Cursed Money…

Samir Kazimi
1 min readMay 27, 2020


The cursed money.

Just a Late night poem inspired by my own very Life….

I am Money And I am Cursed.

The poor calls me Malediction,

The rich calls me their Beloved.

You can see me Everywhere But,

Can’t easily have ME.

I either Demolish life’s or,

Create them.

I make Mortals do Inconceivable Things,

Just to get a Fraction of ME.

Have me, and live a joyful life.

Lose me, and live a life full of sorrow.

Value ME, and I will make you a King,

Disrespect ME, and I will put you Down.

I might be cursed but,

I am the only thing that can Feed You…

People Kill each other for ME,

That’s how powerful I AM.

There is no way for you to Outrun ME,

Because I am The Inevitable.

I am the only thing that runs the World,

Without ME it would Shatter.

There is more than enough of ME in the entire World,

But only few lucky get their hands on ME…

I am only cursed for those,

Who don’t have ME.

And for those who have ME,

I am a Blessing.

I am Money and I am Cursed.

John Gruber Kelsey Blum Nate McCowan Malanda Jean-Claude Austin Kleon Rachel B. Baxter



Samir Kazimi

A normal looking guy with an Exceptional Mind. And I’m a poet, writer & photographer.