DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Project Updates) — July 25, 2022

11 min readJul 25, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries. You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of several teams relating to updates on the project. AMA’s have different teams present to address different topics. Go to the new website and submit AMA questions there and Join the discord to also see responses to AMA questions not covered on the weekly calls.

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here.

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DeFi Kingdoms Discord

Team Members Present:

Written Questions from AMA Discord Channel RapidR

Reminder you can submit questions on

Harmony and raising of the Gas Fees (

Frisky— This game has the most transactions of any other project on Harmony. We’ve had an interesting partnership with them. We rely a lot on them and they burn a lot of gas with our transactions. They’ve raised them in the past and then they raised them recently. The question is more about what’s the plan for the future for that and whether it will stay that high. I think this can be answered in the same way we’ve answered other things for Harmony. We’re pushing for parity of features across all of our chains. We have some updates on that that added new features, stay tuned for that. As we release those that gives players more options for where they can play, and whichever blockchain gives the best experience will ultimately be the one that has the most players. Being able to do questing and hero leveling and other features that will give them more choices there you’ll have the option to choose when one chain gets more expensive than the others.

Dreamer— aligns with all of our CV parity efforts. This requires enhancing bridging of tokens. New buildouts, new art, new solidity. So a lot of comments about how great DFK chain is and suggestions in moving there ASAP, that is what we are doing as we build out parity.

What can the community DEVs do Specifically to help Build and Grow DFK right now?

Frisky— we have build program and met this last week about raffles and how others can integrate with that. What other things though, art, solidity programming, financial support?

Sunbear — Great to see so many people that have a desire to help and have so many great ideas about NFTs, Tokenomics, etc. and are asking how they can help. One way is to create a proposal on the build site ( If you have ideas let's talk.

Dreamer — I’ll echo focus on DFK chain (also touches on the first Q). If you have a game or toolset that can be integrated into our raffle system or want to add utility to DFK Chain, the community is not only invested but passionate about finding ways to incorporate those into CV parity and beyond. Had a call with some community members about tokenomics and some ideas. It was helpful to get their fresh perspective. We encourage people to reach out.

Frisky — lots of people have reached out with their expertise (marketing, risk management, etc.) and have offered their services basically for free wanting to see this project succeed. We’ll be talking more internally about how we can use these community resources more effectively.

Gen 0 1–20 Descendant Stat Re-Roll. Burn tainted gene hero and get summon back to the hero that lost it rather than a re-roll? (Full text:

Hubert — Getting a summon back and burning a hero would be complicated. Possible, but would take a lot of bandwidth to implement a solution for something like this that is so targeted. We are looking for solutions that will be most efficient and least amount of case by case individual work (which is what restoring summons and burning heroes would be). Not that we can’t, but this probably wouldn’t be a huge priority. To reiterate the plan is that we have a list of all heroes impacted. We’ll use that to determine which heroes need the passive/active skill genes (which up to this point are unusable, and its only specific genes within those) and we’d only reroll the specific genes impacted.

DFK Duel Tournament? (Full text:

Frisky — sounds like moderated private duels. Having one-off tournaments would be first step into e-sports. Would be fun to set up and fun to watch.

Dreamer — would be very manual but fun. Could be well timed-sync’d with ranking system.

Update on Duels Generally

Frisky — Having a more balanced matchmaking system will be important. Having it launched on DFK Chain will also be very important. It generates a lot of transactions — would be better user experience, cost less and burn more Jewel. The main thing to get that going would be the Gold Bridge. Magnus is working hard on that.

Sunbear — this would be a great example of what a Dev could do. If someone wanted to create a smart contract and interface to implement a tournament like this that would be really cool.

Jewel and moving from Harmony — What happens to it? (Full Text:

Frisky — working on logistics of what that would look like. We are pretty far along in talks with some entities and trying to figure out the best place and time to share that, and we are getting close. I’ll let Dreamer speak to this one a little bit.

Dreamer — I do have an update on this topic. In ~5 hours having our 5th or 6th call with our front runner, this call is with their investment team and involves potential of a new home for Serendale. We’ve talked about tokenomics and Jewel. Can’t go into detail because nothing is final, there is a question of whether Jewel would go away all together. In current plan, we aren’t looking to eliminate Jewel altogether. One obvious reason is that Jewel is gas on DFK Chain. It’s not easy to change gas token on a chain without restarting the whole thing. In no preferred scenario would Jewel go away.

If we moved it, would there be a new token though? It's an option considered. Serendale 2.0 and maybe making it more targeted to the new chain’s audience while keeping all of the features and a majority of the feel. Could be a utility token native to them and maybe that impacts our tokens we have today. We are thinking about these and many other options. Once we solidify with their investment team to make it worth it for all involved we will hunker down on tokenomics and provide the community with enough time to digest that. It’s a unique opportunity and potential silver lining to fix a few problem/focus points as it relates to unlocking. In as much detail as I can give, the most confidence I can give right now is that it's very unlikely Jewel would just go away.

Frisky — its disruptive to move to a new chain. It's not something we take lightly. When doing so though, you have opportunities to correct things you would have done differently. We aren’t starting over but we are re-deploying contracts if we move and we have the chance to fix bugs, etc. There’s also economics that we can set up so that its more in tune with what we want to do.

Dreamer — definitely Jewel not becoming worthless. Definitely not just going to burn everyone’s locked Jewel. With primary focus being adoption and least amount of disruption to Serendale being live on a new chain and funding for integration, we just need to make sure overall impact on tokens today are not left behind. The point I was trying to get across is that the unique utility of Jewel that is in circulation today we are very focused that in the aftermath, the token is taken care of as it represents more than just utility in Serendale, its for all those looking to build on DFK Chain. Doing what we can to not just preserve but also enhance utility not just in this market but in various markets to come. Did not mean to give impression that we’d be doing anything else.

Frisky — To reiterate that’s always a top priority — how to preserve and increase value of Jewel. For sure value aiming to maintain and increase value of Jewel. That’s the intent and that’s what we are working towards.

Clarify requirements for someone to do lvl 10 profession quests? Hero lvl 10 or profession lvl 10?

Hubert — profession skill lvl. Not the hero level.

What is the vision for subclass impact on the game other than the stat growth? Will they be able to use abilities at a lower effectiveness?

Hubert — that has been our intent. Combat system is still being developed so hard to give details, but each hero has skill points they can spend to upgrade, and one idea was we would make a few of those skills available from the subclass. When developing something as complex as a combat system though things change. General idea is that it will have some impact on combat in terms of active and passive abilities and what can come from the subclass.

Team Updates

Dreamer Bizdev Update

Synapse bridge — working on getting new tokens supported. Item bridge being worked on in house, but the synapse bridge to support Ethereum for DFK Chain is coming soon.

With that will come some adjustments to gardens in CV. You’ll see reduction in Jewel/XJewel pool and allocation to some Ethereum based pools. Having more TVL in DFK native tokens misses out on upside. So with ETH and AVAX being there, and the overall allocations increasing and with the price of ETH and AVAX increasing you’ll see a general pull up in the price of DFK tokens as well. No official date. Currently ball is in Synapses court. Further info likely will come out prior to the next AMA. We’ll try to give community a fair amount of time to know what is coming. Try to give at least 24 hours. Will do that update in discord and follow with execution at least 24 hours after.

Beetle Builder/Dev Update

This week is a release week, so we should be pushing some things out on Wednesday. Looking good on Alchemist functionality on CV, which will be a new zone/art and NPC in CV. Pushing hard for gold and crystal mining out as soon as possible. We have vendor coming shortly after as well, there will be some bigger changes to the vendor that Hubert can detail.

Hubert Game Mechanics Update

Vendor will have purchase history to drive price of items that he sells. Currently it's just some potions and golden eggs. There will still be a minimum price, but if those are highly popular and getting purchased a lot, then the price will likely go above the minimum price. This will give a bit of a market, especially for things like gold eggs. When that happens, you will likely see the price of those things at the vendor going up. If people aren’t buying it will be at the minimum price. Until implemented it will remain as is.

On mechanics side, otherwise just working on getting things ready for CV feature parity so no other big updates besides that.

SunbearBizdev Update

Builders committee is up and running. We’re processing applications, requests, meeting with teams that are building. Goals include working on UI for Jester where we will have games connected to DFK assets. Working on list for menu/website of different applications in the community that are connected to DFK. Working on disclosures for links in games so that people are fully informed about non-native products and to do their own research and contracts with people we’ll be doing co-marketing with.

Frisky Fox State of Kingdom Update

From solidity side, been meeting with Magnus about upcoming features and also transitioning to a new chain. Currently have 2 repositories for SC code. One is Core (Serendale) and one called Smart Contracts (the newer one for CV smart contracts). They are a bit different in how we do deployment/testing. Trying to figure out the best way to consolidate into one. We have two because some items fixed between CV launch and SD it was easier to track those in a separate repo, but going forward we’d like to consolidate.

Excited about prospects with the chain we are looking at because they offer some cool features we should be able to take advantage of in our app.

Front end devs hard at work. API/Backend team are hard at work setting up infrastructure for node listeners for new chain and having API set up for that will be important. From marketing side, we’ve been planning out tweets and some coming out in conjunction with some of the new things coming out with Synapse bridge like the Ethereum bridge.

From community side, we don’t have Bolon here today but he will be back next week.

Closing Statements

Dreamer — saw a comment about just moving off Serendale. We can’t forget about the impact of the Horizon Bridge hack on treasury, the fact that Jewel-ONE is a big allocation in our gardens, etc. so we want to be very intentional and careful. Want to make sure we have the right partnership for everyone. We don’t want to be overly reactive and move quicker than would be net positive, so a lot of due diligence going into these, some negotiation and seeking overall fit, not just from investment perspective but also technology perspective so that its overall improvement for everyone.

Excited for meetings. Would love to come next week and dump a bunch of information. Working towards that, but it may not be next week, but hoping that future discussions will have some juicy news.

Frisky — Having the opportunity to do something like this (which is an ordeal and not something we’d have to do) does have some silver lining, and gives us opportunity to newer markets, more player base, emerging markets, etc. We do want to measure twice cut once. Something this big can’t be moved easily and we want to do our best to preserve the value of our players assets.

Sunbear — want to share some reasons why I love this team and community. 1. we are very intentional. 2. there’s a lot of diversity of thought, lots of people from different background and experience and there is conversation and dedication to what we are building and you are in this community because you believe in us too, and we are here because even through the bear market and the Harmony hack we believe in this. We are hard at work and we are going nowhere except up.

Beetle— continuing to build and push features out. We’ve got a great build team doing awesome work. Just excited to continue bringing you content and to continue that going forward. Thanks for being such an awesome community.

Hubert — beyond what everyone else has said, just want to say Bullish and we are continuing to work on feature parity but also little things we can add in like this new vendor feature. Once we get feature parity its all about new content.

Frisky— thanks to everyone coming to listen. There’s so many names here in the community that I’ve come to love. This is why were are still here and still going, we feel that energy from you and we have that shared dream for what this can be. We’ll stay here and continue building and progressing towards the goals that we have. Until next time, put your questions in the site. Looking forward to speaking with you guys in the chat. Thanks for coming and thanks for all that you do.




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.