DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Project Updates — December 8, 2022)

25 min readDec 8, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries. You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Note that this isn’t a perfect 1:1 transcription so if you need to double check anything said please see their recording linked below.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of several teams relating to updates on the project. Go to the website and submit AMA questions there and Join the discord to also see responses to AMA questions not covered on the weekly calls.

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here. Note: These are provided for informational purposes only and nothing herein or therein is intended to be financial advice. If you are seeking financial advise, contact a financial adviser.

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DeFi Kingdoms Discord

Core Team Members Participating:

Project Updates

Frisky Fox (General) Updates

Frisky Fox — Good morning, thanks Bolon. Exhausted is the word, but its a good kind. Feels good to sit here on the other side of that huge release and see all the things that happened and all the things that came together to make that work. Its inspiring. Yesterday in our team meeting to prep for launch and make sure that everyone knew what they needed to do, it was cool to see all of those things (there were a lot, a list with lots of assignments assigned to all kinds of people) and see them get marked off throughout the day and cool to see how we are functioning as a well-oiled machine. This is our 2nd expansion onto a new chain and our 3rd launch on a new chain, the first being Harmony. Every time it gets better and we learn and see what to look out for.

We were able to avoid Bridgeageddon like we had last time, with the help of Synapse and Layer Zero and all of our other partners. Afterwards we were all exhausted, kudos to everyone on the team. Hopefully the community saw that and had a good time with this launch and having a lot less chaos. I’m proud of not only how well it went, but when you look at how much we launched at once, this is the most we’ve ever done in a single launch. Every single launch gets bigger and bigger, and our team has the ability to do that as we gain experience and learn from these. A lot of this we are on the cutting edge and pioneering things that other projects haven’t had to do. Kind of creating the rule book as we go. All the airdrops from the splittening probably constitute one of the biggest airdrops in the space. All the locked Jewel from Harmony have been split up, we still have the one for Locked Crystal that will be coming in the near future. You should be able to go and claim those if you haven’t already. It’s cool to expand onto a new ecosystem without having anything that is a sale for our team, no ICO. It’s all handed back to you as the community. Anyone that is a player in all of the aspects is a real recipient of the proceeds of all of these expansions. Everything that we are building is geared towards increasing utility for these assets and creating a more rich and exciting ecosystem.

Everyone stepped up and it was a really well-oiled machine. We are now a multi chain game again. We were before, then we went to one and now we are back to two and it feels good. In the future we will have more, not sure when yet, but we have plans to grow and grow and become the most inclusive and compelling offering out there for web 3 gaming. We are already out there and well on our way to push that as we go. Now that we are at this stage, its like “what’s next”? We had a meeting this morning recapping everything and Sashei changed gears to what is next. That is what we are here for and excited about and being able to build those next things. There are some really exciting things on the roadmap. In the near term we have Duels season 2, then we have PVP, land utility, travel, crafting. Now that we have the launch under our belt we can really turn to focus on those things. We’ve made a lot of improvements to the infrastructure, smart contracts, and front end. A lot of improvement on the front end that removed extraneous RPC calls, and also on the back end to optimize gas, to improve the experience for all of our apps across all of the chains. We’ve also released other features in the middle of that like Duels, Dark summoning, and multi questing, but now we can focus on new and exciting features on our road map.

Bolon Locked Jewel Reminder

Bolon — If you had locked Jewel on Harmony — 4 out of the 5 buckets are airdropped from the splittening, available in the respective jeweler to be claimed. The one that hasn’t been done yet is the locked Crystal airdrop. That will go out on DFK Chain, that will also have a tab at the Jeweler once it is sent. That is a bit more involved, and will be done in the near future.

Dreamer (Business) Updates:

Dreamer — Last week I was traveling, and ended up not feeling so well, been recovering through the lead up to this. Huge shout out to the team. Incredible how dedicated the developers are, those on the marketing side, the art side, the game side, the streams that we are doing, the community, the stream with Bolon yesterday, I listened as much as I could and it was exciting and entertaining the whole time. Big shout out to everyone this past week. I saw one comment praising the lack of bugs and issues with this launch. I don’t think we should underplay how big of a deal this is. Since the launch of DFK this has played out like an action movie. The beginning was the rise to hero status, everything going great, then you hit the part of the movie where you hit obstacles and things aren’t going well and you have to flex muscles and attributes that are different. In the last 5–6 months we’ve seen a lot of events occur that may have wiped out another team or community or product. This is a huge accomplishment, because it shows all of us and anyone paying attention in the future or that looks back, our level of resilience and ability to pivot, and external validation from new partners coming in and putting in new capital and partnerships behind the confidence. It show sthe launch that recovers from an event that many thought we couldn’t recover from. I’m not sure we’ve all processed it, but when Fox says we are a multi chain game again, that really hit it for me. I remember the nights when the bridge incident happened on top of everything else happening in the market. I was in NY had done a 14 hour day on NYC, then stayed up all night working on options and then found a solution and started working towards it. The first being Crystalvale parity. Ava labs stepped up and helped us and we checked off that milestone and its been huge. The amount of transactions, speed, level of reliance, and sheer delta from our experience on Harmony. Then to move to this big milestone starts to solidify a foundation to build a really fun epic game on that many will want to participate in and spend their time on and invite others to come, back like in a bull market where we said we are here to take over. That’s been tested in this market, but this is the second or so notch under our belt to show we have what it takes to do it.

I feel like this week is a huge accomplishment for many reasons, so wanted to take a step back and highlight that.

Bolon — was really fun in Miami when we talked to people that didn’t know DFK well, and we mentioned we were cross chain but then had to explain that technically not at the moment, but now we can.

Dreamer — Okay for updates. Now that we are live, we had a lot of things queued up. Sunbear and I have been working on relationships. Some fed from Klaytn, some from relationships made at live events. We get to work on a lot of those now that we are live. One that was retweeted was Kaikas wallet, which was a lot of work to make sure we could support that wallet. That is going to be a huge win. That is the wallet that the vast majority of users on Klaytn use, only 1/3 of users on Klaytn use Metamask, so it was important for us to be able to use Kaikas at launch. It was important for us to launch with support of Klaytn systems main wallet. We are listed as an auto populated token and app right in their app. Going to continue to work with them and they are co-marketing with us.

On the aggregator side, swapscanner is a big aggregator on Klaytn. We haven’t shared a lot of names at this point because we weren’t live yet. Now that the dex is live, we are ready to hand over information and get started there. That will allow people to buy Jewel with any token through the aggregator. There are steps about going further and not just supporting our dex, but maybe something in game as well. We are in talks with native lenders and optimizers as well. Chainlink protocol and others are live on Klaytn already so we have less barriers to lending for those reasons and we’ll get going on those partnerships and getting going. Inboxes are full from partners wanting to partner on things like this and we can now move forward with those now that we are live. Sunbear anything I missed?

Sunbear — Just want to say that the partners connected to this launch have been phenomenal. Met with Swapscanner the other night and expressed our desire to move as quickly as possible to integrate with them and they were very responsive and excited to be a part of it and Kaikas even have spoken about how they created utility in their wallet because of our request to get that info straight out to wallet holders. Play1Games as well and their desire to partner and put out our information. And more partners coming in from Klaytn, a lot of great reception there.

Also wanted to mention a partnership with Ethlas if you haven’t seen the tweet.

We’ve partnered with them in a couple of ways. They have a game called battle showdown where you’ll be able to see a dread knight and another character from DFK where you can go and battle with those NFTs, so that is in the making right now. They also have partnered with us to build on DFK Chain, their PokPok protocol. If you are interested, check out twitter, there is more information there.

Dreamer — This is really cool because Ethlas has a lot of awesome things in the work, and they have all the chains out there as choices. We met them at Token in Singapore. We didn’t try to overly convince them or force them, but having a gamified ecosystem and a blockchain with low fees and interest of cross platform and cross chain integration, DFK offers the best gaming experience for any new or existing game in web3. We hope and invite others to consider DFK as their home. Battle Showdown and PokPok will be two interesting collabs and crossovers and we hope to see more native games like DFK Arena and Fight Klub as well as those that are less native, including others in the DFK ecosystem. Thanks for highlighting that sunbear and back over to you Bolon.

Bolon —

Bolon — Kristian Peter made a graphic that is like a combo token of Crystal Jewel and Jade, highly encourage you to check it out because it looks very cool.

Pieface (Merch) Updates

Pieface — Super excited to share. Two part update. Let me first start with the Gen0 Merch contest submission update. I’ll give a lot of details on it verbally right now and then I will share a google form that outlines everything that I will be saying and we’ll be posting on our socials and in discord about it after the AMA. We have FIVE Gen0s we will be giving away through this submission. They will be Hero Crystals from Serendale. Like I mentioned, there will be a form, but to enter its a couple parts:

  • Make a $50 USD purchase on the Merch store. Whatever you get in the mail you take a photo of it and share it on either twitter, Instagram or TikTok with the #DFKMerch
  • Then submit your order number with the post to qualify for it.

Say you do a $100 order, it would give you 2 entries. You have until December end of the year to place the order. We know things take a while to ship, so we will accept entries all the way until January 15, that will give time for everyone to get their stuff in the mail to make some cool pictures and some fun stuff and then we will look up your order number to make sure you qualify, look at your picture, then obviously you need to be following DFK on the socials as well in order to qualify. I’d be sad if someone spent $100 and wasn’t following us, because you wouldn’t be able to qualify.

Bolon — So every $50 is a ticket?

Pieface — That will include taxes and shipping. Limit 1 Gen0 per person of the 5. You will all be able to read about this later and refer back to it.

Fox — Awesome that we’ll have more merch out there in the hands of people, but how many bloater plushies are there?

Pieface — Why are you talking about Bloaters?

Fox — Because they are the best, I remember you saying there weren’t very many.

Pieface — Well I’ll get to the second part of my announcement…

So Bloaters are being added to the Merch store. I have my mouse on the button since as you can see in the AMA voiceless chat, we have a password on it, but I will now answer your question. I shared that its in the triple digits on the number of Bloaters that we have, so we have about 450 that will be stocked and available in the store. It’s a limited amount. I hope that we will see how the demand is for this drop of bloaters and if its successful we will do our best to restock. I did press the button so you guys are welcome to hop in. There is a three item limit for these bloaters. If you refresh the page, Bloaters will be on there and you should be able to buy them. I have a flat rate shipping of $8.00 for U.S., $20.00 to ship European Countries, and $30.00 for Asia. Shipping is expensive and we tried our best to get discounts. Now that Bloaters are on the store, there will be lots of bloater marketing for these plushies.

Good luck on the Gen0 Merch contest submission. Bloater orders definitely qualify, get a Bloater and get a Gen0 perhaps!

Frisky Fox — Every bloater in the hands of someone other than Pieface is another bloater not getting punched by Pieface.

Dreamer — I will add and clarify that for anyone that is curious. It was clear, but to make sure its clear in the write up, the $50 purchase alone is not an entry, the money is simply for the merchandise, the entry is really taking every $50 of merch and doing the following steps relating to social media. That proof of social media posting and linking it back to ordering is really the entry. So anyone that is wondering if we are doing a Gen0 raffle for $$ event, we are not. We are launching our merch store, the $$ is in exchange for that merch. The price of the merchandise does not reflect anything related to Gen0s. In addition to that, the celebration of social media marketing and proof thereof is what qualifies as the entry. So if someone goes out and purchases a bunch of stuff and does nothing, they have some great merchandise and that’s it. It’s great for the holidays, but wanted to make sure that was clear.

Bolon — Was going to say as well that while the international shipping is expensive, it does count towards your amount necessary to qualify for entry. That 3 limit per person means I can shut down my Ebay store, I’m a bit disappointed about that, I’ll just have to get my own personal bloaters then. For anyone that hasn’t had a chance to see the bloater plushy in real life, they look as great as they do on the website. You won’t be disappointed. not financial advice.

BeetleDude (Builder) Updates:

Beetle — I think Fox mentioned a lot of the stuff. We had our launch yesterday and it went well. Want to give big props to Typicool, he spent weeks and weeks working to integrate Kaikas on Mobil and Desktop. Had to refactor a lot of our code, and that sets us up for the future as well. I got to work on the RPC optimizations, which were across the board. 90% optimized from what is used to be, which is amazing. Hopefully everything feels a lot snappier on Crystalvale and Serendale. Hope it will be a boon across the board. Wanted to call out some people: Winston, Sashei and Zipper on the testing side, keeping the devs moving forward and focusing on any issues that popped up. There weren’t a ton, but that speaks volumes to the amount of work we put in ahead of time and how great our testers and knights are at finding issues ahead of time. Big shout out to Hubert, Magnus and Fox putting their heads down and getting everything running. We’re working nonstop and it was impressive to see.

All the people that I don’t know about or didn’t have time to chat with yesterday like marketing and Bolon, big props. We have an amazing team. This isn’t something that should be doable in 24 hours but we were able to do it and it went as smoothly as it could.

Now we have SD up and CV up we can start working on the new features. We have cool new UI updates. Props to Cabby for getting us some new UI. I know everyone likes the new UI we posted, but will continue that forward. Maybe a settings menu, maybe some changes to inventory menu. Just want a more gamified style.

I didn’t give props to Secondbestdad because its hard to do, it catches in my throat. Art team did an awesome job with all the updates and all the new NPCs, he’s an NPC machine. Hopefully you are enjoying all the new NPCs, there are a few easter eggs in there that hint to a broader story. We’ll continue to sprinkle in as much flavor as we can. Really excited for the direction we are going and we are in a great position from here.

Magnus (Chain) Updates:

Magnus — Happy post launch date. Thanks for your patience as we worked through a massive live upgrade on questing system as well as simultaneous launch of contracts on Klaytn. With all the optimizations we had to do a live upgrade of 30 contracts and process the multisig transactions for those. Thought buttons on my ledger was going to break. Glad to see the gas savings were worth it as well as making Klaytn possible.

want to thank our bridge partners that were very on top of things to keep things moving across the bridges. On the front of allow list for contract deployments, we are just waiting for a few configs to be made by Ava labs so we can get a time stamp for that. Keep in mind its year end holidays and it requires everyone to update with the same file at the same time and people schedules are filling up.

Uplifting to see our team emerge through the various market events, get parity on DFK chain and have a new deployment on Klaytn. We are in a good space, proactive mindset now, rather than reacting to external market events. Now we can really focus on these new features like PVP, travel, power ups, and other things throughout next year. thanks for keeping a level head throughout launch. Love working with this team.

Game Mechanics Updates — Hubert

Hubert — Just echoing what everyone else has said about the launch. Very stressful time leading up to the launch and then it happened. We had a few bugs we had to work through, but I’m really impressed it only took about 7 hours from launch to really mitigate all the major bugs and have all the functionality we intended to have working. I don’t know we can describe how much needed to happen to make that work. I heard people giving me some credit for that, I don't deserve that. Definitely Magnus and Fox. A lot needed to go into the splittening and making sure we had all the configs done. we have so many contracts that we use and the list continues to grow.

Frisky Fox — How many multisig things did you have to sign yesterday?

Hubert — At least 50. The tools we have for that too, and even after doing that we had to redo some for further bugs. But everything is really smooth now and you can see all the optimizations put into the front end. Like if you are doing multi questing, you can see how quickly it will queue up the next quest. There as a slight delay before, but now it is really snappy. Everything is noticeable better, it was a 90% improvement on the UI. The team pulled all the stops to make this happen, and I couldn’t expect it to go better than it did. Very happy, but very exhausted. We still have a little bit more to do then we can really turn our attention to future content, which I’m really excited about.

I wanted to talk about a few things that changed:

  • Reduced stam recovery per level. 2 seconds per level above level 1 of your hero. Doesn’t sound like much, but does add up over time, especially high level heroes. We will also have a power up that changes that to 5 seconds.
  • We also changed mining and gardening, you have to input how many ticks/stamina you want to do up front and it locks you into that at that point and you can’t cancel early and still get rewards. That does make it a bit more punishing if you make a mistake, and that is unfortunate, but that is a consequence of all of the optimizations that we did and also improves our randomization security as well. Multiple reasons to do that. Along with that when you cancel it eats all the stamina that you said you would spend and will give you no rewards and won’t change any of the other quests in that queue. So if you canceled a mining quest that had 4 hours left, the queued one still won’t start for 4 hours. You shouldn’t need to cancel for anything. Just make sure when you commit to a quest you know what you are doing.
  • Mulitquesting, didn’t change much on CV side, but due to 1 second finality optimizations we did to run on Klaytn, it made it so that we can really only queue up one or two quests using old system before it takes too much time. So we have to be cognizant that there is a time limit to complete our contracts and if we exceed that we can’t execute it, so its not perfect, but we’ll continue to work on it. So if you multiquest it generates everything in your queue and then creates a transaction for each and then you just hit submit for each of them. There are some issues with that, e.g. queuing multiple mining or gardening and the second or third groups are relying on future stamina for the amount of ticks that you want to do, right now it will come back saying not enough stam and those won’t generate a transaction, but they do stay in the queue. That happens because you haven’t actually submitted the tx for the first group, the next group it checks against the state of the queue as if no other groups were there and will say you don’t have enough stamina. We are working out ways to make that easier, but that is what is happening. Submit when you can, then wait for those to go through, then try to resubmit what's left in your queue, then the rest should be able to submit. We are working to improve that and also working with Klaytn to see if there are things we can do to improve that as well.
  • Also released Gen0 rerolling. For those not aware, its for only the ones existing prior to the new ones we just released. Those are all rerollable, can be done at the portal in Crystalvale. You reroll the recessive genes of your main class, all subclass game genes and then appearance genes. There are bonuses for that we have articles that explain more details about that. That will go until the 7th of January. You have some time to do that, but just make sure that you are aware. If you do it, it helps the overall ecosystem for Gen0 holders to do that because it helps mix in some of the new genes that we have added in so that any gen0s won’t be artificially rarer than they should be.

Power Ups — been working with Cabby on the UI and also working to get contracts in place. That is probably the next big thing with Game design coming. Will start with not very many, maybe the stamina one as well as one other related to new content.

Profession Quests Lvl 10 and Pet utility — would be the next things coming up.

PVP — then of course we have PVP and trying to get everything aligned there to have a launch in the nearish future.

Sashes (Project Management) Updates:

Sashei — want to echo what everyone said. So much improvement in the Front end and back end. I’ll take a minute or two about things coming up.

Beetle already mentioned that we will release some more UI improvements. Especially things like the inventory which will feature things like sorting. Shout out to Cabby who has been working relentlessly to give everyone a better experience.

Another thing mentioned in the last AMA is more info on the hero card backs. Those will be coming in very near future. Will show what stones were used for summoning, if they have bene dark summoned, if crystals have been used, so that you can look for that on the front end.

Next major feature releases we are looking at Lvl 10 profession quests, starting with Foraging and Fishing, which will also come with pet utility and the first of our power ups, some of which will be tied to lvl 10 prof quests and pet utility.

We will share more information as we are closer to the release of those features. Another thing, we are going to look to bring out in the next few weeks is a new iteration of our roadmap, so that you can see what you can expect over the next year.

AMA Questions

Marketing between us and Klaytn?

Bolon— We talked a little bit about this last week, but now its much more in action. You should have already started seeing a lot of twitter action as well as Klaytn Korea, their Korean account. In addition to that they sent out a press release to a lot of Korean publications. By last count we had been picked up by 12 of them. They are doing great strides to get the info out on their side of the world about DFK. One thing as well, next Thursday evening Korean time, which will be early morning Thursday in US, we will do a live event with Klaytn as well. You’ll see things start to ramp up as you’ve seen the start of it so far.

Their marketing team is great. We’ve been meeting weekly with them for two months or so now. We’ve talked a lot of strategy and now that we are actually up and running, that is when the real fun begins.

Pieface — it’s been great working with them. There’s a lot of media going out as well, traditional media like press releases in Korean and that is exciting. We are getting picked up by some other places and doing so brings in people who aren’t very familiar, sometimes even with crypto at all. A lot of onboarding is often needed so a lot of working on helping people understand how that works and being safe with funds and getting into the awesome world of gaming on Web3. Exciting about getting things out there in different languages and doing lots of translations. It’s interesting that in the Korean language, they don’t have the letter “f” so DeFi Kingdoms, so DePi Kingdoms, it’s exciting for me because my name is Pieface.

Just to let others know as well, in marketing in general, in this bear market we aren’t really big into buying up a lot of ad space because that takes up a lot of money. We appreciate a lot of the organic marketing going on throughout the community as well. Being out there talking about DFK brings in much more meaningful users than just a banner ad. So people asking about why we aren’t paying for stuff like that, money is one thing, but also the quality of impact. Maybe more in a bull market.

cJewel for sJewel and Vice Versa — keep locking periods but exchange cJewel for sJewel?

Frisky Fox— contractually its not possible. There are the withdrawal fees. From a strategic perspective, you do have to choose which realms you want to receive a share of the fees from. For me its both. I have actually the same amount in both and was planning for that. I think that is what we will be saying going forward. There is opportunity on both realms and we hope they’ll even out, certain realms may have more players for certain features. Some features will be realm specific and some will be on both. You’ll want to keep an eye on what the return will be on various realms at different times. As far as having a features to swap like this, it’s not something we can do nor is it something we want to do strategically either because of the tokenomics of it.

Dreamer — Right now as we look at sJewel and cJewel we are looking at simple return based on activity. As power ups come out, that is going to affect that as well. There might be power ups that are linked to certain builders or partnerships that could be unique to one realm that isn’t on another realm. So based on your risk tolerance and your preference, there could be a reason for you to have an asymmetric allocation of Jewel across the realms. Especially years in the future as we are on other chains, there may be a greater draw to Chain A due to a combat related item, or guild related item. For now, like Fox, I put equal amounts in both for the same amount of time because its a long term play on the growth of the ecosystem, participating in the fee allocation, the portion sent to the jeweler but also excited about the power ups as well.

Gas on Klaytn

Bolon — yes its higher than DFK Chain. DFK Chain was built for gaming so it was optimized for that, which leads to probably one of the lowest gas fees of chains. We are exploring for options to mitigate on that front. Will share details as they become available. I was doing the math last night thought, but its still cheaper than it was on Harmony when we shut down Serendale. Yes its more expensive than DFK Chain and we are glad to have DFK Chain, but keep in mind relative costs. We are looking into it though and will share updates when we have any.

Frisky Fox — I was in discord talking about this as well, but there are some cool things we are experimenting with that haven’t been tried in the Web3 space, like logging in with metamask and having a balance you can draw from for gas and having substantization with things like gas refund programs out there. Also things like power ups, to improve user experience and also to make it more economical as well. Those are high on our list for sure. Again, to circle back, we built our own chain for a specific reason. We are doing more transactions than the Ethereum blockchain on most days. We created DFK Chain with cost in mind. A) its using Jewel, and B) its at a price point that is very easy to get into and you can still have very good ROI. its same on Klaytn, still very low fees, plus they have 1 second block times. Lots of pros and cons out there. Klaytn is easily the best one we could have expanded to at the time.

AMA with Wisdom Gaming Next week.

Bolon — Next Tuesday, at 3pm Eastern, we will be having our first official AMA with Wisdom gaming. So after this AMA I’m going to start a board on the site for Wisdom gaming questions. I know you all, I know you are going to try and pull alpha, but don’t expect too much alpha. Very excited for that. For anyone that missed Chaos Cast, had a great convo with Workhorse. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it. It also has a video tour of Wisdoms space in Mall of America.

Closing Remarks

Dreamer — I’ll just recap the excitement and big win that this felt like. Hopefully community feels it too. Incredible wizard like Magnus, Fox, Hubert and Typicool, Beetle, but testers like Winston and Sashei, helping with all the feedback coming through community and Bolon and Rissen and all of our mods, and all those going unnamed in the audience. Artists, J&W and CinnamonBun, Secondbestdad. If you haven’t paid attention to the changes please do. Lots of new NPCs and art. I think I watched that Turtle go by 35 times. A lot to celebrate here and a lot of hard work on translations in the background. Shout out to Poppy, Dragontea and Pie on that. I just want to make sure we close the AMA, Fox please fill in anyone that I missed. Cabby got some praise for the awesome UI. I clicked that expand button a hundred times. We should take time to celebrate the wins. After launch everyone said okay we have this foundation now, and we’ve done some incredible features while we were dodging the events happening, but with this new foundation we can turn up the rate at which we dedicate resources to new features. Hopefully we all feel this success as a community.

Bolon —Quick reminder Emissions start in one hour and 51 minutes.

Frisky Fox — Kudos to everyone Dreamer forgot, I don’t think there were any. Our team has been amazing. It really is a well-oiled machine and it feels good to be on two chains again. Especially the amazing things we’ve seen with our Klaytn partners and how well all of that has worked out. I’ve seen some pretty cool prelim metrics with Klaytn. We are climbing up in the amount of transactions from our app on their chain. We have the summoning event going on and the sJewel snapshot. Stoked about all of that. Our conquest to spread our app across the Web3 metaverse continues and we will continue utnil we spread everywhere. I was reminscing to the launch of Serendale 1 that we did last year and we did it in the basement of Dreamer. It was me and Admiral and Pieface. There were a few people on line there. It was low key but high stress. We didn’t know what was in store for us. Pieface told me the other day that it was a full moon last time we launched and it was a full moon when we launched Serendale 2.0. We’ve come far since then. It’s cool to see the new map and new features and it was very cool to launch it all at once. As dreamer said, we are here, we’ve built and excited to build the next features on the roadmap. Huge shout out to the community and the excitement, understanding and faith you’ve placed in us. We are honored to be able to do this. BULLISH!




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.