To The Best Friend We Never Met: Lessons from Chandler Bing

Samuel Oke
3 min readOct 29, 2023


“Could I BE any funnier?” — Chandler Bing

In the world of “Friends”, one of the biggest sitcoms, Chandler Bing has solidified his place as one of the most beloved and iconic characters of all time. Central to its charm and humor is Chandler Bing, portrayed brilliantly by Matthew Perry. Chandler’s witty one-liners, sarcasm, and endearing quirks made him a character we all grew to love. But what truly sets Chandler apart are the little life lessons he imparted and the countless smiles he brought to our faces.

  1. Sarcasm as a Defense Mechanism : Chandler Bing is the king of sarcasm. He uses it as a defense mechanism to mask his vulnerabilities. This reminds us that humor can be a powerful coping mechanism, helping us navigate life’s ups and downs with a smile. We learned from Chandler that sometimes it’s okay to laugh at ourselves and our flaws.
  2. Embrace Your Uniqueness : Chandler’s obsession with humor isn’t just about deflecting emotional moments. It’s also a celebration of his uniqueness. He showed us that it’s perfectly fine to be yourself, even if you’re a little quirky. Embrace your oddities, and don’t be afraid to let your true personality shine
  3. Friendship Matters : Chandler, along with the rest of the “Friends” gang, reminds us of the value of friendship. His bond with Joey, Ross, Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe is at the heart of the show. We learned that life’s challenges are more bearable when you have good friends by your side, and laughter is a universal language that strengthens those bonds.
  4. True Love Can Be Found in Unexpected Places : Chandler’s journey from commitment-phobic to a loving husband is a testament to the idea that true love can surprise you when you least expect it. His relationship with Monica Geller teaches us that love often flourishes in the most unexpected places and with the most unexpected people.
  5. Laughter Heals: Chandler’s humor is a remedy for many situations. Whether it’s a terrible job or a difficult family moment, he uses laughter as a healing tool. His laughter was contagious, and he showed us that even in tough times, a good laugh can be the best medicine.

Chandler Bing may be a fictional character, but his impact on our lives is very real. His witty quips, lovable quirks, and personal growth throughout the series provide us with valuable life lessons. He reminds us that humor, friendship, and love are some of the most important ingredients for a fulfilling life. So, thank you, Matthew Perry, for being Chandler Bing and for being the best friend we all never met.



Samuel Oke

Product manager/ marketing/ writer