DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Marketing and Bus. Dev. Teams) — November 22, 2021 — Expansion Update!

12 min readNov 22, 2021


For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries. You can find summaries of the prior AMA’s in the DeFi Kingdoms subreddit or my medium page (for the more recent ones).

This week, the AMA was from members of the marketing and business development teams. AMA’s have different teams present to address different topics. Join the discord to follow future responses to questions they couldn’t address on the call! Go to the Community Updates / suggestions channel to submit questions!

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my beginner’s guide here.

Marketing and Business Development Team Members Present:


SpicyMapleCat: there’s been a spambot that is reaching out to members in the discord and inviting them to a false website and inviting them to connect their wallet and Mint. This is a scam.

We will share some milestones, give a recap and have a little round table to start this off.

Bolon: We do giveaways every Tuesday. At Tuesday 2pm we announce the giveaway. We do various weekly contests on Tuesdays(sometimes they run for 24 hours, sometimes we do it every 2 hours) and then we also have a weeklong competition every week running from Thursday to Thursday. Right now we are running a meme contest. Been aiming to have our giveaways be available around the globe for people in all different time zones.

Aila: Please send more memes, we are loving them! Our discord has made it to 26.3k members. We are growing super fast. Seems to be almost 1k a day at this point. Telegram community is now up to 8k with official people (unofficially higher with bots).

Rissen: Social media accounts are looking great. Approaching 40k Twitter followers. Reddit 4.2k. Facebook up to 1.4k. TVL is 400M. Huge growth across all platforms. We want all of our communities to take part in all the social medias so we can show everyone how big we are and how fast we are growing. Instagram account is now live with its first post. Will be doing some behind the scenes, creative art, and “how we’ve gotten here”. Will also start seeing stuff on youtube and subscribe to see some brand new stuff coming out.

Spicy: First official youtube will be a teaser from when we went to NYC NFT. We had Flu there and it was our first try and having some presence at a conference and it was a huge success. We are going to have some team members at the Decentral Miami conference going on next week (next Tuesday and Wednesday). If you are there, we will be at the harmony booth. Stop by and grab some merch and say hello.

Last time we had the marketing update, our twitter was at 18k and now we are close to 40k. Reddit was only at 2k, and Discord was at 13k members. Facebook group hadn’t quite started yet. This is double across nearly every platform in just 1 month.

Quantum: Merchandise — the first merch will be available at the conference center in Miami. But here are some images of what you can expect to be there. There is a limited supply right now but should be a fun time in Miami for the team.

Update on Game Expansion to Other Chains

Dreamer (Business Dev Director): There is a lot we can talk about but not enough time to talk about everything. Two topics I think will be very important because of the interest are (1) LP pools and (2) expansions. We’ve put a lot of effort into the broad plan of expanding so I’ll touch a bit on if and when we do expand what will that look like.

Pools: I work with Flu every day and he’s very tied into the community. It has been clear that people want more blue chip tokens and two weeks ago we added those with the addition of Luna, Fantom, Avalanche and Matic and set up the swap via anyswap and created guides on how to do that. We started by giving them a very small incentive allocation since there was no liquidity. Last week we did our first update to that when people asked why the APR’s changed. For the next two weeks we expect to increase the Jewel emissions to those pools so that they end up being around the same as the Bitcoin, BNB and ETH pools. So far we have seen 16M incremental TVL in these pools. We will continue to adjust to make sure that our incentive not only match what we want to be doing as a project but also the demand.

Expansion Strategy and Overview: If you want to reference the link-doc portion in the info section we added a one pager I’ll be going over. Link here. Our main focus is to continue to build the harmony based core game. If and when we expand it is not a message that we are slowing down this roadmap. We have a very aggressive roadmap and we have a lot to do. Any plans to expand will only be in an effort to support that roadmap. It appears to me that people lke the chains that they are loyal to, so you can kind of see different chains as different consoles. The way we can get them to benefit the game and eventually bring them over to Harmony is to provide them with a tailored experience of the game with lower barriers of entry but with significant incentives to get them to move over to Harmony. When we add new participants we have more resources and a deeper interest.

Dreamer walked through the above linked document:

Purpose of Expansion

  1. Attract new players to join the adventure in a realm custom built for their native chain
  2. Increase the demand on JEWEL and Hero NFT’s — this should benefit everyone. We aren’t going to just run through chains and pump and dump.
  3. Lower barrier to entry for new participants and provide them with an opportunity to fund the game in early stages, earning their realm’s power token — as you have seen the price of Jewel is increasing and you look at the overall Epochs and people can come in and buy heroes/rent, etc. We want a good experience for everyone. But on a completely new realm, everyone will have an opportunity to go and support that new realm. We aren’t saying expansion like in the traditional sense, we just mean taking our experience and expanding it to other chains so that we will have a different realm to play in with added functionality so that both we and the new participants will benefit.
  4. Expand value of existing Hero NFTs through access to new gene-sets and classes with expanded quests — This should be very exciting to everyone. Not only are we increasing the value of Jewel and NFTs, we’ll have new art, new classes, new features. We will take everything we’ve done in Harmony and do a similarly designed (in terms of quality and creativity) economy where people can place their assets in a stable environment for value.

Target Chains — we will be looking for EVM compatible chains.

Gameplay — all features of core gameplay will be available there (Tavern, portal, etc). They will just be redesigned and relaunched to fit the new theme. There will be a new mint sale of Gen0’s, We will be VERY THOUGHTFUL about how many we include in each expansion. Even though each expansion will bring a flood of new players, we are not going to flood the market with more Gen0’s. It will be a limited number, they will have a realm themed new set of genes and be compatible with the current Gen0’s, which will allow you to introduce such aesthetics and classes. There will be land there as well. All of the core features will just be expanded to the new realm. The new realms will have unique quests, NPCs, pets, resources (unique to that realm), equipment. Won’t just be a copy and paste to a new chain, it will be a new experience.


  • The new realm will have its own power token (similar to Jewel). It will not be Jewel, however in order to earn the power token, there will be an extended seed phase where you will need to single stake Jewel in order to earn it. So lets say there is an equal number of new participants as current participants and lets say the 20k new participants would like to stake and earn the new power token on a Non-harmony chain. They will have to go to the market, but Jewel and stake it in order to earn the new power token. What does this mean for the price of Jewel? The price should increase all other things equal.
  • There will be a Dex. We went back and forth on this. Jewel will always be the power token on Harmony. Every chain though will have its own power token and need its own Dex. If we didn’t we’d have to raise our hands to another Dex on those chains and give them all of our TVL and fees. We feel its important to take the game as it is today, really focus on the game and then have a Dex on each chain.
  • We expect rewards of single staking Jewel for the power token to decrease over time and for it to be more profitable to start staking pairs on that chain’s Dex.
  • This will be predictable, understandable and protect all of our investments.
  • What can you do with the power token? Will be just like Jewel, you’ll need that power token to summon (just like you would with Jewel). Long term balancing how would this work? Let’s say you have power token at 1.5x the price of Jewel and you’d like to summon in the new realm. The costs to summon are equal, 30 power token. Participants will be incentivized to go to the cheaper token to do the summoning. Its a long term balancing mechanic. If a power token becomes largely undervalued then what will happen is smart players will hop over to the cheaper realm, exchange their higher value token for the lower value token and summon for cheaper. The real storehold of value will be in our NFT’s because these can be bridged across chains. It can level up, have resourcce and equipment. The long-term value is really going to be in our NFTs, and the power tokens will be particular to the associated chain in terms of governance. We want everyone to be able to benefit.

Launch and Roll Out — we aren’t just going to take whatever is ready in Harmony and launch it. We don’t have the resources to do that. They’ll have to have their own roadmaps. So when we do launch another expansion its going to follow similarly where we have a DEX and single staking, then over time, a hero sale, then over more time a tavern and portal, and then quests.

So how is that good for everyone on this call? If we are in phase 2 on a new chain and you have your power token on the new chain and a new Gen0 on that chain. What will you do on that chain while waiting for quests? You will bridge over to Harmony and start playing the game with those power tokens and your hero while you wait for Phase 2 on your chain. This is going to benefit all chains currently existing in the DFK ecosystem.

This is going to bring high value content from all the chains in a beautiful way that keeps the nostalgic feel.


“Conclusion — For those that have fears of DFK’s being less focused on Harmony, I hope this overview has shown quite the opposite, we want to help the overall awareness and reach of the Harmony brand. We want to promote cross chain game play for those interested in more end game features, and have structured the expansions in a way such that existing players and new players both benefit with an increased ability to earn and added content to play”

Frisky Fox Thoughts on Expansion: This is really exciting. This is a thing since the very start of the project where we’ve been asked over and over why we launched on Harmony. My response has always been to just wait. Harmony is the perfect place to start a project like this and expansion has always been in our plans from the start. This is going to be a metaverse with cross chain interplay. I see this similarly to how you see this in a traditional game where a game may be on XBOX and you have Nintendo players that won’t buy an XBOX to play it, so how do you get those extra players? You expand the game to Nintendo. Harmony is great, but its also kind of small. These other chains have orders of magnitude higher number of users and TVL. So there will be a ton of utility for our NFTs and our power token, Jewel with each expansion. What we are trying to do here is explain all of our thoughts and reasons here so we can all be on the same page. Super excited about this and thank you Dreamer for all your work.

Dreamer: Shout out to Flu, he has been integral in this process.

AMA Questions

Does most of the marketing costs go to giveaways at the moment?

Spicy: So far most of our marketing has been grass roots and so a lot of expenses have been giveaways. We plan to do a lot of giveaways (maybe a bit less as the community continues to grow) but we may shift to align with our growth and size and we will allocate our marketing funds accordingly. There will be lots of allocations for partnership and live DFK events (and in the digital space). A lot of allocation right now is shifting towards collaboration and expansion. We do have giveaways still in mind but they may be slightly different going forward.

Won’t Gen0’s lose their value if new ones are minted?

Dreamer: We aren’t going to undercut the market of Gen0’s. We will be very thoughtful about it. It will still represent the significant value of the Gen0’s. We recognize it, and we are going to do everything we can to avoid minimizing value of Gen0s NFTs.

Frisky: We went through 10 or so different models on expansion. Highest on the list was retaining utility for existing assets. Expanding to a chain that has orders of magnitude higher players and volume and having a sale that is a quarter or less than the sale on Harmony, you’re going to see a lot of increased pressure to acquire these. So if anything, you have a lot less being sold and a lot more money and players coming in so I think you’ll see the price go up.

What we have in DFK commercial?

Rissen: The first video we shared is a beautiful video of how the game works. If you are looking into getting people introduced, check out the youtube and the video we published.

Will there be a lore squad and manga/short stories or something of that nature?

Spicy: we’d love to do something like this. Especially if marketing is involved. We’re all super into video games and manga, so I would love to see some sort of backstory or manga/comics about NPCs in the game. That’s probably later on in the game since we are focused on the core aspects of the game for now. So yes, maybe later though.

Wen Merch

Quantum: Soon. We are very close, just making sure we have no legal issues. Trying to keep this decentralized as possible, but that is hard when you are exchanging physical goods. We will keep you updated but it will be soon.

What is the timeline on expansions?

Spicy: We are always focused on getting high quality out asap and focusing on our current players over expansions.

Dreamer: No official timeline. We are focused on partners for now and focused on the game.

Frisky: Quests are our priority and existing gameplay. We are just making sure you are aware of our long term strategy.

Tango: It’s nice having people like Dreamer so we can focus on quests but then have someone like Dreamer focused on this long term expansion strategy for the team. Dreamer is very aggressive in his go get er attitude and we are excited to see where this goes.

Merch Item Quantity?

Quantum: There will be items that will be limited in supply and they will be in limited supply on purpose. It’s kind of a spoiler, but buying that particular merch item will be reflected in the game somehow and I’ll just leave you with that.

Xeno — Update on Next Week. Lore AMA with Sinstar.

Every month where we have a month with a 5th Monday we will be doing a Lore-based AMA. So next Monday will be the first time that happens. This will give you a taste of where the lore and fiction are going to be.

Conclusory Remarks

Tango: Looking at what our timeline looks like. In the US we have holidays and people spending time with family. Want to make sure we have our ducks in a row and getting you guys features at the time that is applicable to you. Will send out a patch notes update soon.




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.