DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Project Updates — October 27, 2022

12 min readOct 27, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries. You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of several teams relating to updates on the project. Go to the website and submit AMA questions there and Join the discord to also see responses to AMA questions not covered on the weekly calls.

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here.

DeFi Kingdoms Website
DeFi Kingdoms Official Medium
DeFi Kingdoms Discord

Core Team Members Participating:

Project Updates

Dreamer (General and Business Development) Updates

Dreamer — Wanted to audibly celebrate 150k duels played in the last 3 weeks. Big milestone. Excited not only for the volume but we have a lot of ideas for enhancing it, whether its the rank system, reward system or the application as well as our first efforts to consider an e-sports like direction, which would be the form of bracketed style tournaments. There are sponsors that are interested in participating. Those sponsors would potentially put up a pot for winners in addition to in game tokens for winners. It’s a big thing to plan for and we are interested in others input and also being open to being flexible over time. No date we are shooting for, but are wanting to make it fun and take what we have, which is 100% on chain mini game and make it a little more interesting with some manual rules.

Excited to also be funneling in some of the new Gen0 rewards structure through duels and raffle system. More to come on that as we get closer to the launch of Serendale on Klaytn.

We’ll hear from builders on Dark summoning soon, as well as artist in Castle. As we get closer to relaunch we have some juicy updates and alpha on mechanics and music that will be shared.

Discussion of cJewel and sJewel launch with Serendale 2.0.Jewel/xJewel pool looking to be retired upon launch of Serendale 2.0.

Collabs with Klaytn

Focused on DeFi related protocols at Klaytn. They have a lot of interest in their userbase. Because we are launching on mainnet, we don’t have to look for things like price oracles and can look to collab with their protocols right away, aggregators, optimizers, wallets already working on Klaytn, and getting those to work with DFK. Goal would be having large protocols accessible in the front end of the game so that the trading experience wouldn’t be limited just to our pairs, but having these other portfolio optimization services and dex aggregator services directly into our platform. That way people in those ecosystems that want to participate in our launch or own some of our power tokens it will be easier for us to do so. They’ve also agreed to co-marketing efforts which is huge to be able to partner with some of the largest protocols in the ecosystem.

Sunbear and myself have been focused on this. Klaytn has proven to make great introductions and good follow ups.

Before I hand it to beetle, we are revisiting lending on both DFK chain and Klaytn. Early on we had looked to collab with Benqi. There are benefits to our own chain, but there’s a lot of work like running our own validators, managing gas fees, not having price feeds, that main chains have integrated. WE are close on DFK chain to being able to move forward with collabs with Benqi. There are new lenders, some in the Klaytn ecosystem that we are pursuing options for.

In highly volatile markets, just remember any form of leverage is very risky, and if you are providing leverage, there is even more focus that its safe and that risk management guidelines and liquidation scenarios are very conservative. In addition, in trying to get people to work with us, we have to be careful, we have to have disclaimers that its not our protocol, but we do want to try and make the risks aware to people who may not be aware of it.

Bolon — Duels Tournaments

Posted a new post on the site, would love to hear from you all on what we have planned, what you would like to see planned, any changes you think would be good to make, and how you think we could launch it better.

Beetledude (Build Updates) Updates:

Beetle — last week we launched our final CV parity item, so that’s all wrapped up now. Right away we’ve been diving into some new things. We have plan for next week to release dark summoning. Things are looking good there and we are finalizing contracts. Looks amazing, sounds amazing, we’ll get a sneak peak from Sam on the music.

Also working on, no date yet, the cJeweler pretty heavily. The initial contracts are in a good spot, and we are working on the front end. As soon as we can get that out we will retire the Jewel/xJewel pool.

On top of that, working on Serendale 2.0 items and getting items pushed up on Klaytn as fast as we can. Have seen some overhauled zones for that launch and the new hero classes. Won’t be dropping any alpha on that side of things today.

Sunbear (Kingdom Builders Program) Updates:

Sunbear — the application is up in the website for people who are creating content, art, music, lore, stories, youtube videos, podcasts, etc, we want to get you featured in the artist. We have a few applications already such as — 256Bit, CandorGander, DFKmidnight, DFKtoday, BogsideChats. Really looking to bring whatever their creative piece is and bringing it into the game.

In the Archivist you’ll see DFKAnalytics soon. Leila’s Ledger as well. We’re taking another addition we’ll put in the jester, so it won’t just be games that use our NFTs, but seems to make sense to bring in people that want to reinforce gaming and create onboarding. One is called “Level” that are reinforcing the onboarding of Web2 gaming to Web 3, lots of education they provide through their protocols. Lots of exciting stuff happening on the DFK website.

Rissen — Suprise Update:

Rissen — I did want to let everyone know that we have confirmed we are going to go and be at Dcentral Miami at the end of November for an event they graciously invited us to because they loved our display and how excited everyone got. The real exciting part is that we just got confirmation they are giving us an additional 25 tickets to give away to the community. Look shortly, I should have something out on social media probably something along the lines of following Dcentral, etc. But there’s no better feeling than having our people and community members there and walking around in merch. If you are in Florida and can make it to Florida at the end of November, please enter to try and get one of those tickets.

Sam Shandley — Music Update:

Sam — as you know Dark Summoning is on the Horizon, hopefully coming out next week. With each new zone comes a new music track. The clue is in the name on this one. The track is going to be super dark, which brings a whole new tone to CV. Dragontea is going to drop a teaser in the voiceless chat just to wet your toes a bit. Then I’ll pass it over to Hubert for some super cool alpha.

Hubert (Game Mechanics) Updates:

Hubert — Glad to be back. Sorry to have been away, but rest of team was working very hard. Veryhappy with what we have in dark summoning. It’s in my opinion probably the best zone we’v emade. Everythign fits together really well. What you are actually doing in that zone fits really perfectly as well.

Here is some alpha about how it works:

Dark Summoning:

  • You can do it with heroes that have 0 summons, you’ll receive a hero with 0 summons.
  • The pricing with Dark Summoning, expect it to be about 1/4 of the price that you do with normal summoning, to offset the cost of sacrificing heroes.
  • Reducing restrictions, in normal summoning you had restrictions on which can summon with which, with the exception of Gen0, they can’t be used.
  • Summoning CD’s aren’t regarded in dark summoning.
  • Level carry over system, if you summon with two lvl 5, you can level up the new hero to lvl 5 with no experience requirements. This will let you get your new hero back up quickly.
  • Rarity chances has increased. The baseline is akin to what we did during the birthday event, but theres more. If heroes you are using have remaining summons, you can overcharge the chances, for an additional fee, which will increase your chances of higher rarity.
  • We will floor the rarity, so if you use two rare heroes, you are guarnateed that your’re hero will be rare. Doesn’t increase chance for Mythic or Legendary, but you wouldn’t get common or uncommon.
  • UI Updates — will be including the chances of different rarities on the UI so it will be very clear what you can expect as far as your chances.
  • Higher chance for Shiny (5x).
  • Follows same rules for summons remaining, but if either had 1 or 0, then the new hero will have zero.
  • Uses the same genetics system as normal summoning. Same chance for mutations, same chance for recessives, same gene mixing.

The full details will be released when this is released and you’ll see most of this in the UI. Excited to see what comes from this.

On the rarity flooring — what if they are not the same rarity? Will take an average of the two. SO a common and a rare, you’d have an uncommon floor. It’s also rounded down, so a legendary and a common would result in an uncommon floor.

If class mutates up, do you still get 1 minimum summon? No it won’t work that way, you’ll still get 0. So any dark summoned hero

Can you use enhancement stones during dark summoning? Yes you can.

AMA Questions

Training quests become unavailable when the associated class goes over 50, could we suppress the stat so that we can still run it but only get credit for 50 stats?

Hubert— Intent with that was 2 fold. To have obvious progression in success rate with lesser level gain, whereas fishing and foraging it takes a bit of time to notice how much better it is because those are designed to go from 1 to 100, whereas this was focus on a smaller subset of stats and have a faster progression. Another part is that it necessitates that you don’t want it to give out too much and you’d have inflation of certain items. There’s also plans for higher level training quests and you’d eventually be able to move on to another set of quests that you could move on to. The last piece for suppressing that is that leaderboards and if you got specific patterns like win lose win lose win you could get certain rewards in the leaderboards. A lot of has changed with leaderboards and so we will revisit the base assumptions we were using in the design, but yes in general if your hero goes above that threshold you’ll just have to use the training quest for their second highest stat.

Use for other in game quest items?

Hubert— anything that goes into the potions are intended to be most useful once combat is out. Once we have PVP and PVE going you’ll see a lot more activity going on there. With the two new tokens added for CV, fishing and foraging quests, I have a system planned to use them, but there will be a bit of time before we do that while we focus on Serendale 2.0 and other higher priority items. It’s coming up, and it’s not forgotten.

Crafting — will this work in groups of 6 like profession quests?

Hubert— Original plan was individual hero basis, but that is an interesting idea, but considering how many heroes people have we can explore group crafting, but the baseline plan has been individual crafting.

Indicator on Gen0 1–19 descendants after they get rerolled?

Hubert — actually I think the opposite of that would be better, and something we could do, in general I think if there is a hero that is tainted we should have a badge that shows they have a bad gene, and that’s more important so people can make decisions while they are buying heroes. Once the reroll has happened that would remove the badge.

DFK Chain on and off ramp? It had been mentioned before ramps were being looked at.

Dreamer— a lot of those services rely heavily on regulation wherever they are trying to service. We had links to one of those on ramps, but their ability to provide off ramp services is contingent upon their priorities and regulations. We haven’t recently been focused on new options and don’t know which are the furthest along in terms of off ramping in the U.S. so we don’t have the most updated information on there on off ramps. We can earmark it though to get updates on those who we’ve talked with in the past and bring it back in future weeks.

Reminder on Jade Fake Tokens


Closing Remarks

Dreamer—I feel like we should all just write our closing thoughts down and have Sam read them for us.

Sunbear — enjoying summoning and Duels and I’m sure you all are as well, as well as the opportunity to be entered into the Gen0s for summoning.

Hubert — we’ve had to cut back on team members, but even with that, with those that are here we have a really good flow going and we are progressing well. I’m really excited for the future. I have a renewed energy that I haven’t had in a long time. Bullish!

Beetle — Excited to be out of the CV parity shadow and working on new features. Dark summoning in particular is awesome. Excited to be using it soon. It’s a great microchasm of all the teams coming together with art, music, mechanics, front end, back end, api, contracts, all at once. I think it speaks to the strength of the team. Also shout out to tokenomics committee who thinks about all of these things and makes them better.

Dreamer — thanks everyone for joining. Thanks for all the comments. Super excited about the music alpha drop and the alpha from Hubert. We appreciate what everyone brings to the table. The team has a lot of different talens and personalities and workstyles. Want to echo that over time we are getting better at working together. We had another tokenomics committee and had to discuss some juicy topics and while talking about Dark Summoning final thoughts we had some really awesome input and discussion on revising a few things to make it even better. From the art side, from the music side, the front/back end and solidity side, everyone has a strong personal desire to contribute to the most beautiful epic and long term game platform web 3 metaverse that we can. Feels great to be part of that. I feel like my role is to make sure we have funding, organization and structure to continue doing this. Hats off to support of the community.

It’s great to see the stability and success of DFK chain. Excited for the Serendale relaunch and grateful to those that have already welcomed us and for those of you that I know will welcome those from their community.

Wanted to re emphasize those 25 tickets to Dcentral. I hope that we really use those tickets up and can meet some people in person and maybe we have you guys sit with us at the booth and help out. Rissen is working out hard, not just on events, but also making partnerships and business relationships to make things like this possible.

This is the anniversary of a Dcentral event and the fact that they are working to help us with speaker spots, booths, and tickets, and those out in the industry that recognize us as a force that is building in the bull and bear and that we’ll show up for our partners.

For those that didn’t right it down fast enough, there is going to be some efforts to put the Dark Summoning details down in an article or infograph. Don’t expect it today, but we’ll recap as soon as we can.

Just a reminder there is an ongoing summoning event that sunbear hinted to, that is rewarding Gen0s of the new classes for the relaunch, that is happening in Crystalvale. There will be additional events or rewards related to Serendale summoning as well. That would be a completely different event. We’ll also release details on how Dark summoning plays into this as well. We have a decent amount of Gen0s to allocate and we want to do it in a fair and fun way.

Expect about half to be awarded around launch, then the remaining half more of a strategy for the months following launch. We’ll use a chunk to help the adoption and ramping up of Serendale 2.0. Thank you for all the comments. Bullish.




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.