Q&A With Laura Ludwin: The Face Behind GG Boutique in Fort Collins

samantha gaston
3 min readFeb 27, 2017


Grandma GG’s dress (photo taken by Sam Gaston)

Many college women in the Fort Collins area have seen the little yellow house that is perched on Laurel Street. This house is GG Boutique and inside, you will find its owner, Laura Ludwin. She shares the story of how the boutique came to be, how the store has grown, and what she envisions for its future.

What or who was your inspiration for the boutique?

Ludwin: Well I was inspired by my grandmother, GG. She was my style icon and I kept her in mind when I started the store. The goal of the boutique is to make each woman that comes through the doors feel very special and beautiful, and my grandma always did that to people. Her dress is hung up in the front of the store to bring her presence here everyday.

You opened the store in 2012, what’s changed since then?

Ludwin: Social media is a big one. Our Snapchat has blown up and has helped us reach a wider audience and meet more audience needs. It’s very convenient and helps us connect with customers more. We also have a blog, so it’s fun for our customers to see items online and then see them in the store and create their own looks. It has definitely helped us grow our audience in the Fort Collins area and reach more people across the country.

Speaking of audience, how have you learned to cater to the college market?

Ludwin: Well a big thing for us is pricing. Our selection starts at $3o and then our highest price is around $70. It’s important for our customers to know we understand their needs and price range. I also think that our styles are perfect for college girls because we have styles for every occasion. The location of the store is great too. We are so close to campus and Old Town. Even if we’re not close to a customer, they can shop on our online store.

What are future plans for GG Boutique?

Ludwin: Our growth has been amazing these past couple of years, so I would like to continue that. We would like to continue to grow on social media and online. We’ve found that this is what works best when trying to reach our customers. We love hearing their feedback and knowing what they like and want to see more of. The customers mean so much to us so knowing their input and that we value what they have to say is something we take pride in.

GG Boutique remains a Ft. Collins favorite for many reasons. “GG and the Gems” want to make sure you feel beautiful and like family. So next time you’re thinking about where to go to get that perfect outfit, make sure to stop in the little yellow house.

