just in case you guys didn’t know, right now, if you do queue up miners behind other miners, they will, they will start with the stamina that they would have if they after their like waiting time, is complete on the queing. So, that’s something we also want to get in gardening. It’s not working on gardening yet, but it’s coming pretty soon And let’s see. And we also want to extend that kind of multi-questing functionality just to all quests just to help people with like ledgers and whatnot from having to do so many different transactions, to be able to like package, a whole bunch of different quests starting and also quests completing transactions into one. So those are things that are coming. It’s just a matter of getting it out.

I’d say the, the future stamina for gardening is probably the fastest thing to come. And then the multi-questing is something that we have planned to come. It’ll be in the contracts. It’s just a matter of getting the front end set up for that. But yeah, that’s another thing that’s coming pretty soon with the quest V2 contracts, that we’re putting out.

Closing Remarks

Bolon — We are gonna have to wrap up for the day here so I just wanted to go around real quick and see if anybody had any last thoughts that they wanted to add. We can start with Hapabelle.

Hapabelle — not mentally prepared for that! But I appreciate everyone for showing up and asking questions and those of you for coming on the stage feeling comfortable to do that. Yeah. Very bullish on the project.

Nonlinear — like Hapabelle said, thank you all for coming out asking questions trying to, you know, make sure the whole community is on the same page with that with everything but yeah, thank you all again.

Hubert — thanks again for everyone supporting these AMAs and let’s see, I think it was Mettez who said somebody said some words of support for us in these, you know, difficult times and definitely appreciate that. This the mechanics work that we do, there’s a lot that goes on and sometimes it does seem like it takes us a long time, but we are very concerned about making sure that things are balanced so that we are not putting out something that’s going to cause a major problem in the game and you know we are always happy to hear feedback and trying to make things more engaging as we go.

There’s a lot of content that we have on the roadmap that’s upcoming that’s going to get more and more interactive with players. I think Duels is going to be pretty interesting. The first time that players are really going to be able to you know, go at it with each other. I agree with what Mettez said, it is a simple mini game, but just the fact that you’re going to be able to compete amongst each other, I think is, is a of a huge improvement and in terms of like the amount of things that you can do right now and you know, we have more to come.

I love working on this project, we’ve had our ups and downs through throughout this time, but it has been a lot of fun. It’s been challenging working on the blockchain and working around all the nuances that it has. But I remain a very enthusiastic about our future and bullish on the project but with everything going as it is, I understand that people a little bit more… I don’t know…. The times are tough. I guess I’ll say that.

I just want to make sure everyone hears from me. I’m doing what I can everyone on the team is doing what we can to continue to develop the project as best as we can. And we appreciate everyone that’s here in the community for their support and for your suggestions and bullish.

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An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.