DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Project Updates — September 1, 2022

9 min readSep 2, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries. You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of several teams relating to updates on the project. Go to the website and submit AMA questions there and Join the discord to also see responses to AMA questions not covered on the weekly calls.

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here.

DeFi Kingdoms Website
DeFi Kingdoms Official Medium
DeFi Kingdoms Discord

Team Members Present:

Project Updates Summary from AMA

Klaytn move and tokenomics change partially solved for locked token cliff but dark summoning and locked token utility bring more solutions.

Launching some people on DFK Chain soon hopefully. May not be a whitelist type program forever. Some linked in game with raffler and some via links to other websites by interacting with an NPC.

Various departments in Kingdom Studios have been linking up with counterparts at Klaytn.

Roadmap is going to change and dates will push back the last roadmap was before all of these recent changes and phasing out Serendale will take time and resources.

Hoping to prepare a new roadmap/infogrpah with when they expect to launch various features and roll out the Serendale 2.0 launch. Dates will need to be revisited for sure though.

DFK chain update happening tomorrow to allow the team to adjust gas fees. There’s also a DFK chain Twitter account now for matters specific to DFK Chain. Also made changes to make it easier to use hero images from the API for third party sites. Other DFK chain updates as well.

Building an area/NPCs where whitelisted 3rd party projects and apps will be accessed directly in game. Potentially next week depending on what apps are ready.

Working on a way to start multiple quests at the same time across all the quests. Also a multi complete feature.

The new NPCs should help with foot traffic. They are third party so not being integrated into smart contracts but should be great opportunity for all parties involved.

Question on whether .DFK ENS domains are still being considered. It’s fragile and lots involved but Frisky will look at it again. They haven’t spent a lot of time on it. Tango noted he was part way through onboarding some domain registration with unstoppable domains but they’ve had a lot of other things on their plate.

Secondbestdad is working on populating the world.

Duels or gardening first on Cv? Duels can’t launch on CV without turning it off on sernedale and there’s some other things that need to happen. Gardening might come first but they’ll be close in time. Multi quest is taking a lot of work. Gardening isn’t a straight port over. Changing the way it works, including some tokenomics (they’ll share more on the details about it. The last tokenomics meeting was heavily focused on gardening). Multiple gardeners at once. Two quest funds, the crystal one and the jewel one, and will probably split these across chains as they spread out. You’ll theoretically be able to earn Jewel and Crystal from Gardening profession quests on DFK Chain. To access Jewel based reward you’d stake who heroes on each garden one that does crystal and one that does Jewel.

Turning to AMA Questions

Distribution of plots among realms will it be revised?
Lots of discussions still ongoing and maybe open to a vote later but Frisky’s current thought is to have land in proportion to the number of basic hero genes that resulted from that realm. An expansion with just two basic class worth of genes would have less lands than one with more, for example.

Atonement Crystals to be bridgeable?
Potential exploit if you allow these to be bridged, so current plan is to just use them on Serendale. However, sounds like since the AMA there was an announcement in discord where they would allow them to be bridged by turning it off on Serendale and allowing the bridge to bridge them over.

With new tokenomics coming, how will lvl 10 mining rate compare to lvl 0 profession quest mining?
Best to wait on this until Hubert gets back next week. Lvl 10 quests is one of the main things Hubert is pushing for each week.

Achievement for donating to the charity on Serendale still planned?
Yes, sounds like Pine Cone has built some cool architecture to allow for a cross chain solution and implementation for the achievements through the API. Some achievements will have in game use, some won’t. If it has in game use, will be in the “flag” system they’ve built, if not, will just be in the cross chain repository for the achievements and all will show up in game.

How will Serendale LP be handled when moving chains. Will seeds be bridgable or will there be a snapshot?
Frisky is working on a doc that outlines everything that needs to happen. Turning off bridges would be one of the last things. Anything left in Serendale when that happens won’t be supported if someone else created a bridge and tried to bridge it later, everything would be locked in Harmony at that point and they’d have to do snapshots for anything that isn’t able to be bridged or that wasn’t bridged on time.

All the individual features (profession quests, meditation circle, summoning, tavern sales, pet hatching) all need to be turned off as well. They’ll announce dates and times for turning off various features. Will also turn off incentives for LPs.

After incentives are turned off, Frisky recommends moving that liquidity over to DFK chain and staking over there.

Better not to wait for snapshots for things you left on Harmony, they don’t know how long that will take, so to have access to your assets at all time, bridge to CV as soon as you can.

If Jewel becomes deflationary won’t it run out over time?
Theoretically, maybe, but as price goes up they can tweak things with gas configuration, unlike ETH where if the gas goes up it just gets prohibitively expensive. As gas goes up on DFK chain, they can change the amount charged for gas.

Discussion on how it would be cool to have larger guilds become validators.

Jewel as gas on Klaytn, if its swapped for Klaytn to pay for gas, how would we control gas fees?
Logistically still working this out. Speculation that it might cost a certain amount of gas to do something on their chain, and to allow our players to do that with jewel it would be some sort of swap on the backend into their gas token.

Voting — have you considered a reward or achievement badge for people that are voting?
They’d like to see achievements for all types of things. If you vote, it should have enough intrinsic value that you want to do it anyways. But might be cool to have an “I participated in the vote” achievement type of sticker, but no promises.

Voting — Will weighting of votes be revisited? Particularly around heroes.
Should revisit, some heroes are worth more than others. Maybe its a community vote to change the number of votes a hero is worth based on the rarity of the hero.

With latest situation with Ava Labs and their “legal team” from the cryptoleaks article, any potential hinderance to DFK Chain or Crystalvale?
Not in a position to speak on behalf of Ava labs, but there’s plenty of information directly from them. Nothing alarming and going full steam ahead on Crystalvale priority and Ava is still pushing out updates for validators, etc.

Discussion on the tokenomics change vote:
Largest turnout of any vote they’ve held in terms of votes cast and unique addresses that voted. Involved a lot of work to get snapshot right to capture everything.

For proposals, they will consider making a proposal about creating proposals. That way there is a process on how it gets done. Maybe it starts on and requires support from the community, maybe its a % holding or requires a sponsor.

Vote is Now Closed

97.05% votes in favor of the tokenomics changes.

This has been the biggest and most important vote, maybe ever for this project.

Next step now is pedal to the medal to roll this out.

First step is timeline and roadmap to close this plan out and relaunch over on Klaytn.

Exciting announcements to come in the next week or two about that.

Closing Statements

Tango — watching what everyone is doing behind the scenes, every decision that is made has a lot of thought behind it on what is best for the community. Blown away by all the thought behind it and the tough decisions that have to be made.

Magnus — Nothing else!

Secondbestdad — I’m good, said what I wanted to!

Bolon — Thank you to everyone that voted. If you don’t vote then we can’t hear from you. Thank you to everyone joining to listen to this and thank you to the people taking time out of their day to answer our questions.

Beetle — I really appreciate the tokenomics committee we have, its amazing the big problems they are working through and fixing where they need to be fixed. They are doing a ton of great work. I don’t want to thank Secondbestdad because I need to make him look bad. Super bullish and excited about the new direction we are heading.

Dreamer — I’m stoked to see the results of the vote. 97% is the vast majority. This was a hard vote to structure. Lots of views were shared. Sometimes we have ideas and it takes 3–4 other people to tear them down and realize that every good idea has downside on implementation or unexpected consequences. We had to leave out a bunch of other ideas because they were too disruptive. We might have more votes in the future that are more piece meal. We appreciate those sharing their views, even if they are different than the way we are heading. This is important to Crypto being able to put your vote in. If you think about politics, bills aren’t passed by a 97% vote and you don’t see everyone read and understand everything behind votes. But in our community we have very passionate and committed people (and knights) to help make sure there is an equilibrium of knowledge. I’ve heard some views that people think are downsides and there’s been good conversations about it in the discord. Big thanks to everyone. Everyone should be proud to be involved in the community.

Few updates I failed to share, that may come out in Discord related to bridging and gardens. We’ve been working with Synapse and are very close to adding some new tokens there. They’d likely be Bitcoin and Klay, also looking to support Fantom. As we work towards migration people may be looking for where to move those tokens. Possibly around the AMA next week we may have more news on this. We’ll try to give people 24 hours to prepare for these.

Frisky — proud of our team for the effort put into this proposal. Grateful for the community for sharing their voice and feedback and asking good questions. Great to see this pass at such a high rate. This is the highest pass rate we’ve had, and its also one of the biggest votes we’ve had. Our direction is now clear and its up to us to execute on it.




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.