DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Project Updates— October 13, 2022

13 min readOct 13, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries. You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of several teams relating to updates on the project. Go to the website and submit AMA questions there and Join the discord to also see responses to AMA questions not covered on the weekly calls.

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here.

DeFi Kingdoms Website
DeFi Kingdoms Official Medium
DeFi Kingdoms Discord

Core Team Members Participating:

Project Updates

Frisky Fox Updates:

Frisky Fox — Approaching 100% parity. Have had 2–3 releases per week. Team has worked really hard. Launched raffles this week. Raffle system is set up to be used by other projects on the chain. Arena and Fight Klub will be able to take advantage of this system. Funds that go into it, half get burned and other half go to the quest fund, which is beneficial for everyone and beneficial for other projects to be using it.


Duels has a problem where matchmaking sometimes gets stuck. Will be fixing that shortly after this. We also talked about changing up how we do some of the rankings to make it easier to rank up at lower ranks and harder to rank up at the higher ranks. Season 0 prizes were announced and we’ll hold raffle for that tomorrow, you’ll get a raffle ticket even if you ended with 0 rank (won one, lost one, for example).

Vote Proposals currently ongoing:

Two related to recovering lost or hacked locked Jewel and then another on the new jewel staking and governance mechanism, which we convered in depth in the AMA last week and also wrote an article on this.

Proposal #22 — Hacked Locked JEWEL Restoration

Proposal #23 — Lost Locked JEWEL Restoration Proposal #24 — Jeweler 2.0 with


Voting will run from now (Oct 12, 2022 20:00 EDT) until Oct 14, 2022 20:00 EDT

What is the threshold for the votes? Votes are generally simple majority, but for anythign impacting governance or big changes we want a higher threshold. So the locked jewel edge cases, those will be simple majority. For the cJewel one that will be a 2/3 vote.

You can change your vote if you’d like.

If the vote is approved for the locked Jewel, they’ll go to the right person. If the vote for the locked jewel proposals is rejected then those locked jewel will go to the hackers wallet.]

Dreamer Updates


This isn’t intended to compete with PVP, its a simple but strategic mini game. With every aspect of DFK we are building things out real time. Appreciate the feedback and support. Hope to keep making things more fun and balanced and excited to continue to celebrate those milestones and to use that along with other features to reward people in game.


Kingdom Studios Committee: In the last few months we’ve formed a lot of committees. We want to make sure that most decisions, especially big ones, are decided by a group. One of those committees is the Kingdom Builder committee where we review all submissions and have people from blockchain side, dev side, community side to review what gets added into the castle. We heard last week a reference to a new type of submission catered towards the content creators and the castle now has the Artist NPC and in the coming weeks we’re hoping to link in people related to content creation, art, music, lore, videos, podcasts, etc. If you have any interest in having a link to your site and content, submit it on the build site and we will review and get them included with the fancy new artist whenever we can.

Tokenomics Commitee: one discussion this week was Serendale 2.0 Gen0 allocation. In prior times we released the snapshots on how you can be eligible. We wanted to give people enough time ahead of the potential relaunch on how they’ll be allocated. Currently there are 4. There may be 4 in the future, but these 4 will be vast majority.

  • First — cJewel snapshots. one will be contingent upon the s/cJewel proposal and the Jeweler 2.0, which will be a source of snapshots for Gen0s.

With that, people should keep in mind that xJewel will have to be no more. It can’t live with cJewel and sJewel. So the Jewel to xJewel pool will be phased out with the launch of Jeweler 2.0. xJewel and Jewel won’t be retired when the vote passes, rather when Jeweler 2.0 launches.

Frisky — some might be wondering what will happen with xJewel, you can still redeem it back for Jewel, then swap it in for cJewel and you’ll be back in business.

Dreamer — xJewel will no longer be a governance token and fee sharing in CV will feed into Jeweler 2.0.

Okay back to the four different allocations for Gen0s.

  • SecondSummoning exercise. This is designed to reward those playing and summoning to have a chance to win a Gen0. More details to come, but when the period starts up until it ends, anyone summoning will receive a chance to win a Gen0.
  • Third — Duels. Can be based on ranking, other aspects.
  • Fourth Raffles in the Duels system.

More details will come on those.

Klayton Power Token — This is one of the things that has been outstanding. We want to drop a short trailer on the new power token, JADE!

As we think about Jewel and our other tokens as “precious stones” we looked at Avalanche and how its ice themed, we wanted something mountain and winter themed. As we moved Serendale to a new chain, we didn’t just want to replace it without thinking about the digitized metaverse that we were moving to, so Secondbestdad and the art team were thinking about how we could do that. There’s been a lot of talk about new NPCs coming in, unique things we can do with the relaunch. But I’m happy we can now say that Jade is a precious stone that in the region is associated with a lot of wealth, success and value. We hope it can be used to recognize the tech, the region and exciting in the gameplay with the new classes that are to come (we won’t release today, but in the coming weeks or month) as well as the additional features to come in the future. I’ll pause there for any comments from other team members.

Bolon — there will probably be Jade tokens being created as we speak. Do not fall for it. You will not find our Jade before its available. We will let you know when its available.

Secondbestdad — There were some challenges to develop the creation of a new green token that is visually unique and different from our Jewel token. We went through a bunch of iterations. Our new artist JMW took it over and knocked it out of the park. He gets all the credit, we are excited to have him on the team.

Frisky Fox — It’s beautiful. I wish we had had Secondbestdad and JMW from the start. Just from a lore and cultural ambience it really fits. I want to second everything Dreamer said and excited for direction we are going and the other things that will also be coming with Serendale 2.0.

Dreamer — Still working through a lot. If you met us in Singapore and we still haven’t been able to reach out, we have a lot of contacts to get through. Super excited for other games, doesn’t even matter what chain you are on, especially with the pet system, the raffle system. If you are a game that is thinking there might be some potential collab, and are wondering if we are interested, the answer is most likely yes. We are talking to a lot of others as it relates to getting geared up for centralized exchange listings, DEX aggregators and optimizers, especially over on Klaytn and then also additional features on DFK Chain.

There was a really exciting call on the topic of tax yesterday, looking to have more features especially with one particular professional that could be a could resource to the community. A lot of hard work building these relationships. We have a long list of collaborators we are working through. Excited to keep building and expanding those partnerships.

Magnus Updates

Magnus — several DFK chain related announcements. There is a major update to subnet EVM. October 18. If you are running a node, make sure you upgrade before then. Check out the ava labs twitter account for more details on that. Applicable to C chain as well.

We’ll be increasing the min base fee from 2 to 3 GWEI as we continue to monitor performance metrics of the chain.

Third announcement, we’ve decided in the tokenomics committee to remove contract deployment permissions, so there will be permissionless contract deployment like on other EVM chains. That will require a hard fork, so we are targeting two weeks out from that, so even if not a dev, or trying to create a new liquidity pool or multisig or something, this will allow for that. The hard fork will remove that precompile that required certain deploy addresses. We’ll post the exact timestamp for when that will happen. Follow our discord, twitter and the avalanche discord for more details on that hard fork.

Frisky Fox — Big kudos to Magnus. He’s been so crucial for everything we’ve been doing with the chain. He’s been handling queuing up all the upgrades and working with Ava labs. This is a huge milestone. We’ve optimized this chain for things like online games. As a result of basically having to break other chains in the process. We want to invite other games and projects to build on it, and this is a major step in that direction and we’re excited to open that up to anyone that wants to come and build on the chain with us.

Bolon — A couple of other thoughts on that as well, with DFK chain opening up, some have asked about multisigs. Right now we are working with some multisig providers to get DFK chain supported. That’s less of a whitelist issue and more of a getting providers that support it.

Frisky Fox — After we drop the whitelisting you’ll also be able to deploy your own multisigs. We’re also going to be pushing to help providers get there.

Bolon — Working to make sure Dappradar and other sites have all the right contracts. Zipper has been leading the front on that. For example Dappradar doesn’t support subnets yet, so making sure they have th eright AVAX contracts. Doing the same for Klaytn, but it won’t reflect DFK chain statistics yet because they don’t support subnets yet.

AMA Questions

Toggle switch to say only CV heroes or only SD heroes?

Beetle — That’s on our to do list for quality-of-life improvements. Should be able to get that out in the next release hopefully.

Profile achievements. A lot has happened since we talked about them. Is that still part of the plan? Did we decide to do something else on that front?

Beetle — still moving forward with those. Our illustrious API wizard is working on hookups for an achievement system. That’s in the works. I think we’ll be leveraging our API to make that a simpler process to serve up to the end user. We’ll start with a small number of profile achievements and then work our way out. On the roadmap, but we’ll need to prioritize it soon because API is almost to the right spot to be able to do that.

Roadmap — its outdated, when do we plan to have an update?

Bolon — Yes it needs to be updated. In the process of figuring out the order of priorities post-parity at which point we will put out a new roadmap. That’s the general overview of that.

Mechanics Related Questions were glossed over for today because Hubert is on a well-deserved vacation this week.

How will currently vesting xCrystal be handled with the xCrystal phase out?

Frisky Fox — They’ll still work like they are set up right now. They are set up to vest until about March 2023. The reason we did that was because when we launched there was a lot of traffic on the bridge and not everyone could get there stuff over in time. So we extended the time by a day or two until the bulk of transactions could be completed, then we looked at how much crystal would have been minted during that time and airdropped it to people that otherwise would have been there and those were set to vest over the course of a year. They’ll still vest and you can still claim them as they unlock and you can swap them for crystal. The main changes have already happened, which is that xCrystal is no longer a governance token and with cJewel the fees that would be going to xCrystal will go to cJewel instead because its the new Jewler.

Has upgrading to Uniswap v3 been considered?

Magnus — definitely something we are looking at for the future. Our current dex is a non-upgradable contract as most dex’s are. So when the time comes for Uniswap v3 licensing to come unlocked (I believe April 2023), it will be free to be used under a different licensing agreement for the community then we’ll evaluate that at that time. When that time comes it wouldn’t be an upgrade but a replacement that would require migrating liquidity. That does cool things though like limiting your liquidity providing range to limit impermanent loss, etc. Just waiting for that licensing agreement to change.

Why did we put the hacked/lost locked Jewel proposal to a vote?

Frisky Fox — It was one of the things where we asked if we needed a vote, and when in doubt we want to just be as conservative as possible. We are always trying to have more votes. An argument was made that if it was a bug in the front end, and even though it was individuals interacting directly with the block chain, it was still a bug and we got it fixed in CV, and it will be fixed in Serendale 2.0, and for things in the past we’ve just made it right. But since it involves a snapshot and airdrop we figured we would just put it up to a vote. Same with hacked. Most of the time once hacked there’s nothing you can do. But with something like this, we have the unique opportunity to do some of these cool things. We didn’t want to do that unless it was a collective agreement that the majority wants to have. We aren’t unilaterally able to make all those decisions. When in doubt we’d like to hold votes.

Bolon — That wraps it up outside of mechanics questions.

Closing Remarks

Pieface — Teaser of the bloater blush coming to the merch store! I mentioned it was on its way to the states and it arrived a few days ago. They came very squished and had to be fluffed up so this is them in my dryer. Very huggable and punchable. Will probably take a few weeks to get them on to the store. We’ll be doing our own fulfillment. Excited for every person to have their own bloater plush.

Secondbestdad — Just waiting on my Bloater plush! Don’t have much other than, “OOOOKAY” [Lil John Voice]

Beetle — Why you gotta do that to me Secondbestdad? I’m really excited, been saying for weeks that CV parity is close, but I think we are actually there. Excited to dive into the new stuff and 2.0 Migration. “YEEAHYA” [Also in Lil John Voice]

Magnus — Looking forward to 2.0 and deploying on Klaytn.

Bolon — Appreciate everyone being here. 6 of you up here taking time out of your day to do this AMA. The mechanics questions we didn’t do today we’ll do when Hubert is back. We may have a Hubert heavy AMA next week. Keep submitting questions on rapidr site.

Dreamer — I’m excited to get my own stress bloater to punch and hug. Excited for all the other updates. There’s been a lot of Q’s in AMA voiceless chat in Discord we’ve been trying to respond to. Removing the whitelisting on DFK chain is really exciting. For some that may not be as technical on the significance, I’ll clarify. When we launched DFK Chain we were the flagship subnet and still continue to be that. At launch we needed to be able to control some of the variables. Needed it to be safe, stable. Part of that is controlling who can launch a contract, so if someone wanted to launch contracts it had to go through kingdom builder site and get whitelisted. With his update, DFK Chain will be similar to other chains permissionless in nature where anyone can launch stuff. Just an exciting step forward towards decentralization and what Crypto and Web 3 is all about. Really excited about Jade, Klaytn and Serendale 2.0 launch. Happy I don’t have to worry about saying Jade, it slipped a couple of times. Feel free to share it with others. Jade and Crystal and meant to be the main game tokens with all of the game utility, leveling up, etc. Whereas Jewel is intended to be that broad ecosystem token, depegging it from the game token gives us a lot of benefits. Doing that mitigates a lot of the risks of pursuing centralized exchange systems. It will be the governance, gas and premium features token as it relates to duels, questions, season rewards.

Frisky Fox — Having 2, 3 and 4 releases in one week is amazing. Look at this space. A lot of projects are idling. Some are closing down. It’s hard to continue to build during this time. I feel like we’ve not only maintained pace but accelerated. A lot of those things were things we didn’t originally plan on having to do.

Events we have been to have been really amazing for us to find other like minded projects to work with and have ins with other projects. We are basically on the cutting edge of what is being built and we want to maintain that edge. Bullish!




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.