What you should know about Large Language Models (LLMs)

Samuel Shaibu
9 min readFeb 13, 2024


Large Language Models is one of the recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence that uses neural network techniques and parameters. The aim of LLMs is to understand human languages or texts using self-supervised learning techniques.

Have you ever imagined an AI that writes soul-stirring poems, translates languages with no hassle, or even answers your toughest questions with clarity? That’s the power of Large Language Models (LLMs). It is basically a complex AI model trained on a large amount of text data so as to perform all the aforementioned functions.

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I started working on some LLM solutions recently, and I am really amazed at how LLMs are already woven into the fabric of our daily lives. From chatbots offering a helping hand to virtual assistants managing your schedule, the applications are enormous. I strongly believe that these models (LLMs) have the potential to revolutionize how we communicate, access information, and even express ourselves, if not already.

In this article, I will be introducing you to LLMs by exploring their real-world applications and addressing their limitations. At the end, you will be empowered to navigate the LLM landscape confidently. So, whether you are a curious tech enthusiast or someone just interested in having an overview of what LLM is, then this is for you.

The LLM Technology

I once tried to imagine how LLMs actually work, and to be honest, it is very complex. On the bright side, the core concept is surprisingly relatable. I try to imagine it like a mastermind storyteller whose training basically involves reading large amounts of text like books, articles, and conversations and absorbing the nuances of language, sentence structures, and storytelling techniques. Over time, it becomes adept at predicting what comes next, allowing it to perform numerous functions, like:

  • Create new stories, just like the storyteller. LLMs can generate original text formats like poems, codes, and scripts, or even go as far as answering your questions in a comprehensive and informative way. Many companies like ShortlyAI, Gemini, and ChatGPT are doing amazingly well in generating different creative text formats and personalized AI-powered stories.
  • Speak multiple languages like a multilingual translator. LLMs can understand and translate between different languages seamlessly, breaking down communication barriers. DeepL is a German AI research company that is well known for its high accuracy and ability to handle nuanced language.

To understand this technology as easily as possible, I want you to think of LLMs as having a powerful brain made up of artificial neurons interconnected in complex networks. With these neurons, it can learn from large amounts of data (the training data) and identify patterns that humans might miss. This is basically deep learning, which forms the building blocks of the LLM and is the key ingredient behind the LLM’s intelligence.

LLM Architectures

I refer to the LLM architectures as LLM flavors. There are various architectures, like transformers and recurrent neural networks, each with its own strengths. We won’t be focusing on them in this article, so we are more concerned about what LLMs can do and why they do it so well. In simpler terms, LLMs are powerful tools that can understand and generate human-quality language, opening up exciting possibilities for the future.

LLMs used to be restricted to research labs, but with advancements by companies like OpenAI and Google, they can now actively shape various domains, from how we communicate to how we access information and express ourselves.

LLM Applications

The applications are really broad, so we will be taking them one at a time.

Communication and Language:

  • If you have chatted with a friendly AI assistant, you will have an idea of this. LLMs power chatbots offer seamless customer service, which can help you navigate websites or answer your questions instantly.
  • A good application in communication and language is real-time translation. If you have struggled with catching up with foreign languages, a real-time LLM-powered tool can be used to bridge the gap by translating conversations or documents with impressive accuracy.
  • Another application is brushing up on your language skills. Personalized language learning assistants powered by LLMs can tailor lessons to your needs and preferences, making learning fun and effective.

Content Creations:

  • This one is a bit common, where you get to see news articles written by an LLM. The interesting thing is that you might not be able to successfully distinguish it from the work of a human journalist.
  • LLM can be used to create catchy marketing copy or an engaging newsletter. It’s really interesting to see how it can be used to create compelling content that resonates with your audience.

Information Access:

  • I was working on a research paper some time ago, and I was really impressed with how I could use the OpenAI ChatGPT to summarize some papers into clear, concise reports. LLMs like this can save you time and effort while improving your productivity.
  • You can ask domain-specific questions and trust the LLM to get informative answers based on large amounts of data.
  • The OpenAI ChatGPT 4 gives users the opportunity to analyze large datasets of information. With this, you can extract and identify patterns and insights, thereby aiding research and decision-making.

Interestingly, there are now adaptive learning platforms like EdApp, Adaptemy, Knewton, CogBooks, Realizeit, and Pearson Interactive Labs. Imagine that all these adaptive learning platforms have the ability to adjust your learning style and pace, proudly powered by LLMs.

Dalle and other image-generating platforms are already doing something similar, but picture this. Customized content creation, from personalized news feeds to tailor-made entertainment, all crafted by LLMs. The possibilities are truly endless!

LLM Limitations

It is so easy to be carried away by the prospects of LLMs and their remarkable leap in AI technology. However, it’s important to acknowledge that they are still under development with limitations.

Let’s face facts here: when it comes to accuracy, like any other model trained on massive amounts of data, LLMs can be susceptible to factual inaccuracies. This can be due to biases present in their training data. What this means is that it’s crucial to fact-check information generated by LLMs, especially when dealing with sensitive topics.

We also can’t ignore ethical concerns. With great power comes great responsibility. As LLMs become more sophisticated, we face ethical questions regarding the potential perpetuation of biases present in their training data as well as the lack of transparency in their decision-making processes.

Building a Better Future:

The good news is that researchers are actively addressing these challenges through:

  • Fairness and bias mitigation techniques: These techniques involve carefully curating training data and designing models that are less likely to perpetuate existing biases.
  • Explainability and interpretability research: This area focuses on understanding how LLMs arrive at their outputs, making them more transparent and trustworthy.
  • Ethical guidelines and best practices: Establishing clear ethical guidelines for responsible LLM development and deployment is crucial to ensuring they benefit society as a whole.

Remember, the Power Lies with You:

Even with these advancements, responsible use remains important.

  • Critical thinking is key. Don’t blindly accept everything an LLM generates. Question, analyze, and cross-check information before relying on it.
  • Be aware of potential biases. Recognize that LLMs, like any AI system, may reflect the biases present in their training data. Be mindful of these biases and interpret their output accordingly.
  • LLMs are tools, not replacements. Think of LLMs as powerful tools to augment human intelligence, not as replacements for critical thinking and human judgment.

The Future is Now

In embracing the LLM revolution, we have to understand that LLMs are poised to reshape the very fabric of our lives. Imagine a world where:


  • Personalized learning platforms: LLMs tailor lessons to your individual needs and learning style, making education more engaging and effective. As I mentioned earlier, adaptive learning platforms like EdApp, Adaptemy, Knewton, CogBooks, Realizeit, and Pearson Interactive Labs are already doing great work as regards this.
  • Automated grading and feedback: LLMs can handle time-consuming tasks like grading essays, freeing up teachers to focus on personalized guidance. A good example of a platform already doing this is QuillBot, which uses LLMs to analyze student essays and provide real-time feedback on grammar, style, and plagiarism.
  • Intelligent tutoring systems: LLMs become virtual tutors, offering real-time support and adapting to your understanding in real-time. LaMDA by Google AI, which is still under development, holds immense potential for creating conversational and engaging virtual tutors capable of adapting to student responses and offering real-time guidance.


  • Medical diagnosis assistance: LLMs can analyze patient data and medical literature to assist doctors in diagnosis and treatment planning. Zebra Medical is an Israeli company that utilizes LLMs alongside AI algorithms to analyze medical images like X-rays and CT scans, aiding in early disease detection and diagnosis.
  • Virtual patient consultations: LLMs can conduct initial consultations, freeing up doctors for more complex cases and improving accessibility.
  • Drug discovery acceleration: LLMs can analyze vast datasets to identify potential drug candidates, speeding up the development of life-saving medicines.


  • Breaking down language barriers: LLMs can translate languages seamlessly in real-time, fostering global communication and understanding.
  • Real-time communication across cultures: LLMs can bridge cultural nuances, ensuring clear and effective communication across diverse backgrounds.
  • Personalized communication tools: LLMs can adapt communication styles to individual preferences, enhancing engagement and understanding.

Creative Industries:

  • Personalized content creation: LLMs can craft personalized stories, poems, scripts, and even music tailored to your preferences and emotions.
  • Automated writing assistance: LLMs can help writers overcome writer’s block, suggest creative ideas, and even edit and proofread their work.
  • Innovative storytelling formats: LLMs can push the boundaries of storytelling, creating interactive and immersive experiences.

But the future isn’t just about technology; it’s about collaboration. Humans and LLMs can work together to:

  • Augment human capabilities: LLMs can enhance our skills, not replace them, freeing us to focus on higher-level thinking and creativity.
  • Human-centered design and development: By prioritizing human needs and values, we can ensure LLMs are used ethically and responsibly.
  • Ethical considerations are at the forefront. Open discussions and clear guidelines are crucial to ensuring LLMs benefit all of humanity.

The future powered by LLMs is bright, filled with the potential for progress, creativity, and positive change. While challenges exist, they can be overcome through collaboration, responsible development, and a focus on human well-being.

Embrace the LLM revolution, and be a part of shaping a future where technology empowers us to create a better world.

By now, you should have understood the potential of LLMs and how they can reshape different areas like communication, information access, and even creative expression. The interesting part is that this is just the beginning, considering the rate at which research is going on and investment by top companies like Meta, Google, OpenAI, Microsoft, and many more.

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