Perilous Journey Discussion with Hubert Live Notes

10 min readFeb 23, 2022


Watch the recording here:

February 23, 2022

All of this information is referenced in the official docs here:

Hubert — today we will talk about all of the details of the Perilous Journey. We announced this last week at Eth Denver but kept out the fine details. I left out one thing last week, but we will get to all of those details here.

What is it:

Hubert — The Perilous Journey is an opportunity for heroes to essentially be Columbus in the DFK realm. Up until this point in lore the land was sundered and many years passed with the lands separated. This is a call out to heroes to help find the safe path to Crystalvale. Along the way there will be unfortunate events that cause some heroes to be burned. This is a new mechanic we’ve never done before. It’s not something we will do regularly. But we may have more in the future. If there’s going to be the possibility of burning we will make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.


Hubert — Next Wednesday (March 2, 2022) is the launch and you’ll have until the 7th of March to make a decision. At that point you will no longer be able to submit heroes into the perilous journey and then there will be a waiting period to see who made it from the 7th of March to the 16th of March. On the 16th you’ll be able to do the transaction that will check to see if your heroes survived or not.

We have Crystalvale launch coming up so we have to put a deadline of 2pm EST on the 21st of March for those who do not claim their rewards. If you survive and don’t claim your Crystal by then as well as the Gen0 raffle where we do 25 Gen0’s for surviving heroes as well as 25 Gen0’s for those who die, then your hero will be considered as having died and you’ll get Jewel and be entered into the burned hero raffle.

Stat Bonus to Survivors and Timeline— To make sure there is no weird exploit down the road, you have to have applied those by April 4 2pm EST. If you do not, they will not be eligible for that bonus.

There’s no benefit of waiting, so don’t wait to claim your rewards.

Survival Chances?

There are three factors: (1) rank (tier of class), (2) rarity (common, mythic, etc) and (3) level.

The formula for Hero survival is:

survivalChance = 34 + level + rarity * (2 + rarity) + 2 * rank * (1 + rank) where

rarity = 0 for Common, 1 for Uncommon, 2 for Rare, 3 for Legendary, 4 for Mythic and

rank = 0 for Basic, 1 for Advanced, 2 for Elite, 3 for Exalted
-Official Docs

The level increase is 1% per level.

Gen0s and Survival Chance Impact

These cannot die, they will provide a +3% to the chances of up to five other heroes that are sent in a group with the Gen0.

Gen0’s will receive the achievement, a full XP bar and access to any quests that require the achievement latter.

Survivor Rewards

Survivors receive a variety of rewards:

A boost of +5 to any three stats chosen by their owner (not stackable) (this will be a significant boost).

This will be tied to the specific hero and can be accessed via the esoteric wanderer at the meditation circle. It’s not used on level up, there will be a separate action you can perform there separate from leveling up whereby you can access this benefit. Must be used by April 4, 2022 or it will be lost.

Enough experience to fill their experience bar (so that they can level up when they return)

I.e. if you just hit lvl 6, if you survive you’ll get a full bar of XP and can go and do your rolls for lvl 7.

A survival achievement which will unlock specific quests in the future

Access to a selection of land tournaments only accessible to Perilous Journey survivors (both heroes will get a marker as well as your wallet to tell you have many you have that survived. This will be necessary because some lands will only be available to perilous journey survivors)

Entries into a raffle for 25 Crystalvale gen0 Heroes (formula below)

Raffle entries are determined by this formula:

  • entries = level + (2 * rarity) + (2 * rank) where
  • rarity = 0 for Common, 1 for Uncommon, 2 for Rare, 3 for Legendary, 4 for Mythic and
  • rank = 0 for Basic, 1 for Advanced, 2 for Elite, 3 for Exalted

Hubert — As far as these go, you get a number of entries based on the above formula.

In game all of this information will be easily available. For any hero you’ll be able to select any hero and see all the parameters, i.e. survival chance etc. based on the specific hero. We will do the heavy lifting for you, but you at least have the formula in the docs.

Multi Walleting: to discourage multi walleting, if you send more than 1 hero and have more than 1 hero survive (not counting Gen0’s) you will receive bonus tickets calculated as follows:

To discourage multi-walleting, parties that have more than one Hero survive will receive additional raffle entries. The bonus entries received is equal to the total base number of entries received divided by three (rounded down), plus the total number of heroes that survived in the wallet. Each wallet may only win once per raffle.
Official Docs

Each wallet can only win one per raffle, then all their tickets are removed.

An airdrop of CRYSTAL when Crystalvale launches (formula below)

Hubert —The actual amount is not formulaic. It’s based on median price of heroes of each category. We did some analysis for the past 30 days from the time of analysis and looked at the median price and used that as a baseline and then ramped it down a bit. So it's not paying median price per survivor. Its less than that, but it is proportional relative to the current market for them. At least for the dread knights, we didn’t have data for mythic dread knights so had to do some extrapolation to come up with those numbers.

Amount of Crystal you would receive if your hero survives.

Gen0’s are not eligible for this.

Note on Cost of Crystal and Jewel

Hubert — The costs in Jewel will be the same quantity of Crystal in Crystalvale (i.e. a capped Gen0 would cost 30 Crystal to summon with in Crystalvale, just like it does for Serendale.

Death Rewards

Jewel based on the same 3 factors that impact survival rates;

“You will note that the growth per level is linear: .2 JEWEL per level. So, when determining rewards for each individual Hero, just find the closest on the chart and add or subtract .2 JEWEL per level to match your Hero’s stats.”
-Official Docs

Runes — based on level

Hubert — You can see that you’ll receive some amount of Shvas rune. After lvl 4 you can get 1–2 Moksha runes per hero. This is the only way to go past lvl 10 at this stage of the game.

Enhancement Stones (used in summoning) and Attunement Crystals (used in leveling up) based on rarity and rank.

HS = Highest Stat, SHS = Second Highest Stat

Hubert — We have lesser attunement crystals and lesser enhancement stones and then have “regular” versions of those. We will also have greater versions at some point, but those are not available in rewards for this perilous Journey

Enhancement stones are used in summoning process. Only 1 used per summoning event and applies a permanent immediate bonus to a stat as well as a increase to the % growth rate for that stat for the life of the hero.

Attunement Crystal — can only use 1 per level up event. Unlike atonement crystals, they do not have a 1 use per hero (Atonement crystals were special and you could only use one lesser atonement crystal on a hero ever, same with the regular and greater atonement crystals — you could use one of each per hero, but you can’t use multiple on a hero). You could use one every single level. Increases the chance for success on both the primary and the secondary roll. Over time you’d end up getting more bonus than normal. But it's still going to be RNG and you might not see the impact of the attunement crystal. Because of that risk you receive more attunement crystals than enhancement stones.

The amount you get is shown in the table above. So when you go to advanced you get 2x the amount and get additional ones for the second highest stat. When you go to Elite you start to get the regular version, when you go to Exalted you get 2x of the regular one for the highest stat and another set for the second highest stat.

More on Enhancement Stones: (See official docs)

Lesser versions +4 permanent bonus to the stat and +3% primary growth rate for that stat and 5% on the secondary growth rate for the associated stat.

Regular version +6 to stat, +5% to primary growth rate, +13% to secondary growth rate for the associated stat.

More on Attunement Crystals: (See official docs)

Lesser — increase chance for primary roll rate by 5% and secondary stat growth chance by 15% for the associated stat.

Regular — increase chance for primary stat growth of the associated stat by 10% and 30% for the secondary growth chance for the associated stat.

Gen0 Raffle — same parameters as above with survival, just based on the pool of heroes that get burned.

Unique Quests for Survivors

There will be unique quest lines that only heroes who have survived the perilous journey will be able to participate in. Not all of the rewards are just the material rewards, there will be ongoing rewards for it as well.


The whole intent is to have a lore based story of “charting the new path” while having a burn mechanic.

It will show you in the UI of the game when you go to sign the hero up what the survival chance is.

Crystalvale Launch

No date yet. Its coming very soon. We have a tentative date but need to make sure it works prior to announcing. It’s right around the corner.

Questions from Live Stream:

Group Mechanic:

The only benefit to sending in a group is if you have Gen0’s boosting the group. But each survival rate is individual. The group construct was more of a convenience thing. There is no limit to the number of groups that you want to send. If you want to send a bunch of heroes you are able to. It’s not just 1 single group.

Land Tournaments — how will they work, not just the Crystalvale ones but also Serendale, do you have to have 3 heroes?:

Those tournaments right now are a 1 hero entry system. You don’t have to have a team to participate in the tournament.

A place to see dead heroes:

Bolon — This is something we are discussing.

Any details on questline for survivors?

Bolon/Hubert — no, but there won’t be further burning.

Any questing or use during Perilous Journey period?

Bolon — No.

Hubert — It’s like escrow when you put a hero up for sale. As soon as you do it leaves your wallet. If you want to quest with your hero, wait until the last day. We just want to make sure that if someone won’t have access to their wallet right before the deadline that they have a window whereby they can submit and not miss it.

Bolon — There’s no difference based on when you sign your hero up.

Use of the reward stones in Crystalvale?

Bolon — won’t be immediately available because heroes won’t be immediately available in Crystalvale, but they will be usable in Serendale.

Hubert — if you hold on to them long enough you can wait and use them in Crystalvale. You’d have to bridge them over, but you could.

Deadline for the stat bonus of April 4, 2022.

Hubert — It’s not a level up transaction, it will just be another option at the Esoteric Wanderer (the level up NPC) and you select that option and choose your stat bonuses. It’s a separate transaction from leveling up. Once you do it it will mark that hero as not being able to do it again.

Bolon — we have to have a deadline because keeping things open indefinitely in the contracts like this can create a lot of complexity for future contracts.

PVP for tournaments:

Bolon — don’t think we have mechanics yet, but I’m confident that it will be balanced.

Hubert — A lot of good progress is being made on this. Can’t say when it’s going to be out but we are working towards that and it’s one of the things I’m putting a lot of focus on right now.

Special Land Tournaments — will they be accessed by the market on the hero or will it be a ticket that can be sold?

Hubert — marker on the hero that can’t be removed. The hero who survived has to be the one competing in the tournament for the land.

Twitter: @Samichpunch | Discord: Samichpunch#2518 | Reddit: u/Taelim




An ex-biglaw corporate attorney that is passionate about crypto. Dragon's Crossing co-Founder and Trusted source of DFK content.