Read this before buying a electric car. 10 pros and cons of owning a electric car.

Samir Kazimi
4 min readMay 23, 2020


The electric car has been around a lot longer than most people realize, in fact the very first one was made in 1890!

The world’s first ever electric car, 1890

Since 1890 a lot has changed. Technology has become more advanced, specially in the auto’s industry. We have built cars that people back in 18th century could have only imagined it in their dreams but as more powerful and fast cars were built, it put a lot of stress on our environment hence global warming. The reason for this was that most of the cars were diesel/petrol based. Electric cars were not so popular because of their unreliability but was everything changed when Tesla’s founder Elon Musk introduced Tesla Roadster in 2008.

Tesla’s first ever model Tesla Roadster.

Since then there is been a high demand of electric cars but there still are few cons of owning a electric car. Let’s get to it.

The cons of owning a electric car:

  1. Finding charging stations can be challenging

Even though you can charge an electric vehicle at home, finding charging stations while on the road can be challenging -especially if you’re driving through rural areas on a long-distance trip. Now that more areas are embracing EVs, as are numerous hotel chains, which have started to include EV chargers in their parking lots.

2. Charging can take a while

Yes, people charging an electric vehicle is going to take time no matter how advanced it is. Electric vehicles are just like our smartphones, the only difference between them is just electric vehicles have 4-wheels and is very big in size to fit certain amount of people in it.

3. Driving range is limited

If you are planning to go on a long trip then an electric vehicle is not a good option because of lack of charging stations. Whereas the driving range of a gas/diesel powered car is much longer than that of an electric vehicle.

4. Initial costs are expensive

Although the cost of an electric car can be offset by fuel cost savings and tax credits, the upfront cost of most electric cars is higher than comparable gas powered cars.

5. Changing battery packs are expensive

This might be the most annoying one. Although little maintenance is generally needed, don’t be shocked if you need to replace your electric car’s battery pack at least once during its lifetime. Doing can be so expensive, although it’s worth noting that the price has dropped significantly over the past few years.

The pros of owning an electric car

Although there are a few cons about owning a electric car but it has a lot of pros to make up for it. So let’s get to it.

  1. Low ongoing costs

Recharging an electric car is much more affordable than refueling a gas-fueled car. This is especially true when taking into account the fact that you can recharge your electric car at home.

2. Reduce carbon footprint

According to the EPA, traditional gas-fueled vehicles emit an average of 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide a year (assuming that the vehicle gets 22 miles to the gallon and is driven for around 11,500 miles per year). Electric cars emit exactly zero carbon dioxide, making them much more environmentally friendly.

3. Low maintenance needs

Mechanical engines have a lot of moving parts, including pumps and valves, along with components such as filters and spark plugs, that electric cars don’t have. These components often require repair and replacement. Since electric cars don’t have these components, they require less maintenance.

4. High quality performance

Electric cars are known for operating smoothly and quietly. Electric motors also tend to react much quicker than mechanical engines. Additionally, electric cars tend to operate more efficiently in stop-and-go driving situations.

5. More convenient

A lot of people mistakenly think that electric cars are more inconvenient since you have to find a charging station, which isn’t as easy to find as a gas station. However, you could argue that an electric vehicle is actually more convenient since it can be charged at home using a standard outlet.

So, guys these were the pros and cons of owning a electric vehicle. However if you still decided to buy an electric car and having trouble which one to buy then watch this video, it will surely help you in your decision

Thanks for reading.



Samir Kazimi

A normal looking guy with an Exceptional Mind. And I’m a poet, writer & photographer.