DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Project Updates — September 15, 2022

25 min readSep 16, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries. You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of several teams relating to updates on the project. Go to the website and submit AMA questions there and Join the discord to also see responses to AMA questions not covered on the weekly calls.

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here.

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Team Members Present:

Project Updates

Frisky Fox General Project Update

Frisky — Good afternoon. It’s been a week. There’s been a lot going on. We turned off dueling last week and turned off raffles yesterday. Those are set up that any existing one will run until they finish and then we’ll draw winners from those on the admin side but no new raffles will be starting and after that there won’t be anything else you can do with your tickets.

We also stopped questing on Serendale last night and also started the Gardening quest on Crystalvale. We also introduced some new things. One of the things we worked through was that the quest fund on CV was a lot less than the one on Serendale because it started a lot later and had less activity initially, so we split up the Serendale quest fund so that those that are questing can earn both Jewel and Crystal.

There was an error were the multiplier was wrong upon Crystalvale launch and less than it should have been but that has now been fixed.

Speaking of Duels, we had a fair amount of Duel fees collected and we took the cost of the raffle tickets and burned half of those and the other half went to the quest fund. 95k Jewel burned (200k burned all time prior to that) from that, and then the other half of that went to the quest fund. Cool to see a mini game like this burn so much.

Recently hit 2M transactions per day two days in a row on DFK chain. Most chains are a fraction of that. Amazing that our chain can scale that high and not really break a sweat. We are looking at what we need to do to be able to grow that number and have the network stay stable and fast and be the best place to play games on the blockchain.

Pieface is working on a cool infographic to show all of the things coming up with the transition to Serendale 2.0 and we’ll also being using the calendar feature here in discord.

Another thing is that we turned off the withdrawal fees in the gardens so that they aren’t adversely affected by moving their funds to Crystalvale. We’ve talked about the migration from Serendale to CV and in what order things would be turned off and what the instructions would be to the community so that their assets can be preserved. To that end there’s been a lot of Q’s about snapshotting and airdropping, since there are some things that can’t be bridged such as land and locked jewel, but there are a lot of things that can be bridged like items and heroes. You should bridge them now and not wait for snapshots. Those take a long time to coordinate. The time difference between snapshotting and airdropping will likely be months so if you want your assets and maintain control and have them in a timely manner then we do recommend bridging. For those that aren’t aware and can’t do it, we will do snapshots as a way for us to try our best to protect as many assets as we can for players. It’s not ideal and there’s other things at play that are difficult, like LP tokens. After we do a snapshot, it’s kind of like the wildwest because then everyone could go and sell everythin because they know they’d go and sell everything and receive something else in the futrue and that’s one of the major concerns we have with that in the future. The best way to preserve the value of your assets will be to bridge them.

We also had a vote for Gardens yetsreday. This was something we went back and forth on, since we have the Gardening policy in place and the ones we proposed were already incentivized gardens, and the migration plan made sense to have those on Crystalvale as well and that is why we proposed those ones. Even though we felt like we didn’t need to hold a vote we did, because we want to have a lot more involvement from the community on these. Also, the DEX, we don’t control that. Everyone who owns Jewel has a say in what happens with that DEX. Expect to see more of those types of votes in the future and in accordance with the policy that we have, we are looking at doing every month or so having votes on things to add/remove or rebalance in the pools. We are looking at other models out there with some DEXs where even every week they let users vote on things to figure out what the allocation of each individual pool should be from week to week and I’d love to get to there eventually. As a general blanket statement though we want to be doing more and more votes. This is a decentralized project and want to involve the community in a big way.

Dreamer — Business Development/Tokenomics Update

Dreamer — So DEX, Ice gardens and votes, at least on our side, wanted to share our thought process. So BTC and Klay passed and today we’ll be looking at how we can adjust the allocations. Two did not pass. FTM and MATIC and they were already part of the incentivized gardens so we didn’t think we needed a vote, but we did it. Our policy says we will add votes when we add a new token, but these aren’t new tokens they were already part of the incentivzied system. And since they are already in the system we wanted a place for them to be able to go. We were hoping and proposing that the ice gardens could be a home for them to go. Bitcoin obviously makes sense and is the bluest of blue chips. There’s lots of trading between BTC and ETH and wanted to make sure those were both there, then with KLAY since that’s a new partner we wanted to make sure that was available. FTM and MATIC allocations were going to be quite small. We don’t have any finalized partnerships with these and the community spoke and these did not pass. Policy required 75% to pass, so it wasn’t enough. We will try to be a bit more active with the DEX going forward. For any thinking this was a bad thing that this was rejected, don’t. This is good, this is what governance is supposed to be. We have a committee to talk about tokenomics and its fine if people said no. If majority of people say not, then that’s not a bad thing. It just shows the track record of a healthy governance structure. It might be that if we already have allocation decided then maybe people would have voted yes, or maybe if we had partnership in place they would have voted yes, but we appreciate everyone who voted on this proposal, whether for or against.

Stay tuned on allocations. We had allocations prepped assuming they would all pass but we’ll be reworking slightly.

The Jewel/XJewel pool has gone down as we added USDC pairs and ETH pairs. It was meant to be a founding pool. It made up 80%, and dropped to 50% and is now at 35%. When we launched CV and the token in the bull market we wanted to reward Jewel holders and noted that this would be the main way to get access to Crystal emissions and that over time it would be phased out as we turned into a mature DEX. We got stalled out with everything happening in the world/industry and various chains and we need to continue with plans and people should expect that to continue to get smaller. In order to have external tokens we need to shift things around. Also with Serendale 2.0 launch, XJewel which is minted on Serendale in Harmony will need to be returned and turned off, so the tokens in that pool cannot exist past the Harmony shut off. We will be adding Jewelers in each realm that is native to each realm, where you can stake Jewel, as noted in the tokenomics adjustment proposal. We are considering various options, but people should be aware that these new pairs (which btw each new garden can support 2 gardeners profession questing there). Jewel/xJewel pool phasing out signals a more mature DEX and as we have new governance tokens in CV and Serendale 2.0 that are Jewel based we will be looking for various solutions and how that relates to the DEX.

Frisky — I’ll just echo that we feel, as a gamified blockchain project, having a DEX at the core of what we do provides stability and provides a platform to build our economics off of. Have that is important to having a healthy ecosystem. You’ll see other proposals for other blue chips and then maybe over time these ones again. Its in our best interests as a project to make sure that these stay healthy.

Dreamer — fundraising was paused after the Harmony incident and we had to reprioritize and make new partners. But some of the feedback that I want to relay is that the DEX on Harmony was very healthy DEX you look at TVL, numbers ofver time volymes and different tokens, it was very healthy. Didn’t cover every token out there. but it was healthy. CV DEX was largely DFK tokens to DFK tokens, so there was criticism there on questining how much trading activity is there from jewel to xJewel, which was really a synthetic Jeweler. However with this next phase in Serendale 2.0, it no longer really makes sense and so with TVL we’d like to attract non DFK tokens to help build out TVL, trading volume and liquidity and will help with fundraising and credibility.


Dreamer — just to reiterate we were aggressively funding prior to Harmony bridge incident. We found that we really weren’t in a position of strength. I’ve already shared this all before, but priority became CV parity first. Build where all of our infrastructure is where we can have a lot of efforts to keep building. That was wildly successfully and that was not free. Treasury was impacted greatly by that and other market incidents. And Ava labs really stepped up. If you think of fundraising you can think of it in different ways. There’s raising for equity in Kingdom Studios, efforts to seek out partners that are willing to incentivize and help us pay for meaningful work that are still ongoing. Avalanche is one that helped with that and was why we could go full steam ahead. Then with Klayton we came to deal terms 2 days ago that was approved by the Kingdom Studios board. We are moving to next steps with their lawyers and diligence, I hope that it doesn’t take too long, it’s in the form of a token swap. I can’t give details but it will help greatly. In terms of funding to help development, they’ve helped a lot, in terms of funding in equity of Kingdom Studios, those will stay paused until we are in a better position of strength where we can resume them and we are consistently 1M transactions per day, we are number 1 in volume on Synapses bridge transactions, we relaunch a realm in a new partner with a new strategic location, we have 3rd party builders and the 3rd party build program being built in with fee sharing arrangements. We are on the verge of having a much different platform to go and show funds and other investors with confidence just how incredible our foundation is that we can then point to a trajectory and the various market scenarios that could happen in the next few years so that they see value.

Update — Pet Bridge

Bolon — One thing I wanted to throw out real quick is that pet bridge is still being worked on. That and atonement crystals are the only things that you cannot bridge currently. Both are in the works for solutions.

Dreamer — The Pet bridge is something we are working with Synapse on, they are helping us a ton and looking into hero bridge being able to support Klayton. Somethings have to fall behind others, but pet bridge is definitely important. The reason it isn’t out is not because its not important, its just behind a few other higher priority items.

Bolon — Hero bridge is still seeing some congestion. After last nights update, there was mass bridging and they are still processing those transactions. If they haven’t arrive yet, they are still in queue at customs, but they will all come through, do not worry. you can head to Synapses’ discord and open a support ticket, but if you do, keep in mind you’ll get a bunch of scam DMs. It’s just trying to catch up with the flood of transactions.

AMA Questions/Other Updates

As far as snapshots and airdrops with locked tokens, is the plan to have a phased roll out where they get airdropped in various realms at different times or all at once?

Frisky —Phased roll out. Some things are ready now, some things are close, and then some will be a bit further down the line. I’d like to do a phased approach. I think the first main thing is that after the gardens emissions are stopped next week, from that point on there won’t be any more locked jewels being created, so from that point on we can start working on snapshots and putting them on databases on our side and start to figure out what percentage goes where and we will put them into various snapshots and will provide them, probably as spreadsheets to the community.

For Crystal, there are a few things that are tricky there. The change there involves increasing the cap, and that will be a bit of effort. For Jewels on DFK chain, we do need to create a special smart contract there and fund it with Jewels, and then with Serendale 2.0, there is the new token there and part of it will be airdropped liquid and intended to be used for initial liquidity and then part of it will be locked. That won’t take as long as some people think, since we already have CV under our belt and have a pretty good idea on how to do these things and are looking into audits as well now.

What will the liquid KPT “at launch” look like?

Frisky — I was under the impression that that portion would just be minted and used for the liquidity in the dex. Is that what you are asking?

Dreamer — So there is that initial liquidity we need on Day1 and then also that sliver of liquid KPT from your locked blance. We can’t unlock it all at once, we can’t unlock linearly it may be too slow, so we are still visiting what that will look like.

Frisky — we need enough to not have crazy ups and downs, we want it to be a successful launch, but want to have a few other buckets available as well.

KPT Token name

Bolon — we aren’t going to note it because we don’t want a bunch of fake tokens to be created. Please do not fall for scams. You won’t find it three weeks in advance because it won’t be there.

Frisky — We won’t be selling these tokens either, so if anyone is selling then, then its a scam.

Bolon — We saw the same thing with Crystal, but its one of those things that can’t be said enough.

What are the original pets for the DFK birthday raffle. What are these? Are they the first pets hatched? Unique pets?

Bolon —They are the first ones hatched for testing. They had to be tested to make sure they work, but we put them all into the marketing multisig and we are now giving them away.

On hero valuation, and things that can be done to slow down heroes entering markets, like increasing CD on summoning, days in wich portal is inactive.

Hubert —when it comes to changing anything with the heroes themselves, that would definitely come down to a community vote. As far as the actual merit of that, I think that if you want to reduce the outflow, increasing the CD could help that, but I would leave that up to the community if we wanted to make changes of that nature.

Bolon — Also adding a plug for dark summoning which is in the works, which will introduce hero burning. That will offset a bit anyways because heroes will start getting sacrificed.

Dreamer — I think thats a really important piece to reiterate. When you look at hero supply and demand and the market we are in. Supply is ever increasing, so one control is to put governors on the way that heroes enter such as CDs. That could slow the increase of supply, doesn’t necessarily impact demand, but another thing would be to remove supply and burn things, which we are planning to do with dark summoning. That shows that we agree with the concern that has been put forth. We aren’t focused on price, but price is an indicator of over saturation. We will be open to other recommendations over time, such as if the Community wants a longer CD on summoning. Let us work through this dark summoning solution and see how successful it is. This could help with supply and demand, but it may not. It’s not a perfect science. And everything related to prices generally are best viewed over a longer period of time so we can assess what is actually making the impact rather than doing 4 things at once and not knowing which was the one that helped.

Frisky — I have a couple thoughts here too. If you look at other blockchain game projects, the number of NFTs that they have can be quite high. I think that Axie last I looked was like 13–14M axies, which we aren’t even close to yet. It’s one of those things where as you build out more of the game, you need more of these things to go around. So its really a matter of increasing utility and I think thats the primary thing that we can do right now and that is what we are hard at work on.

Land competitions, are these still available? And land tournaments for PJ survivors, are these still on the docket?

Hubert —Yes still planning, but with everything happening this year and the CV migration and Serendale 2.0 everything on the roadmap has obviously needed to be adjusted. It’s still a ways off but as we get close to feature parity on CV, we are looking at where we can get going on other future and tournaments is one of them. And yes plan is still to have 8 that would only be available to PJ survivor specific tournaments and the remainder would be open to everyone.

With the multi quest function, will that mainly be for profession quests or will that include training quests?

Beetle—All quests. And I want to put in a plug for Hubert, since this is his brain child. The select screen where you can add quests, you’ll see all available quests in the game and you can go through and add multiple quests all at once and put then in the queue rather than running around the map. The answer is yes, PLUS SOME.

Hero Catalog and Hero viewer — right now CV only shows CV heroes, but obviously we won’t have Serendale for a bit. What is the plan there?

Beetle —original idea was that catalogue should align with the realm. While we wait for Serendale 2.0 to show up we will be working to add a way to see either/or or both in the catalogue. One of the things will be differentiating between hero ID 1 on CV vs Hero ID 1 on Serendale and how to differentiate that.

Event Updates (Token 2049 Event and Chainlink Event)

Pieface — My plug is with the event Token 2049 going on in a few weeks. There will be a group of us going there. Its built around Token 2049, one of the biggest crypto events in Asia. We will be at the Klaytn booth. They will have a gamefi section. For those of you from Singapore or traveling to this event, please visit us, it would be awesome to see you guys. If we have enough of the community that wants to get together maybe we can do a mini get together. I’m part of the Singapore/Malaysia DFK discord, so just throwing that out there. Nothing official, but if we can get a big enough group that would be awesome. We have merch and Swag. Our ever so loved map drawstring bags and maybe some other surprise items as well.

Dreamer — I think that would be a great idea for anyone in attendance. Right next to the conference area is gardens over the bay, maybe we can socialize there. It’s quite exciting we are able to make this happen and that Klaytn showed up for us on this. We are looking into our tight budget to send a small group over there to represent, not just to get word out on DFK, but also to meet with a lot of new partners. Those queue’d up for future fundraising, or those that want to collaborate, especially in these weeks leading up to Klaytn launch.\

Frisky — I drew the short straw, they are going to Singapore and I’m going to NYC. I’ll be there with Magnus for the Chainlink event speaking on smart contracts and randomness and some of the ways that we hope to use chainlink in the future. We’ve been speaking a lot with Chainlink and what the best way is for us to partner with them and their tech and bring that to our app and our game and our chain. I think they are already supported by Klaytn testnet and close to launching on mainnet, so lots of cool things we’d like to do there to improve and support our on chain randomness. We’ll be there and the other we’ll be on the opposite side of the world in Singapore.

Dreamer — Just want to celebrate this a bit. Chainlink is a very sought after protocol and partner to have. They are doing a lot of innovative things and things that are required by many parts of defi protocols to and to grow and flourish and have management with them and price feeds, VRF randomization. They reached out to us. They aren’t fully integrated into DFK chain yet, we’ve been talking to them for a while. It’s nice to have such a highly revered project reach out and ask for our developers to come and speak at their event. Two of our most innovative devs will be there to rub shoulders. It will be great for credibility of our project and maybe will further the integration of our products with chainlink. We also got help in terms of funding to help our speakers get there, just wanted to flag that since we want to be very cautious with our spending so that we aren’t spending where we wouldn’t have the best ROI. We’ll be working our tails off to make sure that the ROI on these is significant.

Bolon — It also speaks to the desire to have us at these events. Chainlink taking care of the pseakers to get there, Klaytn welcoming us with open arms. It goes to show that not only are we wanting to be there to form these parnterships but they want us to be there as well.

Secondbestdad ArtUpdates

Second — I can’t let Beetle win this one. Workhorse from Wisdom wanted me to say “YEAAAAh” and he now owes me 10 Jewel. I am really enjoying working with those guys and they are doing some amazing stuff with PVP. They are taking it extremely seriously. If I was everybody I’d be very excited about that.

Bolon — What was that he said again? I missed that?


Beetle — You win this time.

Second — Got em

Beetle — It’s because he has no shame.

Bolon — We are very fortunate to be working with the Wisdom guys. They continue to be amazing partners every week.

Sunbear Kingdom Builder Updates

Sunbear — Just excited to have archivist and jester live, with some of our very first co-marketing efforts. Many more to come, many more in process. Content creators and you-tubers as well. There’s lot’s going on. Get on and we will work with you to get you in there.

Dreamer — Maybe I can put a little plug in there, but Rome Terminal, they are doing big things on Avalanche, this is a partnership long in the making, since we’ve been looking at Avalanche and their ecosystem. if you look at parent companies they are also linked to Benqi. They went ahead and supported us in their terminal, so if you go to Archivist and Rome terminal its a really good terminal if you want to learn more about technical analysis. Look at everything supported there and you’ll see DFK Chain. We are looking to expand this relationship and see what we’d like to have more represented in the terminal and maybe in the marketplace with some analytics. I wanted to give them a shout out. Everyone at Benqi and Rome Blockchain labs has been incredible. Benqi has been limited by chainlink price feeds so maybe more will come on that soon! For anyone that is interested in connecting head to

Sunbear — Also for anyone that is a Guild, I’d love to get your information so that people can learn about you.

Other Updates

Bolon —I appreciate everyone out there and in the community. It’s good to see a steady uptick in the community engagement. Seeing a lot of people come back after taking a few months off in the crypto world. It’s great to see these people coming back again and interacting in Discord, Telegram, Reddit, Twitter. It’s great to see this picking back up as we keep building. Special shout out to those that have been here since the early days and are returning. It’s great to see you guys again. Does anyone else have any closing comments they want to give?

Frisky — I’m going to voluntold Tango to say something.

Tango — I totally have a whole lot to have… mostly here for moral support. Great to see the progress we are making. I feel that old spark that we had last year. Great to see these partnerships come to fruition. As a community update, I’ve been working on some financials and analytics and hoping to release some details out to the community and hope that will be enjoyable in some small part. Really looking forward to the new features in game and on the new chain.

Gardening Formula Explanation

Hubert — I had one quick thing about the gardening quest and the formula used for that. When we launched that, Fox mentioned this before, there was a paremeter that needed to be set to put the multiplier where we wanted it to be. This was an annealing factor that was intended to be in the original gardening quest launch on Serendale as well. We had announced that it would be a promotional multiplier and would be reduced down. We actually never ended up adjusting it and other things came up and we were waiting until we had other quests that would pull from the quest fund quest fund as well before changing it. One result of that was that it caused the quest fund to cap off with the amount of activity that occurred just in Serendale itself. The formula is used is a differential equation so it uses the size of QF to derive rewards and at some point you reach a balancing point depending on the inputs and outputs and we had reached that in Serendale. One intention for Serendale quest fund was to put it in a state where it could grow, and as it grows everyones rewards can increase as well if the formula remains unchanged. That does take time though since it grows based on fees. Our intent with this gardening quest is to have an annealing start. The quest reward that is being used right now is using a 50x multiplier off of the base equation and that multiplier will reduce in steps of about 3.77 every two weeks. So it essentially goes down by 1/13 of what it is right now every two weeks. We set the timer to be 12:30pm today. So two weeks from today eastern time, that is when the first step down will occur. That will reduce the amount that is being pulled from the quest fund while allowing more to be pulled in. Even as that goes down its possible for your rewards to achieve the levels that they were before as it grows. Just wanted to explain the philosophy behind that. It’s complicated and we want to make sure we aren’t drawing more than is going in, or if it is that its done in a healthy way without being completely drained.

Bolon — The crazy part is that Hubert does all of the math in his head at all time.

Frisky — You joke, but this was his brain child and I’m not as smart as Hubert is, he has said “the math backs it up, as more goes in its better for everyone”

Bolon — The formulas behind this stuff is incredible and this has been his baby and brain child for sure. Thanks for the clarification, that has definitely been a topic.

DFK Chain Updates

Magnus — I can mention a bit about the gas fee changes. I know Fox alluded to it. Basically we saw a great increase in volume on DFK chain, a lot of that is natural player activity and also arbitrage bots, which is good healthy activity on any chain. We look forward to volume going higher and higher. We will probably tune up a the fees over time. Won’t mention technical details, but we’ll keep block times at 2 seconds and will raise .4 GWEI to 1 GWEI which will be the new minimum to have a transaction processed by the network. Overtime we’ll also do some small steps on target gas parameters that will help with adjsuting the fees for dynamic gas transactions as it goes through peaks and valleys. We’ll do this in conservative increments and will make sure we keep the fees in a good sweet spot. Gas will still be very cheap, and that is one benefit of running a subnet and having CV realm on there. Two particulars are on the gas fee changes and looking forward to the increase in activity on the chain as we continue to bring things over from Serendale.

Frisky — All I hear is more Jewel being burned.

Closing Statements

Dreamer — I just saw a message in the AMA questions that I’m going to lead with to make sure we hit it. “Do you think its important to build out other projects on DFK chain for optimal dex, basically building a larger ecosystem, defi and otherwise.” We think its very important, whether completely different games that use the hero NFTs. Freyala on Harmony had done that. Fight fish had planned to do that but hit some snags. Or maybe its a game that uses Jewel as its main token. Whether its a game, lending protocol, messaging service, smart contracts relating to augmenting gameplay as a service, we want it all and we are looking at these problems one by one. We have been inviting people to come and build. It’s a value proposition that really isn’t out there on most chains. If you go to build on other chains you might get put on a website, but you aren’t likely going to get linked to an NPC with co-marketing efforts. As protocols overlap the add-age of a rising tide raises all ships remains true. Thank you to everyone being patient with us.

There is a related topic with that as well, with the difference of building on Harmony and DFK Chain as it relates to questing. There are some services out there, which opens a larger discussion. Sashei is one of our prize jewels on the team. He is super hard working, he is super smart and people really like him in the community. He has been asked and has actually asked you to some degree to look for a way to work with the builders, sunbear, the community to see some services which are not available on DFK Chain due to the whitelisting. He is looking for solutions. Any feedback or ideas that you have for services provided, whether for questing or otherwise, please stay tuned or reach out. Please understand that migrating from Harmony to Klaytn and having DFK Chain and parity be the bridge to that, we are trying ot make sure that we are fair to all and incorporate as much as we can. Shout out to Sashei and we are looking to support him and hope that everyone can support him in his efforts too.

Lastly when we talked about the Jester and Archivist, I didn’t shout out everyone and I meant to. I also wanted to shout to to DFK Arena, these guys, since the moment where we said bull market, we have grant money from harmony and want to give grants to games to build and have Sunbear work on that and have votes. They’ve stuck with DFK every step of the way. They have been rolling with the punches as they’ve proposed several things and some people loved them and some people didnt, and now they are on DFK chain. This is a response to Wayne’s Q about working with other projects. You’ll also see DFK Fight Klub in there, which originated in Discord. These are awesome games, awesome features and analytics all around. This is just the start of what we hope to see long term. We are our own chain with our own Chain ID, but in every sense of the word we can make this gamified chain with so many different types of protocols. I want to continue to partner with all those interested in the potential and future of DFK and that was the original real dream of the original founders to have that ready player one ecosystem and metaverse and this is just a huge celebration on that. Just a few things I wanted to touch on. Grateful to be here with this awesome team. Want to make sure everyone i fully appreciated and recognized. We see all the long hours, all the emotions and everything everyone has to deal with all the news and everyone here is sticking it out. We all have this dream together and every day it seems like we are coming closer together as humans and working better and better together.

Frisky — I want to echo a lot of what was said there. We have an amzing team. A lot of long hours and hard work. Its been a long and crazy ride. Me and Pieface had this idea and where it is at now is just night and day difference. Its amazing ot see the fruits of the labors of Sunbear for the program there to have our community members interested in building our chain to see our dreams unfolding with the metaverse. Our team is working hard. Make sure that if you see someone reach out and pat them on the back. And we also appreciate you as a community, you are really an amazing group of people. That is what Crypto is all about in bringing together people with aligned interests with things like DAOs. We have an amazing team because we have amazing people.

We want to build during a bear market and we’ve said that time and time again and we’ve stood up and shown that. I’m not sure there’s another project this hard at work trying to build in this hard of a bear market, even in the face of all the external factors. We’ve had some exciting milestones like the 2M transactions mentioned at the beginning. The short term, two weeks ago we had the tokenomics vote and since we’ve done so much to work towards launching on Klaytn. There are so many awesome things there in their ecosystem and their community and the exposure it gives us to players in Korea and a foothold in Asia. We have some exciting events later this month which we’ve touched on too. Just really grateful for everything.




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.