DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Project Updates) — July 11, 2022

5 min readJul 13, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries (mostly a transcript tbh). You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of several teams relating to updates on the project. AMA’s have different teams present to address different topics. Go to the new website and submit AMA questions there and Join the discord to also see responses to AMA questions not covered on the weekly calls.

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here.

DeFi Kingdoms Website
DeFi Kingdoms Official Medium
DeFi Kingdoms Discord

Team Members Present:


Dreamer Bus. Dev. Updates

Dreamer: Serendale plans becoming more and more important to valuation of the project and the fundraise so that and Crystalvale parity has been an important to put kingdom studios in a position of strength.

Dreamer: Seeking short term raise for short term development so as to not rush into a bad long term investment in a rushed decision.

Dreamer: Talking to a team right now for a capital injection that would also involve a new home for Serendale. Very positive conversations so far and have another meeting tomorrow.

Development Updates

Fox: This bridge hack had a big impact on DeFi wish we would have had more liquidity from other bridges (like we were the first to bring liquidity from other chains just wish would have been more).

Beetle: 20k heroes bridges in 48 hours. Meditation circle will probably be next. Item bridge being worked on. Gold and crystal mining after that. Alchemist in process and would like to move duels over.

Fox: would like to do duels on Cv. Would be cool to have season 1 kick off there. Competitions across multiple chains would be cool but are tricky. Been reading all the RapidR posts on this and it’s helping us to think about how to think about revisions/reworks.

Magnus: migrating gold and crystal mining quests to Cv followed by training quests. Working with synapse on item bridging. Up to 42k quests so far on CV.

Dreamer: not only are we using Jewel for all this gas but we are also burning Jewel and adding to quest and floating Jewel funds.

Merch Update

Preface: stickers, bloater beanie and Serendale shirts are the most popular. Fanny packs and bloater plushies in process. Prof quest shirt being prepped for a community event where community will submit quotes for the back of the shirt.

Questions from RapidR

Will Harmony be cutting its fees that were recently increased?

Dreamer: we don’t know if Harmony will be cutting gas fees. It’s assumably linked to their overall plans. They are aware of the impact. As they sort overall plans we may see adjustments but we have no specifics. If we were to speculate it was an intentional decision and imagine that we should assume there isn’t going to be an adjustment short term. Can’t speak on behalf of Harmony. Safe speculation I’d assume there will be no change short term.

True that the same person could win multiple pulls on the same raffle where multiple people can win a raffle?

Fox: we can set any number of items to be prizes for raffles and could have multiple winners. Could be multiple winners and all winner could win the multiple items in that pack. That is intentional. Trying to create more simultaneous raffles. Originally just had one small medium and large but it wasn’t compelling. Having more on at one time is more fun. Raffles are cool because it’s one of the first automated things like it that we’ve seen on the blockchain.

Hubert: some don’t like that one person can win multiple times on the same raffle, but intent is to save up and go hard on a given raffle and you might get lucky getting multiple wins on that. It’s a dynamic system. Having all raffles be single and one winner we tried but it’s a little too intense on the chain.

Remaining CV Gen0 Raffles

Bolon: final CV gen0 raffles are coming soon and the time is announced in discord.

Plans for Duplicate Eternal Pages?

Hubert: there may be a trade in of multiple pages to get an older page from the old set. Once order book is out will be easier to trade and transfer these.

How the raffle code works.

Fox: talked about how the raffle code works, just check the youtube video if you are interested in this convo.

Updates on rerolling the faulty transcendent genes for some passive and active skills that came from Gen0s 1–19

Hubert: any heroes with the nuggets transcendent passive or active skills won’t get refunds for extra tears or crystals used because those don’t impact those skills. The skills will have to be rerolled, if it hasn’t been legitimately rolled then that specific skill gene will get rerolled. It’s an intense amount of data so it’s not a big priority because combat isn’t out, but that list doesn’t continue to grow as people continue to summon with those. Any descendants with those genes will have those specific genes rerolled.

RapidR Website

Fox: you can access RapidR site by going to now. Remember this is a brainstorming forum not necessarily a “Here is my question now give me an answer.”

Closing Remarks

Preface: Think about quotes to put on the back of the profession quest T-shirt.

Hubert: Thanks for patience while we roll out Crystalvale parity. Hope everyone understands why we had to re-shift our priorities. Once we get parity we will start pumping out new content again.

Dreamer: If you are enjoying your experience with merchandise the synapse bridge or Christa requesting considered posting about it on social media any positive feedback about it is backed by actual experience and not hype is always helpful.

Fox: been a bear market for a while, bear markets are where some of the best projects today were built. The people still here are dedicated to continue building.




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.