DeFi Kingdoms Whale Watch and Key Analytics Report #15 — December 26, 2021

5 min readDec 26, 2021


Nothing in this report is intended to be financial advice and is strictly for informational purposes.

Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim

Hi DFK Fam -

Here is whale watch and key analytics report number 15. Snapshot was taken on 12/26/21. Most of you are here because you’ve been following these prior reports or are already part of the community and are seeing this in the discord, reddit or my twitter. For those who are brand new to DeFi Kingdoms or know nothing about this gamefi platform, please see the bottom of this summary for some helpful links (including my index of articles which includes a comprehensive unofficial beginner’s guide).

Changed the format a bit on this to make it a bit more condensed and digestible, let me know if you like it or if you prefer the more narrative read out from prior reports.

Before we get into it, I’ve created an index for all of my DeFi Kingdoms articles. I highly recommend bookmarking and following my medium account so that you can stay current on my latest.

Shout outs:

  • Shout out to Magg and his website, which has some really cool querying tools that allows me to present some of this LP and locked/unclaimed Jewel data for some of the biggest xJewel holders.
  • Special thanks to MrZipper as well for his help in pulling hero data for me. Def give him a follow on Mr. Zipper’s medium account.


WHAT IS THIS? This report focuses on key metrics related to the game aspect of DeFi Kingdoms based on the largest wallets (by xJewel), as wallets participating in the LP pools may not always be closely associated with the adoption of the game itself and are a bit outside the scope of this report. However, I do provide some data of the LP holdings of the top xJewel wallets.


Special review on what’s happened the past 3 months:

Coming up on the end of 2021, I thought it fitting to take a look back at one of my very first whale watch and token analytic reports. My reports now are more extensive than they were before, but comparing some of the snapshot data from 9/22/21, when the project was only one month old, I wanted to share some of the outstanding growth we’ve seen since. I wish I had snapshot a lot of the data that I’m currently tracking, but there’s still some interesting stuff here. My favorite data point is the distribution of xJewel away from the top 50 into the rest of the xJewelers’ hands. Three months ago the top 50 held 52.26% of all xJewel and now only hold 28.33%.


Now on to the normal report:

Time since last report: ~14 Days


Condensed this section into one table with the numbers and my thoughts in the right-most column.

Top Wallet Movement

One highlight I wanted to make here is that wallet 2 from last report, and was up a meteoric 250% in last report, is now no longer even on the top 50 list. From the looks of it, it appears that they’ve moved all that xJewel into the gardens, increasing their garden stake by over 5x (right around $4M USD total).

We continue to see wallets moving in and out of the top 50 in the 25–50 range. Nothing out of the ordinary here. None of the largest whales dumping on us, instead they continue to accumulate, including those that hold no heroes.

LP Holdings and Total Value in Game by Top 15 xJewel Wallets (AND LOCKED BALANCES!)

Thanks to discord user Magg (Magg authors the website , where you can see certain known Dev team wallets and their transactions), we can now see total estimated USD locked into various aspects of the game by each wallet.

The one thing I would highlight here is that the address in Red was a top xJewel holder as of the time of my snapshot, but as of a few hours later when I ran the LP snapshot, they were no longer a top xJewel holder and had completely moved out of their jewel position. Maybe just taking some profits at $15.00, although if so it doesn’t appear to have impacted price much if at all.

Prior Whale Watch Reports

Check out my Index of DeFi Kingdoms Articles for a list of all my prior Whale watch reports, among many other articles, including various specific strategy guides!

DeFi Kingdoms Lost Annals of Gaia

You can check out all of these volumes, which are compiled nuggets of knowledge on game mechanics that I’ve compiled from Devs in the discord. Check them all out in my Index of DeFi Kingdoms Articles!

Inner Grove Podcast

I recently started a podcast with some close friends where we discuss hot topics and issues related to gameplay in 20–30 minute segments. Give the channel a follow so that you can stay up to date!

Samichpunch’s Unofficial Beginner’s Guide and Index

Comprehensive written guide with lots of links, including to various youtube videos on how you can get started if you are just learning about DFK for the first time:

Samichpunch’s Unofficial Beginner’s Guide

You should also bookmark my index of DeFi Kingdoms articles, as its the repository of all the DFK articles that I write:

Samichpunch Index of DFK Articles

Where to learn more about DefiKingdoms?

In addition to my various medium articles you should definitely check out:





Also check out Albushelpful links doc — which is an amazing compilation of various resources on all things DeFi Kingdoms




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.