DeFi Kingdoms Team AMA (Project Updates — September 29, 2022

7 min readSep 29, 2022


Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

For those unfamiliar with the project, the DeFi Kingdoms leadership team holds weekly AMA’s with the community on the discord server.

Not everyone has time to listen to the recording or wants something they can just read instead so I’ve been writing these written summaries. You can find the transcripts/summaries of the prior AMA’s in my index of DeFi Kingdom’s Articles.

Link to the recording:

This week, the AMA was from members of several teams relating to updates on the project. Go to the website and submit AMA questions there and Join the discord to also see responses to AMA questions not covered on the weekly calls.

If this is your first exposure to DFK and you are looking to learn how to start participating in the game/economy, you can check out my unofficial beginner’s guide here and index of many other DFK articles here.

DeFi Kingdoms Website
DeFi Kingdoms Official Medium
DeFi Kingdoms Discord

Core Team Members Participating:

Project Updates

Frisky Fox Intro

Frisky — It’s loud here, I’m at Smartcon 2022 in NYC in the lounge, hopefully you can here me okay.

Our team is doing 2 events right now. 6 people in Token 2049 in Singapore, Rissen, Bolon, Dreamer, Pieface, Poppy, Sunbear. We have a booth we are sharing with Klaytn and they are really putting inhuman efforts in out there. Dreamer has been connecting with a lot of people and my telegram is blowing up with all the groups he’s adding me to.

Smartcon, I’m here with Magnus, we are about to do our session in an hour and half. We’ll be talking about randomness on the blockchain. This conference is more of a developer focused conferenced, a lot about developer tools. Chainlink does a lot of amazing things, and they are the host of this conference. They have a lot of really cool products, we’ve been meeting with them and we had lunch with them and 6 team members there. There were lots of questions and I hardly had time to eat. Its great to see the things they are building and see what things could help us build even cooler things for DFK. Trying to get them to come to DFK Chain and they are already on Klaytn testnet. Hopefully we’ll have some updates to share there soon.

If you are in the area of here in the audience come say hi. We have a lot of merch we’ll be giving out.

Beetle, we had a release last night that was awesome and I’ll let him talk about that.

Beetle Update

Magnus the trooper that he is was able to get the contracts launched just in time for mainnet, he did it from the hotel wifi at the conference. We got pet hatching, pet auction and pet exchange along with stone carver out, just in time for them to shut off in Serendale 1.0. They are live now on CV. Another feature I was excited about that I got to work on was the quick select functionality for quests. You go into your quest selection, select quick select and it should be pretty seamless. There’s also some smart options going on. Still more improvements coming along. We are trying to move along and trying to get as many quality of life improvements as we can.

Working on getting auctions set up on the front end. Typicool has been working on

Frisky — I was able to get all my heroes queued up in like 1 minute before the event this morning so that was pretty awesome. There’s a quote that the best developers are the laziest ones because they are the ones that make everyone’s lives easier.

Other Updates

Frisky — put a lot of update into how we do matchmaking for Duels, that is one of the main things we’ll be working on these next couple weeks. I think its going to be a lot better experience for our users.

Other things we are working on is CJewel, which we teased last week. Hubert is working on making sure the math works out. I had all these things I wanted people to do, which is a tall order. XJewel allowed you to accumulate more Jewel and vote on proposals and then of course we added the pool on CV. CJewel is going to do a lot more and going to do it better. I’ll have more specifics to share soon, but we worked through math and the algo last night that I think is going to be revolutionary and great for everyone. Stay tuned for that, I’m probably going to start coding that this weekend.

That’s some of the main things we are working on.

Beetle — Big shout out to our tokenomics committee. I just sit in there and have my head explode listening to all of the really smart ideas and directions that they have.

CJewel Updates

Frisky — I’ll try to tease a little bit and hopefully Hubert doesn’t crucify me, but what we think we’ll be able to do is stake Jewel and specify an amount of time for how long you want to stake it, and get back an amount based on how long you stake, and if you stake for longer periods of time, that gives you greater share of the power for voting based on how long you stake it (which also helps solve the problem of someone buying up a bunch of Jewel just for a single vote and then dumping it afterwards). This helps to mitigate that so that if you want a lot of power voting you have to have a stake in the game and lock up for longer. It also makes a lot of really cool things available with snapshots and airdrops. If you remember with snapshots, we had to do many snapshots over the course of a month, multiple times a day and then average those out to prevent someone from accumulating and stacking just for snapshot then dumping.

In order to get cJewel you’ll lock up for a period of time, so it allows us to do snapshots more regularly and frequently because there will be less overhead. And we can announce them more in advance so people can plan but not just game the situation.

Then the third thing we are doing is a profit sharing similar to xJewel where it would have the ratio, but it’s completely different in how we are doing it. More akin to the approach in the gardens. Rather than just increase the ratio, you’ll be allocated Jewels from the amount coming in from fees and profit sharing in real time so that you can claim at any time without having to withdraw your initial amount that you put in. So like the gardens you can see it accumulating and claim them. I’m really stoked about that as well because that allows a lot more flexibility and provide a passive income to stake jewel and participate in profit sharing and stuff with the governance votes and snapshots. Basically all of the good things form the old model but done better.

Then there is a fourth thing (there’s obviously other things from Crystal and KPT) for Jewel and that is that we have premium in game unlockable features or subscriptions where you have access to premium features by basically having some of your cJewel, which is already locked up, be allocated to subscribing to various features. So 100 cJewel could be set to a feature that would allow less of a fee when you level up, or you might have access to features that are more automated in game. I can’t share a lot about that right now because we are still trying to flesh that out but that would all be more utility. I’m super stoked about that.

Closing Remarks

Frisky — Next week we’ll get more into the questions on the AMA.

This is more of just a mini AMA and we wanted to pop up and provide some updates.

Any futher updates from you Beetle?

Beetle — I think that’s it. I’m excited for your presentation. A lot of people are looking forward to it.

Frisky — I know it will be recorded and a link will be shared in chainlink. Take all of these details with cJewel with a grain of salt and everything is always subject to change but we are excited about this new utility for Jewel. I do have some more alpha I’ll be dropping later today at the presentation for combat. Wisdom gaming had some stuff they wrote up about how some of the specifics will be working. They have a trailer. I can’t fit it into my presentation so we’ll probably share it at a later date. Stay tuned for that for those who can and we’ll probably drop those here in discord as well.

Thanks for staying supportive and thanks to the team for all of the hard work. With that I’ll end with Bullish!




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.